Death & Dying

A Good Dying is offering comfort around the often challenging subject of dying and death. It is a subject easily associated with deep feelings. With painful experiences. With being an uncharted territory.

When we are facing these challenges, quotations from wise ones can bring us the comfort of short insights. Sometimes through glimpses into a new perspective. Sometimes through news vistas.

May we all find the comfort of an easier end to our precious lives.

My name is Ulla Mentzel. I love to help those in need to let go of their fears of dying and of death. I love to do this for the simple reason, that I believe that it is so easy to miss out on enjoying this glorious life here on Planet Earth as long as we have any fears about its end. For me the end of our physical bodies is always a way to go home. A coming home.

In loving and celebrating our letting go into death’s arms
We are graced with being birthed breathtakingly into more living

I give permission to copy and redistribute this content as long as full credit is given and it is distributed freely. © 2013