This protocol has been adapted from the Independent Cancer Research Foundation Inc. Overnight Cancer Cure Protocols by R. Webster Kehr, to suit the administration of ImmunoClean™ Drops.
The term “cure,” as used in this article, is the alternative medicine definition of “cure,” meaning the vast majority of the cancer cells are killed or reverted into normal cells.
This treatment would be regarded experimental, though it has been proven to be totally safe even for very advanced cancer patients. In other words, its safety is NOT experimental, only its effectiveness is experimental. This treatment is based heavily on a great deal of scientific evidence combined with solid cancer theory.
Do not alter the number of drops suggested in the protocol unless advised to by your Healthcare Practitioner. The number of drops and transdermal applications chosen for this treatment are well within safe levels. However, do not assume that a significantly higher number of drops of ImmunoClean™ Drops or transdermal applications will be safe. Stick within the safe outlines and parameters of this treatment. Many people have already made use of this treatment protocol with great success.
This is also part of the safety of this treatment. Ensure that you apply the transdermal solution at the exact prescribed hour and do NOT alter the total length of the treatment as prescribed in the protocols.
This treatment is safe and compatible to use with all prescription drugs. The effectiveness of your prescription drugs may be enhanced and our recommendation has been over the years, to start reducing the chemical dependancy, thus this treatment will also enable you to systematically reduce your medication.
This treatment is designed to transform cancer cells back into normal cells. Killing cancer cells may yield undesirable inflammation and swelling and/or create excess debris from dead cancer cells.
When deciding upon a treatment program, it is adviseable to focus on that protocol and to give it its fair chance of success, rather than using all alternative cancer treatments options simultaneously.
There are two kinds of alternative cancer treatments or products which should NOT be used with this treatment.
- This program should NOT be combined with alternative cancer treatments which kill cancer cells. Should a product which kills cancer cells bind to the DMSO, the DMSO may allow it to kill far more cancer cells than it normally would. This could lead to excess debris from dead cancer cells. In other words, do NOT combine this treatment with any alternative cancer treatment or product which kills cancer cells! This treatment is so potent; if cancer cells were killed it could create a dangerous situation for the patient! Use either DMSO combined with ImmunoClean™ Drops or select the alternative treatment of your choice BUT DO NOT combine the two treatments.
- This treatment should NOT be used with alternative cancer treatment products which contain Vitamin C or Sodium Bicarbonate. These products will neutralize the effectiveness of this treatment.
Warning for women who are, or might be, pregnant
Women who are pregnant, might be pregnant, should NOT take this treatment with DMSO especially whilst they are taking cortizone treatment. As a carrier, DMSO could bind to the cortizone and carry it into the foetus, which is not good for the brain of the foetus. In addition, foetuses have many undifferentiated cells and this treatment will TARGET cancer cells, which are also undifferentiated! Thus, this treatment may inadvertently target undifferentiated foetal cells!
Allergies to DMSO
To ensure that you are NOT allergic to DMSO please perform a skin test prior to beginning the OCC Protocol. Place one drop of DMSO onto your skin and smooth it out over a small area. If one is allergic, a reaction will occur almost immediately. IF no skin reaction (other than perhaps a mild itch), you may begin the OCC protocol one hour after this test.
Why this therapy is called the Overnight Cure for Cancer?
The vast majority of alternative cancer treatments kill cancer cells. Cancer treatments which kill cancer cells can only kill so many cancer cells per day or else the debris from dead cancer cells can overwhelm the liver.
While chemotherapy must be “paced” because of all the damage done to non-cancerous cells; many alternative cancer treatments must be “paced” because they target cancer cells and kill so many of them that the liver is burdened with debris from dead cancer cells.
Thus, most alternative cancer treatments must be “paced,” meaning doses if taken orally and applications if used transdermally of substances must be limited to the ability of the liver to process the debris from dead cancer cells.
Some of the other alternative treatments that kill cancer cells also cause swelling and inflammation; even tumours can swell during the treatment. The reason for this is that if cancer cells are killed slowly, the immune system will recognize the cells as being “sick” and will attack them. The inflammation, swelling and possibly congestion (for lung cancer) can also cause alternative cancer treatments to need to be paced.
