Oral Cleansing – Amalgam Removal

Amalgam Removal

Questions To Ask Your Dentist

(To determine whether he is equipped to remove the mercury)

  • How do you prevent mercury residue from entering the mouth?
  • Do you use a rubber dam?
  • Do you use an ionizing system or high volume vacuum system?
  • Do you provide the patient with an oxygen air supply delivered nasally?
  • Do you provide or recommend the patient take anything before, during & after the procedure?
  • Do you cross the mid-line during a single treatment if you are not using IV conscious sedation?
  • Do you do electrical testing? If so, do you remove the amalgams in electrical order? By quadrant?
  • How do you drill out the amalgam? Do you use low speed drilling?
  • Do you irrigate the filling with water to keep it cool during drilling?
  • Do you use a high-volume evacuator to remove air from the mouth such as a “Clean Up” tip from Bio Probe?
  • Do you check under old crowns to see if any mercury is present? Do you replace old crowns with biocompatible ones?
  • Do you do Biocompatibility testing to select the replacement material?
  • Do you recommend follow-up chelation and detoxification protocol, recommend an MD?
  • Do you follow the 7-14-21 day rule if not removing all the mercury on the same day?

Synopsis of Amalgam removal (see more detailed instructions below):

  • High-powered vacuum
  • Continuous cold water and suction
  • Medical grade air, provided through nose tubes (oxygen not necessary)
  • Face cloth over eyes
  • Air filters to remove mercury vapour & ionizers  to remove mercury in surrounding office air
  • Amalgam cut into 4 pieces (not drilled out),
  • IV Conscious sedation (for those who want it), Vitamin C IV drip. Intravenous conscious sedation along with IV vitamin C (nothing else added), is the best practice and the least traumatic way of having dentistry. IV-C is started just prior to dentistry and maintained during dentistry for the best effect on healing.
  • Follow biocompatibility charts, measure amperage and polarity of amalgams and remove in order of the least path of resistance per quadrant (highest negative, lowest negative, highest positive, lowest positive), acupressure to rebalance energetics and lymphatic massage after treatment.

Things patients should remember during the dental revision and for chelating afterwards

The mercury amalgam removal protocols must be strictly adhered to. If the dentist is not willing to do so, or tries to cut corners find another that will support you properly in this process. The Huggins protocol suggests you remove all your mercury fillings at once, under “conscious sedation” (intravenous drug like Valium for sedation) and using intravenous Vitamin C during the process, or at least within 30 days of each other.

The removal should be in a specific order, using electrical measurements as a guide. These measurements are taken by a device called a RITA meter, and it measures the amperage and polarity of amalgams which are then removed in order of least path of resistance per quadrant “Sequential removal of the fillings requires that the quadrant containing the highest negative current filling be removed first.

Many dentists fail to protect themselves from the repeated exposure to mercury (with an alternate air source, filtering and ionizers etc.) which often implies that they don’t take the risks and recommendations seriously. Considering dentists and their staff are exposed to mercury and its vapour on a daily level, if they don’t protect themselves adequately are they likely to protect you?

Make sure ALL of your amalgams are removed. A lot of people including your dentist may ASSUME that all the mercury is out only to find some hidden under a metal crown, or in a appecectomy root canal, or amalgam ‘tattoo’ lodged somewhere in the mouth at a later stage. X-rays can’t see through metal crowns – that is one of the reasons why you are advised to have ALL the dental metal out, including metal crowns. You can’t chelate with ANY amalgam left at all, and will make your condition much worse if you try.
Replace amalgams with metal-free and bio-compatible compounds.

Following amalgam removal oral chelation should be followed to chelate remaining mercury out your body. Mercury will stay in the blood about 6 weeks ‘looking for trouble’. Some of it is excreted, but the more of it you capture in the first 6 weeks and expel the better. After 6 weeks, mercury settles in your organs such as the brain, intestines, kidneys, liver, eyes, etc.

During Removal:

Activated Charcoal is used as a once-off at the time of removal. It only helps with current ingestion of toxins and is not to be taken regularly. Charcoal works for ingested toxins and not inhaled vapours. Inhaled mercury vapour is still present in a dentist office that use mercury/or removes mercury.  Activated charcoal literally soaks up poison in the gut in case of accidental swallowing. It is not to be taken regularly. Take 500mg fifteen minutes before the dental appointment starts and another 500mg after. Expect black coloured stools. Activated charcoal is not absorbed nor digested.

