Two Sides of The Same Coin – Fluoride In Your Water – Both Sides of The Story
Fluoride is safe view point
The American Dental Association, the American Medical Association, the National Institute of Dental Research, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services, Proctor and Gamble, U.S. dental schools, and other organizations promote fluoridation as a safe and effective method of reducing tooth decay. The basic premise is that fluoride (as stannous fluoride or sodium fluoride) is able to re-mineralize the enamel of the tooth. Tooth decay is reduced through this process of re-mineralization. Information and opinions that are pro-fluoride can easily be obtained from any of the above-mentioned proponents.
These sources do confirm side-effects from fluoride once it reaches a threshold limit and moves into toxicity levels. The major side effect seen in the general population is dental fluorosis/tooth mottling. The recommendation is that drinking fluoridated water and using fluoridated products or having fluoride in foods is generally safe and is an effective method of reducing tooth decay.
Fluoride is not safe view point
If there is any anti-cavity benefit to the use of fluoride, it is strictly from a topical application. This means that your teeth could potentially absorb the fluoride from a fluoridated toothpaste can arrest early tooth decay. However, the average person spends 30 seconds brushing his or her teeth which is not enough time to achieve the topical benefits of the fluoride. The fluoride in an oral rinse (mouthwash) or fluoridated drinking water also does not sit on your teeth long enough to be beneficial. The tissues of the mouth are highly vascularized and absorb chemical compounds quickly. It is likely you are systemically absorbing more fluoride using “topical” fluoridated dental products than your teeth are. The potential detrimental effects that fluoride may be having on your body as a whole are substantial enough to warrant concern. Especially when considering the high dose administered to children by in office dental fluoride treatments (up to 50,000ppm!).
Since the early studies of Dr. Cox, Dr. Armstrong, and Dr. Dean, on which water fluoridation began, a review of legitimate scientific research done around the world indicates that at the recommended level of fluoridation (1 ppm) there are many adverse effects. Some of these are to be found on the chart: Fluoride is NOT safe – Viewpoint
Scientific research has also revealed that the tooth decay rates are the same in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. Therefore, the conclusion may be made that fluoride is not a safe option for reducing tooth decay, nor is it effective. Many countries have not allowed or stopped fluoridation (Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, France, Italy and Norway).
Visit the website of The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology for more detailed information.
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