However, when you kill the microbe(s) inside a cancer cell, but do NOT kill the cancer cell itself, the immune system is clueless as to what is going on, thus there is NO inflammation or swelling. But equally important, when you revert a cancer cell into a normal cell there is no debris from dead cancer cells or broken apart DNA. The cell stays intact and the cell deals with the debris from the dead microbes “in house,” so to speak. The debris which goes outside the cell is minimal because the cancer cell itself is not killed.
Thus, in theory, a treatment which will reverse cancer cells back into normal cells could cure cancer within 24 hours!! But the only way to do that would be to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells without killing any cancer cells.
HOWEVER, DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE NAME OF THIS PROTOCOL. By the time you establish you have cancer / tumours the chances are you have had that cancer for at least 8 years. It takes time to rid the body of cancer and tumours CANNOT shrink overnight.
Excluding electromedicine, there are more than a dozen natural substances which are known to be able to reverse cancer cells into normal cells.
The OCC is also safe for the liver, unless the liver has already been damaged by debris from dead cancer cells or chemotherapy. For this reason, our protocol is always a combination of the treatment, together with a continuous liver cleansing and enzyme rich diet, to aid the body in the tumor breakdown and detoxing process.
Kindly Note: This treatment is safe, but there may be individuals who have a reaction to the DMSO, which may cause a slight rash on the skin. This normally heals completely within 3 days from completing the protocol.
Curing cancer, especially advanced cancer, is in two parts. They are both equally important! The two parts are the “cancer cells” and the “non-cancerous cells.” The importance of the cancer cells is obvious. So why are the non-cancerous cells just as important as the cancer cells when treating cancer?
Many cancer patients, perhaps most cancer patients, die because of the damage done to their non-cancerous cells. Cancer cells steal vital nutrients from non-cancer cells, that is one of the reasons why cancer patients become so weak. In addition, chemotherapy and radiation do incredible damage to non-cancerous cells. Thus, in advanced cancer, the non-cancerous cells are very, very weak and very sick. The Overnight Cure for Cancer deals with cancer cells it WILL NOT help the non-cancerous cells.
For this reason, the combination of a healthy, balanced eating regime, together with exercise for the mind and body and importantly the cleansing and detoxing of the body and organs, is a whole and holistic process to be followed toward health.
OCC Transdermal 8-Day ImmunoClean™ Protocol
This protocol is used only at the instruction of your DBM Physician / Practitioner.
For Transdermal Applications
- Follow the protocols for activating the ImmunoClean™
- Do not exceed the number of drops recommended unless advised otherwise by your DBM Physician / Practitioner.
- glass bowl, metal/silver teaspoon (never use plastic for this protocol)
Dosage: Mix Ratio 1:1 | Method: |
Activate 20 ImmunoClean™ Drops with 20 drops of Activator in a glass bowl.(Dosage of 20 drops for 50kgs or more body weight – all dosages of this mixing protocol would be halved for someone with body weight under 50kgs, children are calculated individually). Wait prescribed 3-minutes activation period.Add 1 teaspoon DMSO (5ml / cc) to the activated drops.Wait 3 minutes for DMSO to bind to ImmunoClean™ ion. Add 5ml/cc (1 teaspoon) of distilled water to the already mixed solution. (OPTIONAL) | Transdermal(Apply as per the OCC Protocol by dabbing onto the skin)This protocol must be followed exactly according to DBM Physician’s instructions. We have set out the basic instructions here – contact your DBM Physician or Practitioner for more information. |
- This method allows the DMSO to transport the ion and compounds directly into the nucleus of every cell in the body, sterilising the system and enabling cellular repair and detox.
- This protocol is followed for 8 days based upon the protocol roster.
- Follow with 30-day mini OCC, or as your DBM Physician / Practitioner advises.
- Remain in constant contact with your DBM Physician/Practitioner and do not exceed or alter the protocol at will.
This protocol may only be adapted by your DBM Physician / Practitioner
DMSO and ImmunoClean™ Protocol
How To Prepare One OCC Application Of DMSO and ImmunoClean™
- Place the prescribed number of drops of ImmunoClean™ Drops and an equal number of the Activator into a small glass bowl. Always make use of glass – never plastic.