For the period after the removal of amalgams, and for at least the next 6 weeks, it is recommended that additional parsley and coriander be added to all juices and green smoothies, as well as eaten raw – added to salads.

The Real Scientific Truth of Amalgam  

The behaviour of Mercury in the body causing chronic diseases:

Amalgam is the largest non-controlled experiment ever, completely out of step with medical standards. To observe what happens to a cohort of humans, now close to old age, forced to go through life with implants in their mouths leaking mercury, Hg, in intolerable amounts with open access to the brain. Their teeth contain up to 10 grams of Hg, while poisoning requires micrograms, only. Authorities do not worry about people getting sick, how to help them; some of their diseases are not even accepted. That experiment must be stopped and systematic restoration started.

While the results of fighting infectious diseases and of surgery are excellent, chronic diseases lag in spite of enormous efforts. They accelerate in both the old (1) and in the young generations, and innovative thinking is urgent. This paper deals with the problem of amalgam in the correct way, different to that of the Establishment: To study the impact of amalgams is to study Hg-chemistry. Logically it starts with the chemical and physical properties of Hg laid down by Nature; it uses Science of Nature and logical thinking to betray its attacks and its pathogenesis. It ends with methods of cure. This science is unchangeable, non-disputable; its validity is similar to that of e.g. the law of gravity. Thus man-made clinical results are wrong, when diverging. It calls the attention to the fact, that some of the claims of mercury being safe are based on scientific blunders. Conclusion: The claims of ADA are wrong.

Most of the chemistry of mercury, Hg, has been documented 100 years ago and needs no further documentation. It includes:

Amalgam is claimed a stable alloy. No, it is highly unstable above the melting point of Hg, 39°C.  It is a liquid with a significant vapour pressure. Air saturated with Hg holds about 50.000 µg/m3 at 37°C, 2.000 – 5.000 times the limit for working areas. Although the vapour pressure of amalgam is lower and the inhaled air does not get saturated, vapours from fillings have a terrible impact on a person, not 5 x 8, but 7 x 24 hours a week, life-long from the first filling until its removal. Hg-vapours in the mouth are easily measured and made visible.

All amalgam constituents corrode when more noble metals as gold, platinum or palladium are present in the same mouth. The electric element generated together with the saliva provides for that. The toxicity of more heavy metals is highly synergistic. Every pipe fitter knows not to mix different metals to avoid corrosion.

All transition metals, able to exist in more valences, generate a large number of free radicals, including the most powerful ones, the hydroxyl radicals. So does Hg.

Hg shows an extreme affinity with sulphur containing compounds; most important are the amino acids cysteine and methionine placed in active centres of life important compounds and in proteins.

Bacteria of the streptococcus family in plaque, i.e. in direct contact with the fillings, too, and in the GI-tract transform Hg to fat soluble methyl-Hg, MeHg, considered 100 times more toxic than Hg itself. This process is common to Nature from algae upwards and the reason, why marine animals are always contaminated with MeHg, not with elementary Hg.

Questions Patients Frequently Ask

1.  Do all Mercury amalgams (Silver Fillings) Leak?

Perhaps a better term would be vaporise. Mercury vaporizes off the surface of amalgam fillings 24/7. Mercury also infuses into the pulp chamber of the tooth and enters the blood stream. The interaction of 5 metals constantly keeps amalgam giving off mercury as well as copper and other corrosion products (16 of them). Chewing food is but one way that mercury release in increased by hundreds up to thousands of percent. It has several different routes in which it can enter the body. None are healthful.

2.  Why should I not have a ROOT CANAL done?

Root canals are recommended when a tooth has been fractured, or when decay has entered the nerve chamber and created much pain. Often the body calcifies the tooth membranes, and allows it to remain. Unusual as it sounds, the body does not like dead structures in it, and a healthy body will try to reject it. Pain requiring antibiotics and pain pills are frequently used until the immune system stops working in that area. Root canals produce toxins that can increase or create many autoimmune diseases.

