Lung Cleanse

Lung Elixir

  • 1kg of onions
  • 1 Litre of clean spring / borehole water
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric powder
  • 1 small peeled ginger root


  • Peel and quarter the onions
  • Place in a pot, cover with the water and add the ginger and turmeric
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook until the liquid is reduced by half.
  • Strain and transfer to a glass jar and store in the fridge


  • 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach in the mornings
  • 2 tablespoons two hours before dinner in the evenings

Breathing Exercises

  • Awareness of breath– Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lie with your spine straight. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breath. Do not try to change it yet, simply pay attention for a couple of minutes. Most people notice that simply by paying attention to their breath their breathing will become deeper, slower and more steady. With practice it may help restore normal breathing patterns.
  • Deep breathing– In optimal breathing, each inhale expands the lower torso, back and ribs while the shoulders, neck, face and chest remain relaxed. Upon observation the belly expands as inhalation occurs. During exhalation the belly retracts as the diaphragm relaxes. A person’s breathing can be assessed a number of different ways:
  • One way to test whether you are breathing properly is to put your hand on your lower abdomen. When you inhale, you want to feel your abdomen expand. Many people are paradoxical breathers which means they breathe through their chest.

To develop proper breathing habits, try the following breathing exercises:

  • Deep breathing:Proper breathing is slow, deep and rhythmic and involves inhalation and exhalation through the nose. Deep means that the initial movement is from the abdomen and from the lower ribs. With the Complete Breath the movement starts in the low abdomen due to contraction of the diaphragm and on the sides of the body then moves up to the chest. To check your breathing, put one hand on your low abdomen and one on your chest and take a deep breath. What do you notice? If your chest rises up first you are probably using your neck muscles to breathe, not your diaphragm. Another way to check your breathing is to put your hands on your side, just below the chest. When you inhale your hands should move away from the body. Incorrect breathing contributes to neck and shoulder tension, shortness of breath, digestive concerns, gastric reflux and heart burn and a host of other health concerns.
  • Alternate nostril breathing:Alternate nostril breathing has been shown to improve brain function on both sides of the brain and serves to create balance between the right and left sides of the body. It also emphasizes the importance of breathing from the nose versus from the mouth. In addition, alternate nostril breathing is known to have a calming and revitalizing effect on the body. As well it soothes the nervous system and may help to improve
  • Buteyko Methodencourages slow, rhythmic shallow breathing, as well as breathing through the nose and increasing the pause in breathing. This method encourages the body to tolerate a higher CO2 level. There are a number of YouTube videos that explain this method.
  • Cleansing breath:Cleansing breath or Kapalbhati is a breathing technique that uses forceful exhalation to remove stale air from the lungs and improve functioning of various systems of the body including respiratory, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. Cleansing breath also strengthens and tones the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor.

For more information on Lung Cleansing see also Mucous Cleanse page.  Information on other Breathing Exercises can be found here.

Throughout this process, we include the use of  ImmunoClean™ as a vital component towards the success of the cleanse.

Before beginning any cleanse, be sure you have consulted your DBM Physician / Practitioner.

Warning: Do not undergo any cleanse if you are pregnant, without first consulting your DBM Physician