Possible Toxic Materials

“Poisons in small doses are the best medicines, and the best medicine in too large doses are poisonous”  – Wm. Withering

Consumption of plant derived mineral fulvic complexes by humans for many years has shown that they will not build up in the body tissues as do metallic minerals.

The following observations and theories describe the reasons why:

  • Cells have the ability to accept or reject minerals, including aluminum, lead, arsenic, mercury, etc., at their discretion when presented as organic fulvic complexes. It should be considered that these minerals may not necessarily be present to “nourish” cells, but are needed to act as “electrodes” in the fulvic electrolyte solution. In that capacity they are probably most essential for bio-reactions, electron transfer, catalytic reactions, and transmutations.
  • Fulvic acid carries complexed minerals in “trace” amounts only, at similar levels as is commonly found in healthy plants grown in mineral rich soil under optimum organic growing conditions. These “trace” mineral complexes should not be confused with metallic minerals.
  • Fulvic acid has the ability to complex and remove toxic metals and other minerals from the system. Fulvic acid mineral solutions have been ingested by people for many years, yet have never been shown to cause toxic mineral build-up in humans.
  • It is obvious that when metals, minerals, and trace elements become complexed into fulvic acid, they take on an entirely new property of availability, unlike their original form.
  • It is when fulvic acid is not present that one should seriously worry about toxic build up from any source. This could account for the health problems that are causing concern today in our “fulvic starved” society.

Aluminum makes up 12% of the Earth’s crust, and is the most abundant metallic element.

  • Aluminum is found in biological quantities in most plants grown in soil. Most of our food crops contain 20-200 ppm or more of aluminum. In crops today this concentration would normally be in the absence of fulvic acid.
  • Known biological function of Aluminum is to activate the enzymes succinic dehydrogenase. It increases survival rate of newborn infants, and according to professor Gerharkt Schrauzer, head of the department of chemistry at UCSD, is an essential mineral for human nutrition.
  • The Harvard University newsletter recently published a statement that none of the scientific reports regarding the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and aluminum stated what form the aluminum was in.
  • In a study that appeared November 5, 1992 in the science journal, NATURE, Frank Watt, ct al (University of Oxford) used a highly accurate laboratory technique to quantify the levels of aluminum in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. To their great surprise, they found the same levels of aluminum in the brains of non-Alzheimer’s control as they did in Alzheimer’s patients. Watts believes that aluminum contaminated stains gave faulty results in the early studies that highlighted aluminum as a health risk. 

Science is just learning about other supposedly toxic minerals.

  • It is now generally accepted that arsenic is in fact, in trace levels, and essential element for optimal health and longevity. The levels of arsenic that most people ingest in food or water are not usually considered to be of health concern.
  • Despite all the adverse health effects associated with arsenic exposure, there is some evidence that low levels of exposure may be beneficial to good health. Test animals maintained on a diet deficient in arsenic did not gain weight normally, and they became pregnant less frequently than the control animals maintained on a diet containing a more normal (but low) concentration of arsenic. Also, the offspring form the deficient animals tended to be smaller than normal, and some died at an early age.
  • Arsenic has been found to be essential for survivability of newborn babies and also neonatal growth. Arsenic has been shown to promote the growth rate in animals.
  • Like most plants, tobacco contains trace amounts of cadmium and lead. It is interesting to note that people that smoke tobacco have about twice as mush cadmium in their bodies as do non-smokers. Higher levels of lead are also found in smokers. It would stand to reason that burning converts the natural organic plant forms of these metals.
  • The metabolic antagonism between mercury and selenium results in the protection from selenium poisoning by mercury and the protection against mercury poisoning by selenium. A mutual antagonism between the two exists.
  • Taking in too little zinc is at least as important a health problem as taking in too much zinc. Without enough zinc in the diet, people can experience loss of appetite, decreased sense of taste and smell, slow wound healing, and skin lesions. In severe cases in children, too little zinc can cause poorly developed sex organs and dwarfism.