Therapeutic Cleansing

“The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his Patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”– Thomas Edison

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How To Restore Health?

Our bodies were created with an inbuilt, disease-protection / janitorial system called the IMMUNE SYSTEM –  If you become sick, it is because your immune system has been overwhelmed or is not working as it should.

Here lies the main key to our restoration plan:

  • Restore the immune system to its fully functioning capacity by increasing cellular energy production of its individual immune system cells, thereby increasing their job performance.
  • Repair and repopulate the gut to create a healthy microbiome.
  • Replenish the body’s fuel through healthy, toxin-free nutrients.
  • Reduce the body’s toxic load through cleansing.

General health can be Improved and maintained without resorting to the use of pharmaceuticals. 

The main goal in any health plan is to increase the energy output of your body’s cells – so that they can work correctly and efficiently to keep you healthy – translated into action, this involves the following 3 steps: 

  1. Clean the Body’s Cleaning Organs
  2. Attend to Diet, Lifestyle and Emotional State
  3. Apply Therapies to Target your Specific Health Problem, once the cause has been established.

Solution for a Sustainable, Health-Promoting, Energy-Producing Cycle

By attending to the needs of each one of our cells, we essentially take care of our whole body.  Our physical being consists of approximately 100 trillion cells (nobody’s actually counted them!), connected according to a wonderfully complex and structured design. 

  • Obviously, our diet needs to supply the cells’ primary structural components (e.g. amino acids and minerals)
  •  We also need to ensure that the power plants (mitochondria) in our cells receive the necessary raw materials for cellular energy production – this is the key to health, to enable our cells (and especially our immune system cells) to get on with their specific jobs, and keep our body “humming”. 

What do the “Power Plants” (mitochondria) in our cells need to produce energy? 


The number of mitochondria in a cell varies with cell type (E.g. Red blood cells have none [this special case allows more space for haemoglobin, enabling cell to carry more oxygen, and also more flexibility to diffuse through capillaries], muscle cells can contain hundreds and liver cells about 1000- 2000 mitochondria).  Their cumulative energy output determines how well the cell can function.

Our Therapies Address the Following

  • Provide the body’s cells with OXYGEN and/or ELECTRONS
  • Aid delivery of OXYGEN / ELECTRONS to the cells
  • Aid waste removal from cells

Examples of energy uses in the body 

  • Cellular energy is used for all bodily functions – for example, to pump blood through the heart, to digest food, to produce nerve impulses, to make muscles contract.
  •  Immune system cells need energy to deal with and remove waste products, toxins, invading microbes (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi) and cancer cells from the body.
  • Sufficient cellular energy keeps blood cells from clumping together – When red blood cells are clumped together, oxygen absorption is decreased because of the reduced surface area, and therefore energy production is reduced. Notice the vicious circle.
  • “In-house” Cellular Functions Require Energy – not only to remove cellular waste, but also for cellular regeneration, to keep the body vital and looking younger.

Why are our Cells not producing Enough Energy?

We are not getting enough of the “ingredients” that our cells require to make energy:

  • Not Enough Oxygen
  • Not Enough Vitamins / Minerals
  • Not Eating the Right Fats
  • Not Enough Natural Energy
  • Too Many “Invaders”
  • Poor “Nutritional status” inherited from parents (E.g. if either parent has candida, it will be passed to their baby via parental germ cells during conception)

So, Why Cleanse the Body’s Organs?

To clean out built up toxins, to allow the organs of the body to function optimally, so that the body’s cells can receive oxygen and/or electrons. 


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