- Activate for 3 minutes.
- Add to this solution 1 teaspoon (5ml / cc) of DMSO.
- Gently stir using a metal/silver teaspoon, never plastic.
- Activate for a further 3 minutes.
- Add to this solution ½ teaspoon (2,5ml/cc) to 1 teaspoon (5ml/cc) of distilled or sterile water (OPTIONAL).
Application Method
- When the mixture is ready as per the 6 step directions above, you pat/stroke/dab the entire solution onto the skin (do not rub in).
- Spread the solution thinly over the designated area for that session. This will allow it to penetrate faster and be less irritating to the skin.
- Do not put the transdermal solution directly onto open lesions.
- If is very important to rotate where you put the mixture on the skin. This rotation will allow the skin to recover from the DMSO pulling the ImmunoClean™ through the skin. Example:
- First application can be patted onto the arms;
- Second application onto the chest and stomach;
- Third application to the thighs;
- Fourth application the calves and feet;
- Then back to arms – and so on. One can also apply to the back.
- After approximately 3-minutes, (or earlier if the skin starts to itch), gently wipe the area with a wet/damp, clean wash cloth, after which 1 teaspoon of MSM Water will be patted to the same area that has been wiped (OPTIONAL). MSM, a derivative of DMSO and natural anti--inflammatory, which also protects the epithelial cells, will not bind to other molecules like DMSO or carry them through the skin.
- You may shower or rinse the area well after this final application of MSM water. DO NOT LEAVE THIS SOLUTION ON YOUR SKIN.
This protocol may only be adapted by your DBM Physician / Practitioner
Program Summary For 8-Day OCC Protocol
This protocol is used only at the instruction of your DBM Physician / Practitioner.
For Transdermal Applications
- Follow the protocols for activating ImmunoClean™
- Do not exceed the recommendations for the quantities stipulated in the OCC Protocol.
Day | Protocol | No. of Applications | Time | Comments |
1 | Phase 1 Pre-OCC Protocol | 4 | 17h00 to 20h00 | Night Before Main OCC – done in the evening only. May start 1 hour earlier. Start on the hour.Continue treatment for 4 hours, ending after applying MSM water. Eat a well-balanced DBM diet to nourish non-cancerous cells |
2 | Phase 2Full OCC Protocol | 13 | 07h00 to 19h00 | May start 1 hour earlier.Start on the hour.Continue treatment for 13 hours, ending after applying MSM water.Eat a well-balanced DBM diet to nourish non-cancerous cells |
3 | REST DAY FOR THE SKIN & CELLS | NIL | – | On this day, you do not do any transdermal applications.You rest, eat a well-balanced DBM diet to nourish non-cancerous cellsContinue with Oral ImmunoClean™ and other additional protocols given to you by your DBM Physician |
4 | Repeat Phase 1Pre-OCC Protocol | 4 | 17h00 to 20h00 | Night Before Main OCC – done in the evening only. May start 1 hour earlier. Start on the hour.Continue treatment for 4 hours, ending after applying MSM water. Eat a well-balanced DBM diet to nourish non-cancerous cells |
5 | Phase 2 Full OCC Protocol | 13 | 07h00 to 19h00 | May start 1 hour earlier.Start on the hour.Continue treatment for 13 hours, ending after applying MSM water.Eat a well-balanced DBM diet to nourish non-cancerous cells |
6 | REST DAY FOR THE SKIN & CELLS | NIL | – | On this day, you do not do any transdermal applications.You rest, eat a well-balanced DBM diet to nourish non-cancerous cellsContinue with Oral ImmunoClean™ and other additional protocols given to you by your DBM Physician |
7 | Repeat Phase 1Pre--OCC Protocol | 4 | 17h00 to 20h00 | Night Before Main OCC – done in the evening only. May start 1 hour earlier. Start on the hour.Continue treatment for 4 hours, ending after applying MSM water. Eat a well-balanced DBM diet to nourish non-cancerous cells |
8 | Phase 2 Full OCC Protocol | 13 | 07h00 to 19h00 | May start 1 hour earlier.Start on the hour.Continue treatment for 13 hours, ending after applying MSM water.Eat a well-balanced DBM diet to nourish non-cancerous cells |