Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Metabolic Classification

Metabolic Type Three

Type Three metabolizers are balanced metabolizers. That is, their sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are functioning in balance equally well. However, Type Three metabolizers come with bodies that are very inefficient. No matter what foods or supplements they take in, they are generally only going to use about 10% to 15% of them. Type Three metabolizers find it difficult for their individual cells to obtain adequate nutrition. All refined, processed, synthetic foods and food additives must be avoided at all times. Type Three metabolizers of necessity must take larger quantities of nutritional supplementation to maintain their nutritional health than any other type. They must eat food prepared in such a manner as to be easily digested. They should have a wide variety of foods, which enables them to get the wide spectrum of nutrients their bodies require.

Type Three (and Six and Seven) metabolizers are generally those with the poorest health. They have to keep constant vigilance over their diet and supplements. Generally they have inherited weak, defective bodies and very rarely will they ever have good health and feel really well if they are not extremely cautious.

Unfortunately, due to the stress of modern living and agribusiness, more and more Americans who have inherited good bodies have so exhausted and destroyed their bodies that they are now functioning in the Type Three (or Six and Seven) range. It would take supreme effort to rebuild and repair these bodies and put them back into normal optimum health again.

Metabolic Type Eight

Type Eight metabolizers account for the greatest number of people. More Americans are Type eight than any other metabolic type. Type Eight metabolizers have fairly healthy bodies. Their bodies can adapt to a wide variety of stresses and yet remain stable. Their autonomic nervous systems also have a wide range of adaptability. Type Eight people need a wide variety of foods each day. This permits them to attempt to obtain a large variety of nutrients required to operate their bodies efficiently. Nutritional supplements, like their food, must cover a wide spectrum.

Metabolic Type Nine

Type Nine metabolizers are in the balanced class their sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work equally well. This type is the most difficult to understand. If these people had a choice, they would always prefer cooked food. Working with these people through the years has led to the conclusion that they truly cannot do well on raw foods. Evidently they have mutated to the point that they need cooked food to be satisfied. They generally require 70% cooked food and can comfortably handle 30% raw food. Type nine metabolizers do best when they can eat at Smorgasbord three or four times a week. In other words, if they eat a little of everything, they function best.

Metabolic Type Ten

Type Ten metabolizers are the people with balanced and super efficient metabolisms. They need a wide variety of foods and supplements, but they do not require a large quantity of anything. Their bodies are so incredibly efficient that they need very small amounts of food. If they eat a normal meal, they feel more than satisfied. They can eat half as much as any other metabolic type. They do well on any food but often prefer raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains and unpasteurized goat cheese.

Recommended Supplements

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12
Natural Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Folic Acid
Pantothenic Acid
Each type needs different
amounts and in different ratios
extra amounts of Apple Cider Vinegar
and Pancreatic Enzymes
Summary of Metabolic Types

Vegetarian Types
Type 1 Needs no animal products at all. Can live entirely on fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Type 4 Needs some animal products such as fish, chicken, eggs and unpasteurized goat cheese several times a week.
Type 6 Combination of Types 1 and 4, but has horrible metabolism. Needs more food to make up for lack of absorption.

Carnivore Types
Type 2 Needs meat up to 14 ounces a day, preferably beef. Has little or no energy unless they eat meat.
Type 5 Needs meat to feel good, but less often, perhaps 2-3 times a week.
Type 7 A cross between Types 2 and 5 but with a horrible metabolism.

Balanced Types
Type 3 Has horrible metabolism. Only absorbs 15% of what he or she eats. Feels so bad that they often wish they were dead.
Type 8 Normal balanced metabolism. Can eat and benefit from all foods, provided they are wholesome.
Type 9 Needs 70% cooked food in diet. Hates raw food.
Type 10 Super-efficient metabolizer. Needs very little food and sleep, yet feels terrific.