3.  Are implants considered a safe replacement for my teeth?

As Professor Doug Swartzendruber of the University of Colorado once said, “anything implanted into bone will create an autoimmune challenge. The only difference is the length of time it takes for a disease to appear.” We have personally seen numerous diseases with an unknown origin that may have been created by implants. It is a popular dental treatment, but not recommended for people interested in maintaining the best health.

4.  Are there symptoms and diseases that are related to dental materials and procedures?

There are dozens of diseases and hundreds of symptoms that have been related to various dental materials. Toxicity is not generally considered when manufacturing dental materials. Durability in the hostile environment of the mouth is of more concern. Mercury is a good example, as are copper, beryllium, zinc, nickel, root canals and cavitations.

5.  Is laser treatment for cleaning of root canals and cavitations considered a safe treatment?

In both root canal sockets and cavitation linings, the big concern is the anaerobic bacteria. These are ones that live in the absence of oxygen. Botulism and gangrene are examples of anaerobic bacterial action. Bad bugs. If laser can kill all the bacteria, who is going to remove the dead bacteria, or the dead bone lining the sockets? There is no blood supply here. Laser only kills, does not clean debris. Other techniques are required to leave a clean area that can fill in with bone and new blood vessels.

6.  Will having dentistry alone solve my problems?

Removal of toxic dental materials will cut off the supply of toxins, but that does nothing toward healing and repair. Balancing the body chemistry is required to supply the proper raw materials to bring about healing.

7.  After starting my revision how soon should I get it completed?

Observations have shown that if all the removal procedures (this does not count placing crowns and bridges) are accomplished within less than 30 days, healing is good. The longer over 30 days the procedures take from the initial removal, the less positive response one can expect. Frequently, when more than 6 months lapse between start and finish, the patient may find that they are worse off than when they started.

8.  Why is vitamin B-12 as a supplement or additive dangerous?

Many Universities have published articles on the ability of Vitamin B-12 to convert mercury vapour into the much more deadly “Methyl mercury”.Methyl mercury knows no barriers, and creates far more havoc than other mercury chemicals, because of its ability to travel anywhere in the body without inhibitions. Sometimes the effects of high doses of Vitamin B-12 (over 50 micrograms) take months to correct.  Whilst vegans that have been tested as being deficient are recommended to take a B12 supplement to maintain health, it is wise to first attend to the removal of amalgams before they do.  In the interim nutritional yeast will suffice.

9.  What are my nutritional needs and requirements after being affected by mercury and root canal toxins?
We seek a client’s “Ancestral Diet”, or foods that the past 2000 years of ancestry that produced you. Your blood chemistry will divulge how much carbohydrate, protein and fat your specific body requires, as well as telling how well you digest these foods. In addition, blood tells us which supplementation (if any) that you need.

10. What is the first step for a dental revision?

As with any adventure, it is best if one becomes educated in the process and expectations that dental revision and balancing body chemistry would do for you. You cannot test drive the results, so you should familiarize yourself with these aspects through reading books, asking professionals in the business and talking to people who have been through the processes when they are available. Even though any mercury is damaging to adjacent tissues, search to see if your diseases and symptoms are similar to those seen to improve upon correcting your body chemistry and doing dental revision.

11. When and what should I do for detoxify?

Foremost, remember that Detoxification is Retoxification. We have seen disasters precipitated by over detoxification with too strong a medications and too large a dosage. Detoxification, or releasing mercury from stores in the body is no real trick. The secret is in elimination. Just because you have moved mercury from your arm bone to your brain does not mean you have detoxified properly.

12. I feel fine; do I really need to balance my body chemistry?

So often people say, “Why wasn’t I told?” It is easy to avoid buying life insurance until the third engine of the airplane you are on stops. This is your choice. Want to avoid the problems we hear about daily, or strengthen your immune system now? Sort of pay now, or pay later – only later may be with a part of your life that you did not want to lose. Look over the diseases and symptoms. This could help you make your choice.

13. How do I know how much mercury is in my body?

This is tough. Cremation is about the only accurate method, but, it really does not matter. You will never get it all out, and that that is in storage is not bothering as much as that that is in circulation. The answer is to have mercury going out of the body just a few micrograms faster than it is coming in. We are all exposed to mercury daily in air, food and water. We excrete in sweat, urine and faeces. Maintaining the balance in favour of more excretion than intake will keep you feeling good, and keep your chemistry looking good. Textbooks say the body has 13 milligrams in it. We have known of several people who went on doctor controlled fasts and eliminated a quarter cup of mercury rectally at one time. That is pounds, not thousandths of a gram.

