Raw Manuka Honey

Raw Manuka Honey and Candida Albicans

Can Manuka Honey Cure a Yeast Infection?

It is true that honey will inhibit the growth of Candida albicans, the yeast that causes approximately 80% of all yeast infections.  But what about certified Manuka honey?  Will manuka honey really do a better job at getting rid of yeast infections than other types of honey?  We will discuss this and let you know what research has to say about the efficacy of manuka honey as a Candida infection treatment.  Also you will find out a way to make any honey even better at curing a yeast infection.

What is Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a honey that is primarily made in New Zealand and comes from bees that gather the nectar of the Manuka plant (Leptospermum scoparium).  The nectar of the manuka plant is rich in dihydroxyacetone, a compound that creates methylglyoxal (MG) in honey.  Many types of honey contain MG; however, manuka honey can contain more of this chemical.  Honey producers have developed a rating to show how much plant chemicals (derived from the Manuka plant nectar) are present in honey.  This rating is called UMF; standing for “unique Manuka factor.”

A honey with a UMF rating of 10 or more is known as “active manuka honey.”  This honey is certainly not as commonplace as artificial honey or regular honey.  Although this honey does contain more manuka phytochemicals, the question is if it really is worth buying this type of honey.  If it cures a yeast infection much better it might be worth the high cost; yet, if it doesn’t really do much better than ordinary honey, it is just a waste of your time and money.

Manuka Honey versus Other Honey

One study demonstrates the true value of Manuka honey very well.  The study was published in the Journal of Coastal Life Medicine (2015; 3(7): 539-542).  The study used artificial honey; which is primarily various types of sugar and lacks plant chemicals regular honey would contain.  Additionally, the study also used regular honeys as well as Manuka honey.  The regular honeys were provided by the Department of Agriculture Malaysia.  These honeys listed for you are as follows:

  • Manuka honey with unique manuka factor 10+
  • Honey from Melaleuca spp. (Gelam) trees
  • Honey from Ananas comosus (Nenas) trees
  • Honey from Koompassia excelsa (Tualang) trees
  • Honey from Acacia auriculiformis (Acacia) trees

The researchers in this study made their own artificial honey.  An excerpt taking from the published study detailing how they made this honey follows:

The artificial honey was prepared by dissolving 3 g sucrose, 15 g maltose, 80.1 g fructose and 67 g glucose in 34 mL sterile deionized water. The solution was heated briefly to 56 °C in water bath to aid dissolving. 

Surprisingly, the study found that artificial honey, Gelam honey, and Tualang honey all inhibited Candida albicans about the same.  Yes, Manuka honey did inhibit Candida albicans a touch better than all the honeys; however, this difference was quite negligible.  

As a result of this study, it is clear that Manuka honey is not really worth it when it comes to stopping Candida albicans.  You are likely to be able to get the same effect from a cheap jar of artificial honey that costs but a fraction of the price Manuka honey does.

If you do want the effects of Manuka honey, you probably don’t need to rely on the bees to get the active ingredients in Manuka that are Candicidal.  You can always just use some Manuka essential oil and add a few drops to whatever kind of honey you have on hand.  Instant, probably much more powerful, Manuka honey!

So, does the essential oil of the Manuka plant actually possess antifungal capabilities?  The answer is “yes!”  There was one study that analyzed the effects of Manuka plant essential oil on Candida albicans to see if it could inhibit this fungus.  The study was published in The International Journal of Aromatherapy [(2006) 16, 169–174].

This study analyzed several different essential oils; one of these oils was derived from the Manuka plant (Leptospermum scoparium).  The study reported that Manuka oil was able to inhibit and kill Candida albicans and Candida glabrata.  Although it should be noted that other essential oils worked much better than Manuka essential oil.  Lemongrass essential oil was many times more effective at killing Candida than Manuka oil was.

Given this finding, you should probably just use whatever honey you have on hand and add in some essential oils that are the best at treating Candida.  

Manuka Honey in the Vagina

Manuka honey is not much different than regular honey.  There are no special considerations for using Manuka honey vaginally.  What might be something to do is to crush up some fresh garlic cloves and add the mixture to the honey you put in your vagina.  Garlic is a great antifungal and can stop Candida in its tracks.  Garlic and honey have been used since ancient times to treat infections of all kinds.

Manuka Honey Side Effects

As we all know, honey is made from flower nectar.  Some of the pollen from the flowers may get into the honey.  So, if you have problems like being allergic to pollen, you might also have an allergic reaction to honey.  Before you use it vaginally, try putting a dab of Manuka honey on your skin and see if any adverse reactions occur.

Children under a year old might be susceptible to botulism poisoning if the honey is infected with this poison.  This is really probably only a concern if they ingest the honey.  Thus treating diaper rash by applying Manuka honey externally would pose little risk to the child.  Overall, you should be very safe using Manuka honey for a vaginal yeast infection.  It’s literally a food you can eat.

Manuka Honey Health Benefits

Manuka honey does not produce hydrogen peroxide when it comes into contact with body fluid; it is known as a non-peroxide honey.  As mentioned on the page about honey for yeast infection, hydrogen peroxide actually can stimulate the growth of Candida albicans.

Aside from being a good yeast infection treatment, honey is also a great bacterial treatment.  One study tested the antibacterial effects of several different types of honey; one of which was Manuka honey.  The study focused on bacteria that typically infect wounds.  The study was published in the Journal of Applied Bacteriology (Volume 73, Issue 5, pages 388–394, November 1992).  

The researchers reported that Manuka honey did not seem to have a significant difference on the bacteria compared to the hydrogen peroxide producing honeys.  The study stated that all the various species of bacteria were inhibited successfully by concentrations of honey below 11%.  And if you are using 100% pure honey, you are sure to drastically stop the bacteria on a wound.  Consequently, it is really not worth procuring costly Manuka honey when you want to treat infections.

Raw Organic Manuka Honey & Yeast Infections

Using raw organic Manuka honey probably will not be any different than using a good multi-floral honey for Candida infection.  As you read, even artificial honey can inhibit the development of Candida yeast.  Organic Manuka honey is likely to be even more expensive and provide negligible, if any, difference in Candicidal ability.  It would perhaps be wiser to spend your money on some good herbs and essential oils that kill Candida and mix them into your honey.  This strategy should be a great all-natural yeast infection treatment; and, could cost less than exotic Manuka honey.