- Poor Diet
- Eating large meals, snacking too close to bedtime
- Not chewing your food sufficiently
- High levels of inflammation from poor diet and other health imbalance indicators
- Low levels of stomach acid
- Magnesium deficiency
- Hiatal hernia
- Old age
- Pregnancy
- Obesity / being overweight
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Smoking
- Certain medications
- Heartburn
- The first symptom of possible H. pylori infection; tied to stomach ulcers
- Diet – WFPB Diet
- Avoid foods that are triggers
- Reprogram chewing patterns
- Intermittent fasting
- Apple cider vinegar – boost stomach acid levels
- Hydration
- Drink sufficient water: consider for your age, activity level, climate you live in and diet
- Clean spring or borehole water
- Magnesium Chloride Baths / Epsom Salts Baths
- Restore digestive health – gut repair program
- Manage stress
- Exercise
- Raise the head of the bed
- IMMUNOClean™
- Probiotics
- Follow our Whole Food Plant-Based Diet – call DBM Physician / Practitioner for more guidance if needed.
- Use our Eat To Live 15-Day Program and download the recipes
- See Nutrition for Life Page – Daily Nutrition
- See Nutrition for Life: Food for Life
- Hydration
- Probiotics
- See our 5-In-5-Out-Plan – Things to Remove From Your Diet
- Follow the 5 Track Plan – BUT first consult
- your DBM Physician
- IMMUNOClean™ – Oral protocols
- Health Imbalances are very Patient Specific – it could be any of the above protocols – please consult with your DBM Physician
- This is a simplified version of our program.
- A stronger intervention might be required – contact your DBM Physician