Why Are Minerals So Important to Overall Health
MINERALS work synergistically with vitamins, enzymes, hormones and other nutrient co-factors to regulate thousands of your body’s biological functions. Follow the blue links for more information on these minerals – natural sources.
Boron: Enhances the body’s ability to absorb calcium and magnesium; aids beneficial levels of estrogen and testosterone in healthy post-menopausal women and helps convert vitamin D to its active form, supporting the absorption of calcium.
Calcium: This very well-known essential MAJOR mineral aids the building of healthy muscle mass, healthy hearts, and healthy bones.
Chloride: Aids and works together with electrolytes producing healthy stomach acid and maintains fluid balance.
Cobalt: Recognized more as Vitamin B12; it is key for cellular blood production and nerve support.
Copper: Copper aids enzyme function.
Iron: Important for oxygen transportation to all parts of body.
Humate (Humic/Fulvic Acid): is so important because it carries every mineral the body requires. Iron is one of the most essential of all MINERALs in the body. We know
Magnesium: Paramount for collagen building. Aids chelation and toxin removal. A MUST for strong bones and healthy hearts.
Manganese: Aids strong bones, energy and function of the reproductive and nervous systems.
Molybdenum: Necessary to aid processes in body, such as iron utilization.
Nickel: Contains B vitamin co-factor and is part of Trace Minerals.
Phosphorus: Aids energy and stamina.
Potassium: Aids electrolyte count balance.
Selenium: A key mineral and provider of antioxidant enzymes for the body.
Sodium: Like magnesium and zinc supports collagen, and magnesium and calcium are both needed in the right amounts in body, sodium is a key electrolyte that works together with potassium.
Sulphur: A key synergistic mineral working with amino acids.
Zinc: One of the most important minerals to aid collagen in addition to being known for its ability to boost the IMMUNE system.