14. Why is it important to choose Huggins protocol when it comes to dental revision?

There are many mistakes which can be made in balancing body chemistry and removing dental fillings. Huggins made many of these mistakes in the 1960’s, and avoids those errors today. The current Protocol is a combination of using what works, and avoiding what harms. Remember, 63% of the people who just have fillings replaced randomly end up with symptoms or diseases that they did not have prior to filling removal. Try not to make the figure 64%. Become educated and select a trained dentist.

15. Can my dentist follow Huggins protocol?

Your dentist can take the training and follow the Protocol. This protocol is not taught in dental school, for schools teach that mercury is safe in the mouth, root canals are “Preventive dentistry”, and that cavitations do not exist. By not following the Protocol, a dentist is apt to make the mistakes that Huggins made back in the 60’s. Others can learn by his experience.

16. What are considered safe materials and do they have to be metal free?

“Safe” dental materials are those that do not produce toxins, and do not react adversely to your immune system. A special blood test can determine which dental materials react with your personal immune system, and which ones do not. Dental materials that create what are called “antigen-antibody complexes” are forming clogging particles that can get lodged in your kidney, lungs, heart or brain. These blockages of proper blood flow through critical organs can create problems that you may not want. Some metals are toxic in any form, like mercury, while others, like calcium or titanium, may not create a toxic reaction in your body. Blood tests (compatibility testing) will tell the story.

17. Are there any auxiliary therapies that I should follow?

Many auxiliary therapies can be helpful in regenerating the toxic injured body. Some of these are called “body disciplines”. Acupressure has been especially helpful in people with neurological diseases. Acupuncture also. Trager, massage, Feldenkrais, and reflexology have their places also. Each has something to offer that can be seen in the blood chemistry. Intravenous Vitamin C is a major assistance post dental as well as during dental procedures. Again, each should be evaluated individually.

18. Are there any health issues that I have to be aware of before I have my dental revision?

Perhaps a better question would be are there any health issues you have that your doctor should know about. Yes, there are medications that people take that might alter the doctor’s decision as to which procedures to use and which to avoid. Be totally honest with your physician and dentist about any conditions that you may have.

19. Is ‘Candida’ related to my amalgams (silver fillings)?

Strangely enough, Candida is there to save your life. It changes methyl mercury to a less toxic (but still toxic) form. Bacteria change it back to methyl mercury, and the system goes back and forth. If Candida were eliminated while you have amalgam in your mouth, your health will not be as good as if it were there protecting you. Complex, but yes, there is a relationship.

20. Should I begin a nutritional or a detoxification program before I have my dental revision?

Detoxification is a good idea, if done properly. Which means, please do not overdo it with drugs that are too strong for your condition. To a certain extent, it is like drying off while you are standing in the shower. It may not hurt anything, but, if you eliminate an atom of mercury that will be replaced in less than a second, you have not gained much. It is more beneficial if designed into a total program.

21. Should I remove my root canals or have my amalgams removed if I have to choose between the two?
This is like saying, should I have the left or right wheel of my airplane on the runway when landing? You are begging for a crash, and will likely have your wish granted.

Generated Symptoms and Diseases

Hg accumulates from the first filling and nervous tissue is the main target. When hurt, some get ill insidiously, some at once. Some mental symptoms of this origin are well-known to poisoned patients and after replacement they disappear over the years.

An incomplete list is:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Shyness
  • suicidal thoughts
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • tremors,
  • muscle and joint pain
  • nervousness
  • vertigo
  • numbness
  • tingling of lips and fingers
  • irritability
  • visual disorders
  • lack of concentration
  • loss of memory
  • cold extremities
  • frequent colds     ->  sinusitis,
  • insomnia
  • loss of appetite ->    loss of weight
  • increased blood pressure
  • cholesterol
  • heavy menstrual pains

This relationship appears to be unknown. The patients having these chronic disorders are not hypochondriacs, they are Hg-poisoned. Very often our papers are dealing with one or the other of these problems and the experts interviewed have no explanation.

Read more on amalgams here. and follow this link to find out how to detox after amalgam removal.