Benefits of Herbal Tea
When choosing an herbal tea remedy, make sure you pick the right one. While fruit flavoured teas – such as rosehip, apple and orange – tend to be delicious, they are developed for their flavouring more than anything else. Herbal teas on the other hand, such as thyme, peppermint and ginger have greater therapeutic virtues.
Fruit teas tend to be blended from synthetic ingredients, but herbal teas often contain real herbs.- making them effective remedies if drunk at least three to four times a day. Always read the ingredients first, to ensure that the tea you select contains “real herbs. Avoid any teas with artificial flavourings. The best quality herbal teas tend to be organic. Additional information on Tea is found on this link.found on this link
Here are some of the teas that DBM use in their programs
Bay leaf tea
A good cup of bay leaf tea is packed with nutrients. It can balance blood sugar levels; aid in digestion; reduce congestion; helps to soothe general body aches and most importantly it boosts immune function. Bay leaf has anti-inflammatory activity, supports heart health, is cancer preventative and it aids in soothing anxiety and stress. Bay leaf tea forms part of our Body Cleansing Program for the Pancreas – Follow this link for more information
Lemon tea
Part of our daily programs – we start each day with a delicious refreshing cup of lemon tea. You can add ginger and a dash of honey if you wish. Lemon itself can be added to any tea for additional boost of vitamin C. Lemon tea provides the flavonoid quercetin, which protects the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from damaging effects of free radicals. In addition, lemon contains powerful limonoids. A study published in the “Journal of Nutrition” in April 2005 revealed that lemons contain compounds called limonoids that have the potential to impede the growth and development of cancer cells. Not only did limonoids decelerate the growth rate of cancer cells, but they also enhanced cancer cell death when tested against human cancer cells. The study further states that these anti-cancer agents have free-radical scavenging activities. Information on how to make lemon tea can be found on this link. It forms part of our DBM Health Program and is taken daily, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Ginger tea
Ginger is an excellent remedy in the early stages of an infection because, as a warming spice, it can promote a fever and hasten healing. Ginger’s warming effects are also said to relieve rheumatic aches and pains by widening the blood vessels and stimulating circulation. Other healing effects from the active volatile oils and pungent phenol compounds (gingerols and shogaols which give ginger its power) are: high levels of vitamin c and amino acids, as well as various trace elements such as calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, and many others.
Drinking ginger tea can: Help the body absorb nutrients; Help alleviate the stomach pain; Help with irritable bowel syndrome; Help with weight loss; Help fight cancer; Help manage glucose levels; Improve circulation; Improve the food digestion; Increases the production of gastric juice; Protect against Alzheimer’s Disease; Open inflamed airways; Reduce arthritic inflammation; Relieve menstrual discomfort; Relieve stress; Stimulate appetite and has a powerful anti-spasmodic action. Information on how to make ginger tea can be found on this link. It forms part of our DBM Health Program and is taken daily, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, as part of your lemon tea recipe, alternatively as an anti-nausea drink, when doing the Parasite Cleanse.
Dandelion tea
This humble weed is an excellent liver detoxer. It improves digestion, can aid in weight loss, eases congestion of the liver. It helps to purify the bladder and kidneys. It reduces the risk of urinary tract infections. Helps to eas bloating and aching joints and helps to normalise skin conditions. Good source of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamin B and C. To read more on dandelion – follow this link.
The small golden buds of chamomile give many people relief from mild insomnia. Chamomile is the principal ingredient in many ‘sleepytime’ tea blends. This is because chamomile contains tryptophan, an amino acid known for its tranquilizing effects. When taken as an infusion, these properties act as a relaxant in our bodies and help to promote sleep. Using food as medicine is what we recommend daily. To read more on chamomile tea, follow this link.
Green Tea
Japanese green tea leaves strengthen tissue cells found all over the body, and so protects the body from ageing. This is because green tea is high in antioxidants – compounds produced in the body that protect the cells from damage such as pollutants.To read more on green tea, follow this link.
Thyme cures styes and aids pink eye. It cleans scrapes and cuts immediately with its antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Thyme treats women with menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms also. Thyme is a common remedy for stomach ailments, lung congestion, coughing ailments and overall flu conditions. It is even used to remove nightmares from children. Thyme is used for sprains, rheumatism, muscular atrophy, stroke, multiple sclerosis and paralysis. For more information on thyme, follow this link.
