Living Healthy in a Toxic Environment

All of us are living with environmental toxins in our bodies and, for many of us, these toxins are what is causing us to be ill and to seek medical care. If the cause of your health problems is due to a buildup of environmental toxins rather than a deficiency of nutrients, you will need to reduce your toxic load in order to regain your health.

Here are the most basic steps to take to reduce the toxins in your body and your life.

Avoidance: To reduce the load of environmental toxins in our bodies, the first step (and the most obvious) is to stop putting toxins into our bodies. The two easiest and most effective places to begin are with our diets and our homes. About 90% of our daily toxic intake comes from the air inside of our homes and workplaces, as well as the foods that we eat. Most of us cannot make huge changes in the air at work, but we sure can change the air in our homes. Utilizing high quality pleated air filters that are changed regularly (every 4-8 weeks) is one of the best ways to reduce the toxin presence in our home air, as well as clean out any pollutants brought in from outside the home that may have attached themselves to the dust and fabric within.

The other biggest source of toxin exposure is from the food we eat.  The foods with the highest load of toxins are:

  • 12 MOST toxic fruits and vegetables: peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, blueberries, kale, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, imported grapes, spinach, lettuce, potatoes
  • Farmed or Atlantic Salmon: the most toxic food you can currently eat.  If it just says ‘salmon’, it is Atlantic and should be avoided.
  • Other fish with high mercury content: shark, swordfish, king mackerelm tuna, orange roughy, marlin, chilean bass, lobster, halibut, snapper
  • non-organic dairy and eggs

Foods that help to increase toxins in the toilet

As mentioned above, you will have fewer toxins circulating in your body if you avoid them in your diet and in your home air. But we can also reduce our toxic load very nicely within just a couple of years by making dietary changes that increase the amount of toxins going into our toilets every day. The following foods have all been documented in medical research to accomplish this:

  • Rice bran fibre found naturally in brown rice.  It is low cost, delicious and easy to make and consume.  Multiple sutdies have shown that brown rice fibre increases the amount of very nasty toxins moving into the toilet out of the bowel. 
  • Green veggies: the darker the green colour the higher the chlorophyll content and the more toxins it will help your body to release
  • Green tea: drink three venti-sized cups of green tea daily to boost the amount of toxins hitting the toilet.  Make sure it is NOT instant green tea, but brewed from leaves or tea bags.

So, by doing these very simple things – avoiding the most common toxin exposure and increasing the amount of toxic material leaving your body daily – you will soon tip the scales back towards better health.