Testing for Candida Overgrowth?

diagnosis for Candida, seemingly easy, but can be quite tricky in the sense that everyone is bio-individually different in terms of tolerance towards Candida and its by-products. While a person with strong constitution may be capable of hosting large Candida overgrowth with minimal symptoms, another person may suffer greatly in presence of a mild overgrowth scenario.

For a simple home test, go to: Therapies: Candida Test

Blood Test

You can order a blood test at most any labs to check your levels for IgG, IgA and IgM candida anti-bodies. High levels indicate an overgrowth of Candida. There are two shortcomings though: firstly, these blood tests can often come up negative even when stool test comes up positive. Secondly, it may reveal if you have developed highly specific types of allergic responses to any level of Candida (such as normal to high range). However, it may fail to reveal other types of immune responses and consequences in the other body systems which are also possible reactions to increased Candida levels.

Stool Test

So far, many would prefer this test, citing it as being relative more accurate. It is also preferred for its ability to check Candida in the colon or lower intestines. A comprehensive stool can determine the species of yeast as well as which treatments will likely be effective against these yeasts. However, if the stool test reveals that your level of yeast falls within a ‘normal’ range, which reflects the average of what is normal for a control group/other people. It may not necessarily mean that that level of yeast is ‘normal’ or okay for your body.

Electro-dermal Test

Electro-dermal test can be done by a naturopath, and it may tell you if Candida overgrowth is the most stressful issue that your body is facing right now. This will be useful when it is reviewed against Candida symptoms assessment questionnaires. There is a possibility that if you have another serious illness that is associated/consequential to the Candida, this test will reveal this being the highest priority of your body concerns than to Candida.

Candida Symptoms Assessments

In addition to the above, you may increase your accuracy of diagnosing Candida by reviewing if you are suffering from the long list of Candida symptoms below:

Just having one or two of the symptoms listed above does not necessarily mean you have Candida, but if you notice several or more of these symptoms, that could be a sign of Candida overgrowth.