“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime” – Author unknown
Doctors Beyond Medicine would like to go well beyond the borders of medicine and medical care. Many of the illnesses we treat are a direct result of poor nutrition and insufficient fluid intake.
Sustainable farming projects managed by the communities we serve will ensure that basic nutritional requirements are met by providing the community with vegetables and fruits known to facilitate healthy living.
There are a few basic requirements we need to setup these mini “agri villages”
- A variety of vegetable and herb seeds
- Digging forks and spades
- Fencing and fencing poles
- Garden hand tools
- Gardener gloves
- Irrigation equipment
- Jojo tanks
- Rakes
- Watering cans
- Wheelbarrows
- Specialised trainer/s
- Travel, accommodation, catering for trainer/s
DBM are looking for strategic corporate alliances to assist with the funding of this project.
The Team values your support and all contributions are most welcome. Please contact us should you wish to contribute towards this project, via the “Contact Us” form