Home-Made Vaginal Lubricant
Coconut Oil Lubricant
There are many reasons why a couple (or individual) may need to use a personal lubricant. Excessive vaginal dryness can be caused by a myriad of things and without a good lubricant, intimacy can be very uncomfortable and painful for women. For those suffering from vaginismus, those with a small vaginal opening, or any other condition that can cause painful sex, a good lubricant is a must if there is any hope for an intimate relationship with your partner.
So what makes a good personal lubricant?
1. Something that will not dry out. Water-based lubricants: they evaporate, and you are left with stick, gummy junk that really does not feel good.
2. A good lubricant contains no toxic chemicals. Here is the ingredients label on a tube of KY jelly:
Water, glycerin, hydroxyethylcellulose, gluconolactone, chlorhexidine, gluconate, methyparaben, sodium hydroxide
The warning label says, “Keep out of reach of children and away from eyes and ears.” Sounds advice, but this begs the question: If you can’t eat it, don’t put it inside a different mucous membrane. The vagina is incredibly sensitive and will readily absorb whatever you put in it. This is how you get Toxic Shock Syndrome: toxins being absorbed into the blood from the vagina (banish the risk with menstrual cups). Keep your vagina healthy by avoiding sticking anything that is not natural and non-toxic into your vagina.
3. Keep your fauna safe. The vagina is teaming with life! It is full of all sorts of friendly bacteria that keep you safe from infection. Have you ever gotten a yeast infection while on antibiotics? The antibiotics killed all the good bacteria, which allowed the yeast in the vagina to get out of control. That’s why you need to eat your yogurt!
In terms of a lubricant, this means something that will neither feed the bad bacteria/yeasts nor kill the good ones.
For more information on Yeast Infections follow this link
4. Keep it compatible. The most important feature of a personal lubricant is that it works for you. You want something that meets all of your needs, and doesn’t give you complications during your quality time with your partner. It is also critical that your lubricant is compatible with your method of contraception. This means no oil for latex condoms and no silicone for diaphragms and cervical caps. When you use Fertility Awareness or are trying to conceive, all lubricants are compatible!
Coconut Oil Lubricant
If you use latex condoms DO NOT use coconut oil lubricant with them! Some say it is safe, but do not take that risk.
Coconut oil lubricant fits all of the above criteria, and more. Whether you use coconut oil straight or doctor it up a bit, you know exactly what you are putting on your skin and into your body. Store-bought lubricants are expensive and the more “natural” they are the more expensive they become. Making a batch of your own personal lubricant is quick and easy. Coconut oil is anti-fungal and anti-microbial, so it will not put you at risk for yeast infections. It will soak into dry skin, but it leaves no sticky residue and in general will keep you lubricated enough. If not, it is easy to apply more.
DBM Protocol – Adjunct Therapy – Personal Lubricant
- ½ Cup coconut oil
- 5 drops Therapeutic Grade Essential oil/s (optional) e.g. Ylang ylang
Special Equipment
- sterile glass jar with lid
- sterile wooden spatula
- Place a sufficient quantity of coconut oil into the glass jar.
- Stand the jar in some warm water to liquify the coconut oil
- Do NOT heat it
- Remove from the warm water and add your chosen therapeutic grade essential oils
- Seal and store next to your bed
Adding essential oils
- Ensure you have selected therapeutic grade essential oils and not the low grade “burner oils”.
- Anything you place into your vagina is absorbed, so you should see this lubricant as “internal use” of oils.
Adapted from article: howweflourish