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The best antioxidant sources are fruits and vegetables, as well as products derived from plants. Some good choices include blueberries, raspberries, apples, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, eggplant, and legumes like red kidney beans or black beans. They’re also found in green tea, black tea, and dark chocolate. Usually, the presence of colour indicates there is a specific antioxidant in that food.
The keyword here is variety. Include many fruits and vegetables with different colours as well as legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains in your diet. An array of colour will give you the widest range of beneficial antioxidants.
This is why DBM Physicians / Practitioners recommend you “Eat From The Rainbow”

A word of caution on supplements
Due to their potential to reduce oxidative damage, it was thought that high intakes of antioxidants through supplementation may reduce risk of disease and may even be beneficial for treatment. However, further research has concluded that there is no benefit to very high intake of antioxidants in terms of disease prevention and there is even some suggestion that a very high intake may increase the risk of some cancers.
- Williams et al. Flavonoids: antioxidants or signalling molecules? Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2004.
- Arts et al. Polyphenols and disease risk in epidemiologic studies. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2005.
- Boffetta et al. Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Overall Cancer Risk in the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). J Natl Cancer Inst. 2010