- Poor Diet
- Genetically modified foods
- Leaky gut
- Chronic disease
- Certain medications
- GI complaints
- Diabetes type 2
- The elderly
- Alcohol dependence
- High levels vitamin D supplements
- Vitamin K2 deficiency
- Diet – WFPB Diet
- Avoid foods that are genetically modified
- Attend to any recurring bacterial or fungal infections due to low nitric oxide or a depressed immune system
- Have full dental health check
- Magnesium chloride baths / Epsom salts baths
- Restore digestive health – gut repair program – Restore gut microbiome if antibiotics used
- IMMUNOClean™
- Follow our Whole Food Plant-Based Diet – call DBM Physician / Practitioner for more guidance if needed.
- Daily Nutrition
- Use our Eat To Live 15-Day Program and download the recipes
- Probiotics
- Hydration
- Foods To Remove From Your Diet
- Follow the 5 Track Plan – BUT first consult your DBM Physician
- IMMUNOClean™ – Oral protocols
- Health imbalances are very Patient Specific – it could be any of the above protocols – please consult with your DBM Physician
- This is a simplified version of our program.
- A stronger intervention might be required – contact your DBM Physician