Your Body’s Rhythm

Your Body’s Rhythm

Your Body’s Rhythm

The 24-hour Body Cycle Your three natural body cycles- what we go through every 24 hours The universe really is amazing. There are cycles in everything in the universe. There are cycles in weather, the seasons, the economy, wars, moon, sun, animal populations,...

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The Chinese Body Clock

The Chinese Body Clock

The Body-Energy Clock is built upon the concept of the cyclical ebb and flow of energy throughout the body. During a 24-hour period (see diagram that follows) Qi moves in two-hour intervals through the organ systems. During sleep, Qi draws inward to restore the body....

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The Body’s Internal Clock

The Body’s Internal Clock

Your Body's Internal Clock and How It Affects Your Overall Health Not getting enough sleep leaves us tired during the day. But the body's clock also affects mood, mental alertness, hunger, and heart function. We all feel the ebb and flow of daily life, the daily...

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Natural Cycles That Rule Our Health   All life on earth evolved in an environment ruled by cycles.  There are the big cycles such as the almost unfathomable scale of time over which the temperature of the planet changes.  And there are the small...

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