The build-up in the intestines that are halting the normal transit time, is undigested food. Undigested means rotting: putrefying, fermenting, and going rancid. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, respectively. The colon walls are normally very well sealed in order to protect the body against reabsorbing the waste that is about to be eliminated. It’s a sophisticated design, set up to allow water and electrolytes back into the body, but not toxic poisons. In long-term buildup of undigested food in the colon, eventually a situation emerges – Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Essentially what’s happening is that the sludge has built up a huge blockage that the inner membranes of the colon develop leaks. Some of the toxic debris is forced through the walls of the colon, along with the water and electrolytes, back into the bloodstream. Hence, the name autointoxication: you’re poisoning yourself.
Once in the bloodstream, the undigested debris, now a foreign irritant, can take up residence in any organ or tissue it finds room. Chronic inflammation begins, and gradually, degeneration of that organ.
Diseases that such a sequence can cause:
We have listed just a few that such a sequence can cause – take a look at the table alongside: Autointoxication. This list is taken from an article by Leo Galland, MD who has done extensive research in this area of hyper permeability, as illustrated by the list of over 150 references at the end of his book.
When people with average intelligence first hear about Leaky Gut Syndrome; they usually understand it right away because it seems logical. Very often, it is the nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors who seem more apt to question the existence of hyper permeability, or Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Even though there have been years of copious research published in medical journals thoroughly documenting its characteristics and nature, Leaky Gut Syndrome is not commonly taught as part of the medical curriculum, or the abbreviated curriculum presented to nutritionists and dieticians. Many of these professionals therefore conclude that since they were not taught about hyper permeability or Leaky Gut Syndrome, it must not exist!
Dr. Galland suffers from no such illusion. He traces the physiology of how large molecules of the “toxic/antigenic load” (undigested sludge) work their way through the intestinal walls and are first introduced into the liver before they are available to the bloodstream.
Dr. Galland describes the “high cost” of the liver’s detox work: creation of free radicals and other “reactive intermediaries” which themselves may be passed into the bloodstream if the toxic burden becomes too great for the liver’s defenses. Here we see the particulars of auto-intoxication, not just some New Age literary musings. Dr. Galland points out the wide range of pathological conditions, listed above, which may come about exactly through this mechanism. Very sophisticated markers have been devised which can measure the toxins that “leak” into the body. (S. Martin).
Jensen has an axiom that the disease is named by where the toxins finally settle.
Candida albicans, the opportunistic yeast, can be both a cause and a result of Leaky Gut Syndrome. Once Candida gets a foothold in the gut, it puts down “roots” through the gut wall, causing openings through which large molecules and toxins can leak. Candida cells can themselves be introduced into the bloodstream in this same fashion. (Simon Martin)
Sherry Rogers MD implicates Leaky Gut Syndrome as a primary cause for autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus. She says such conditions can be the result of the “formation of auto-antibodies due to leaking of body tissue look-alike antigens…”