We obtain electrons from natural and man-made energy sources.
Electrons are used by cells to make energy:
People Therapies
- Love
- Hands-on-Healing / Spiritual Healing
- Prayer
- Mental, Emotional Control
- Exercise
- Physical Therapies
Nature’s Therapies
- Earth’s Magnetosphere (Geomagnetic field, Solar Winds, Solar EMFs) (See Magnetic Science)
- Schumann Fields
- Sunlight
- Nutrition Therapy (Eating electron-rich foods)
- Structured /Energized Water (created by the natural action of water in nature)
- Negative Oxygen Ion (NOI, O2- ) Therapy (through nature by the effects of water, air, sunlight)
- Colour therapy
- Sound Therapy
- Natural Fibres
- Essential Oils (EOs)
- Castor Oil Packs
- Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
Manmade / Electrotherapies
- Magnetic Therapy (See Magnetic Science)
- Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (Caution – only to be used by trained professional)
- Voltage Square Wave Therapy (Use With Caution)
- Ozone Therapy (Use With Extreme Caution, Especially If You Have Cancer)
- Frequency Therapies (Use With Caution)
- Phototherapy
Electron availability is affected by
- Tissue pH level
- Tissue oxygenation
- Degree of Water structure
- Presence of electron donors (E.g. antioxidants)
- Cooked vs. Uncooked foods
- Electrophilic (electron loving) compounds on the cell membrane and in the extracellular matrix (ECM)
- Electron availability determines electrical properties of tissues
Choose Foods containing high-energy electrons!
choose foods containing high-energy electrons – these plant foods can be found by following this link
“All of life depends on a small trickle of electrons from the sun.”
– Nobel laureate Szent-Gyorgyi – Referring to highly charged single electrons, which are involved in transferring their energy to our bodies.
Article reference: Shirley Emmons BSc. (Hons) – Independent Natural and alternative Health Researcher