Mucous Cleanse #1 – Neti Pot Rinse
Morning and Afternoon
- ¼ teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
- ¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 1 cup filtered or spring water – DO NOT USE TAP WATER – distilled or sterile water is BEST
Special Equipment
- Neti pot
- Add all ingredients to the boiled filtered or spring water.
- Cool down to a comfortable lukewarm temperature and insert into your sinuses.
- ¼ teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
- ¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 1 probiotic capsule, contents emptied OR ¼ teaspoon Probiotic powder (optional)
- 1 cup filtered or spring water – DO NOT USE TAP WATER – distilled or sterile water is BEST
Special Equipment
- Neti pot
- Add all ingredients to the boiled filtered or spring water.
- Cool down to a comfortable lukewarm temperature and insert into your sinuses.
- Adding the contents of a probiotic capsule works wonders as inserting all the good bacteria directly into your sinuses helps fight off that nasty infection.
An important aspect of cleaning out mucous is our Steaming Protocol, but you will also find information on how to use diet to thin out mucous, by following the links below:
- Supportive Juice
- Supportive Soup
- Throughout this process, we include the use of IMMUNOClean™ as a vital component towards the success of the cleanse.
- Before beginning any cleanse, be sure you have consulted your DBM Physician / Practitioner.
Watch this Howcast on how to use a Neti Pot
Warning: Do not undergo any cleanse if you are pregnant, without first consulting your DBM Physician