Please contact us for a consultation and tailored program relevant to your ailment, which will include nutrition, body cleansing, immune activation, and whatever else may be relevant.
Fatigue is described as a feeling of tiredness and a feeling of lacking any energy or will power to exert oneself physically. Anyone who has exerted himself or herself physically may suffer from fatigue. However, there is a syndrome known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome where the feeling of fatigue is not related completely to exertion.
In a condition such as this, rest and relaxation do not completely alleviate the symptoms that are being experienced by a person.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be caused by a number of factors. Chronic fatigue syndrome cannot be proven by blood testing and has no clinical significance.
It is a feeling experienced by the patient and as such cannot be treated through medication. Abnormalities in the level of hormones produced in the body might cause the body to not produce or store enough energy, which may lead to the symptoms of this syndrome.
When a person is lacking certain vital nutrients in their bloodstream, like iron, one might be chronically fatigued. Such iron shortages if not too critical can be addressed by altering ones diet.
Chronic fatigue syndrome may also be caused by a poor diet that does not provide enough energy to the person. This will probably be accompanied by weight loss or lack of weight gain. Trying to improve the overall functioning of the body can treat chronic fatigue syndrome.
Slowly exercising ones body under instruction from a doctor is useful. One can gradually build up the rate of exercise in order to improve stamina and reduce the effect of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Nutrition and Chronic Fatigue:
You can focus on your diet to alleviate your symptoms. Food should be consumed regularly throughout the day without too many large gaps between meals. Starvation diets to lose weight are likely to cause extreme fatigue and are not healthy. Hydration is extremely important, and one must drink water regularly, even if not quite thirsty.
You should focus on a diet that is known to be compatible with your system. Do not eat foods that may cause you to have an upset stomach like excessively spicy foods or foods that cause allergies.
These reactions drain the body of energy. You should increase your intake for vegetables and you should try to have as many raw vegetables, like carrots, as possible. Breakfast is a vital meal and is often consumed in a rush and without much nutritional benefit. Stick to a routine that allows you time to eat a full and wholesome breakfast.
Don’t let anyone tell you that there is one cause of CFS. It would most certainly be an insult if you just stop and think of the following factors that any medical practitioner should know about.
- Environmental toxins in your work place and your home such as detergents, cleaning materials, polishes, carpet cleaners, garden pesticides and all the toxic personal products you use on your body and hair. There are alternatives to all the above toxic materials – see recommended links.
- Dead foods bought in packages, pizzas, breads, sugars/sweeteners, coffees, sodas, alcohol, fast foods and too many cooked foods cause rancidity, acidity and toxins to the body and organs which then become overtaxed causing tiredness. There is purely a shortage of all the nutrients that the body needs on a daily basis as recommended in “Awareness” Vol. One.
- Major work – place and home electromagnetic fields that upset your natural biorhythms and are slowly destructive to you and your immune system.
- If you are overweight it means you are carrying old food in your colon and sometimes further up the digestive system and these old impacted foods (faeces) give toxins to the liver and subsequently all systems slow down until one day, if ignored, they shut down.
- Water, water, water. Many of the above would not exist had you always drank your eight glasses of water daily, it’s that simple. Water carries nutrients to the blood cells, water carries toxins out of the body, and water helps metabolism. WATER!
- Hormone imbalances caused by the toxic food chain that you have entrusted to government regulations that now allow petrochemicals into foods, oils, and water supplies can also contribute.
Anti Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet
Foods to Eat and to Avoid
- We believe in holistic health and healing, as we realise that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man’s understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.
- In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition.
- No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies such as IMMUNOCleanTM Drops.
- To this end the use of FaithTM Drops in conjunction with a healthy eating plan and some supplemental assistance until the body reaches homeostasis is recommended and set out below.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome is, quite simply, a term given to many different conditions with one similar symptom – extreme tiredness. These ailments have many different possible causes, and the term CFS is used largely when the underlying cause of one’s fatigue cannot be ascertained.
- It could well be your diet that is causing you to feel so tired. Consider the things you eat and drink and think about the way they affect you. Are you eating healthfully? Are you getting the right nutrition to help you get as much energy as you need?
- A few basic dietary changes can really go a long way in treating your chronic fatigue syndrome. There are things that you should and shouldn’t eat that can really help you to reduce your fatigue, and some of the elements of a good anti chronic fatigue syndrome diet are discussed below.
- Up to 60% of people who suffer from CFS also have too much yeast in their bodies. This excess yeast not only uses up nutrients and deprives your body of much needed nutrition, it also produces a lot of toxins, which flood and impair the body’s immune and detoxification systems.
- At the same time, it also overwhelms the good bacteria that live in our bodies; without sufficient good bacteria, our intestines cannot maintain a healthy immune system, and, of course, without a strong immune system, a person becomes very susceptible to ailments such as the flu and colds.
- Over time, these things can cause you to feel run down and tired. Indeed, a yeast overgrowth often causes people to feel as if they are getting sick all the time.
- A good anti chronic fatigue syndrome diet should include healthy probiotics, or sources of good bacteria. And, if you have a yeast problem, an anti Candida protocol would be in order. Speak to your HCP and get information on how to perform a simple at home test to check if you do have candida.
- Stop eating foods that are high in sugar and empty calories. Stay away from processed and simple carbohydrates, because these foods only give you a temporary boost. Stick with healthy foods that take time and energy to digest, as this will help you avoid the crash that comes later in the day with the unhealthy alternatives.
- Add a highly nutritious and energy boosting supplement such as spirulina and flax seed to your anti chronic fatigue syndrome diet. Consider taking both, as they each have their own set of benefits.
- Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which will help keep your brain functioning at its best, while Spirulina contains all the nutrients your body needs in a highly digestible form. Together, these supplements may provide you with the energy you are lacking with chronic fatigue syndrome.
- If you don’t already, you should drink plenty of water as part of your anti chronic fatigue syndrome diet. Many people don’t realise that one of the things that keep them feeling fatigued is the fact that they are dehydrated. When you are choosing a beverage, consider pure water as your main choice.
- Ditch the carbonated, caffeinated drinks that you are used to and choose fresh juices, water and green tea instead. This will help regulate your sugar level and prevent any crashing due to the temporary pick up of pop or coffee.
- Such undesirable beverages also take more water out of your body, than they provide to it, thereby further dehydrating you.
- Raw produce is another key part of good anti chronic fatigue syndrome diets, and you should thus make sure to eat lots of raw fruits and veggies that offer you plenty of fiber and nutrients.
- In addition to fruits and veggies, you should also eat a handful of unsalted nuts each day because they are high in protein and nutrients your body needs. Don’t overdo it, though – a handful is all you will need in your anti chronic fatigue syndrome diet.
- Complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat, oat bran, sweet potatoes and whole grain rice can help to relieve your constipation, which is often a symptom (or perhaps cause) of chronic fatigue syndrome. They also help to keep your blood sugar levels regulated.
- It is important to note that, when you change your diet, you cannot expect overnight results. Give your anti chronic fatigue syndrome diet some time, and stick to your new healthy food choices to see the best results. Don’t become discouraged if it’s only been a week or so, as you will soon see changes. Bear in mind that these things take time.
Please note that these recommendations are indeed generic (particularly regarding diet), and constitute a foundation that should apply to most CFS patients. However, each individual will have symptoms that require more specialised treatment, which is beyond the scope of this article. Consider consulting with one of our healthcare professionals before beginning any treatment plan.