Fennel is one of our favourite multi-functional teas. Gastrointestinal Issues & Improves Digestive Health – treats heartburn. It is an antispasmodic, so it can help relax the digestive tract and ease cramps and gas and to treat irritable bowel syndrome. The essential oil of fennel contains estrogen, which inhibits muscles spasms, allowing you to digest more easily. It even relieves hiccups. Its aromatic and carminative properties are an excellent ally to treat flatulence, diarrhea, bloating or stomach cramps, which are also symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Fennel tea reduces acid levels in both your stomach and rids the intestines of worms and bacteria. To read more on fennel, follow this link.
Peppermint tea
Helps to relieve stress and anxiety, proven to give you a more restful sleep. Peppermint tea is ideal to aid concentration. It can be an appetite suppressant so can aid in weight loss if eating the right diet. The menthol in the tea helps with sinus congestion related to colds and allergies. It soothes stomach problems as it is a carminative. To read more on the benefits of the mint amily, (mint, peppermint and spearmint), follow the links
Hibiscus tea
This delicious ruby red tea has a slight sour taste similar to that of cranberry. It has the added benefit of being caffeine-free. Ideal drink for the management of blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and has the added benefit of protecting the liver. The protocatechuic acid in this plant has anti-tumour and antioxidant properties and studies have suggested that hibiscus slows down the growth of cancerous cells by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death). Rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C). This tea stimulates the immune system and is known for its ant-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Other benefits: provides relief from menstrual pain, contains anti-depressant properties, aids digestion, satiates thirst, beneficial for losing weight (if consuming the right diet). Hibiscus tea is superior to matcha green tea when it comes to anti-oxidant content.
Note: this tea is not recommended for those with low blood pressure, pregnant or hoping to become pregnant. If consumed in large amounts, some people can develop allergic reactions such as itchy red eyes, sinus or hay fever. To read more on hibiscus tea, follow this link.
How To Make Tea With Loose Herbs
Learn Infusions, decoctions, how to use a french press with organic bulk herbs and organic tea blends. Produced by Mountain Rose Herbs.
The purpose of these pages is not to suggest that you select ONLY these foods to supplement your deficiency, but to show you that if you are eating a healthy balanced diet, eating from the rainbow, and excluding toxic foods, restore your gut-health, then your body will automatically receive the nutrients it needs. Whilst the list of foods that we recommend you exclude from your diet is currently on our Daily Nutrition page – it is vital that in order to gain good health, you begin this exclusion process as soon as possible.
The Whole Food Plant based plate gives a good indication of the “The Four Food Groups”. For a balanced diet follow the recommended daily servings as indicated. Use this as a guide to get you started whilst eating the foods you enjoy, until you are familiar and comfortable with the quantities and volumes you need to sustain a healthy lifestyle.
The DBM Food Pyramid gives a good indication of types and volumes foods that we recommend to all DBM Patients / Clients. Please remember, you may only eat the goat cheese and other goat products as indicated on that pyramid, on the advice of your DBM Physician / Practitioner.
Ensure that when selecting fruits and vegetables you Eat from The Rainbow. Whole grains and legumes form an important part of this natural, balanced lifestyle.
By eating whole foods, a wide variety of fruit and veggies (eating from the rainbow) you will get all the nutrients your body needs. To show you how wonderful fruits and veggies are – look at the graphics on the Eat From The Rainbow page and you will clearly see that a wide range of fruit and veggies will more than provide for your needs.
Please be aware that external lists or websites we link to might include fish, meat, soya, or other foods that are restricted on all DBM programs. The links are retained as a requirement of copyright. The publishing of this list is intended as educational and certain foods that this article might be listed or linked to do not support DBMs philosophies or practices.
At all times, ensure that the foods you select are permitted by your DBM Physician for your health imbalance. Select only NON-GMO sources that are organic and/or sundried.
We are obliged to notify you that the information on this website is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Doctors Across Borders NPO t/as Doctors Beyond Medicine, the author(s) nor publisher(s) take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.