General Information on why we do a parasite cleanse
Parasites are far more common than one would expect. It’s a myth that parasites only exist in underdeveloped countries. Parasites can cause a myriad of symptoms, only a few of which are actually digestive in nature.
Some examples of parasites include roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, whipworms, hookworms, and more. Because parasites vary so greatly, they can cause a very wide range of problems. Some consume the body’s nutrients/food, leaving one feeling hungry after every meal and unable to gain weight. Others feed off of red blood cells, causing anaemia. Some lay eggs that can cause itching, irritability, and even insomnia. If the patient has tried countless approaches to heal their gut and relieve their symptoms without any success, a parasite could be the underlying cause for many of their unexplained and unresolved symptoms.
How Do You Get Parasites?
There are a number of ways to contract a parasite. First, parasites can enter your body through contaminated food and water. Undercooked meat is a common place for parasites to hide, as well as contaminated water from underdeveloped countries, lakes, ponds, or creeks. However, meat is the not the only culprit. Unclean or contaminated fruits and vegetables can also harbour parasites. Some parasites can even enter the body by traveling through the bottom of your foot.
Once a person is infected with a parasite, it’s very easy to pass it along. If you have a parasite and don’t wash your hands after using the restroom, you can easily pass microscopic parasite eggs onto anything you touch — the door handle, the salt shaker, your phone, or anyone you touch. It’s also very easy to contract a parasite when handling animals. Hand washing is a major opportunity to prevent parasite contamination and transmission.
Traveling overseas is another way that foreign parasites can be introduced to your system. If you consumed any contaminated water during your travels, you may have acquired a parasite of some kind.
Symptoms of parasitic infection
- You have an explained constipation, diarrhoea, gas, or other symptoms of IBS
- You travelled internationally and remember getting traveller’s diarrhoea while abroad
- You have a history of food poisoning and your digestion has not been the same since
- You have trouble falling asleep, or you wake up multiple times during the night
- You get skin irritations or unexplained rashes, hives, rosacea or eczema
- You grind your teeth in your sleep
- You have pain or aching in your muscles or joints
- You experience fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or frequent feelings of apathy
- You never feel satisfied or full after your meal
- You’ve been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anaemia
The signs of a parasite can often appear unrelated and unexplained. As mentioned previously, there are MANY different types of parasites that we are exposed to in our environments. We typically see parasites causing more constipation in patients than diarrhoea, but some parasites are capable of changing the fluid balance in your gut and causing diarrhoea. Trouble sleeping, skin irritations, mood changes, and muscle pain can all be caused by the toxins that parasites release into the bloodstream.
These toxins often cause anxiety, which can manifest itself in different ways. For instance, waking up in the middle of the night or grinding your teeth in your sleep are signs that your body is experiencing anxiety while you rest. When these toxins interact with your neurotransmitters or blood cells, they can cause mood swings or skin irritation.
Parasite Check List
Parasites are organisms that live by feeding upon another organism. Parasites living in the human body feed on our cells, our energy, our blood, the food we eat, and even the supplements we take. There are many types of parasites from single-celled organisms that are only visible under a microscope to tapeworms that grow up to about 12 meters.
It is a common misconception that parasites exist only in third world countries. Over 200 types of parasites have been found in North America. Parasites are transmitted from person to person, pets, insects, soil, unfiltered water and even tap water.
Most parasites will cause noticeable symptoms, such as diarrhea, but some cause no noticeable symptoms. Because many will travel through the blood to any organ, parasites can cause problems that are often not recognized. A parasitic infection can often go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. For example, a roundworm infestation in the stomach can give the appearance of a peptic ulcer. Chronic giardiasis can be an undetected factor or missing diagnosis in IBS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Bacterial and parasitic infections can result in many diseases and constitute the greatest cause of morbidity and mortality.
The most common symptoms of parasite infections are:
Abdominal painAllergiesAnorexiaAppetite changesArthritisAsthmaBloatingBloody stoolsBrain fogCancerColitisConstipationDermatitisDiarrhoea | Memory lossMucus in the stoolsMuscle painNauseaPoor appetitePoor digestionPoor immunityRectal bleedingRectal itchingSkin rashTapewormsUnexplained weight lossMalabsorption Lymph blockage | Dry coughFever and chillsFlatulenceGasGastrointestinal symptomsHeadachesHeartburnHivesInsomniaIntestinal crampsIrritable bowelJoint painLeaky gut |
For more information on Parasites – visit Parasites – Uninvited Guests.