Liver Cleanse

15-Minute Coffee Enema

Make The Coffee the Night Before

  1. Just before bedtime each day, make a 1 quart [946ml – but 1 Litre is sufficient] pot of coffee – then unplug coffee pot and allow to cool to room temperature overnight:
    • Pot must be enamelware, Corning Ware™, glass or stainless steel, or prepared by the percolator filter method -Do not use Teflon or aluminium. Prefer unboiled, drip method.
    • Use 3-4 Tbsp. ofregular (non-decaffeinated), non-instant, ground coffee and prefereably: (but don’t let these requirements delay you getting started)
      • Organic-since coffee plants are possibly the most heavily pesticide-sprayed crops
      • Fresh ground –to prevent rancidity
    • Use 1 quart ( approximately 946ml) of distilled or filtered reverse osmosis water –avoid city water (chlorinated/fluoridated) to avoid stressing the kidneys. Even well water can contain toxic metals (E.g. copper, cadmium, lead) from plumbing.
  2. Upon rising each morning plug in the coffeepot for a few seconds to bring coffee to body temperature, unplug and take the morning coffee enema.
  3. Alternatively, to save time, make a large batch of coffee – keep in a glass jar that is sealed in the refrigerator and reheat in a POT not the microwave, as required.


  1. Do the enema early morning in a relaxed, unhurried state –may be repeated again in early afternoon and/or evening, depending upon the toxic condition of the body. Enemas using coffee in the afternoon or evening may interfere with sound sleep.
  2. For those who can only retain a pint instead of a quart of solution for 15 minutes – the enema must be immediately repeated right after the first pint;
  3. If possible, first take a brisk walk or do some mild exercise
  4. Attempt a bowel movement –not essential, but enhances the effect of the enema; taking daily fresh ground flax seed or bulking agents such as Metamucil can help form stools;
  5. Many people find that a pre-enema(1 qt warm water, not retained) helps in retaining the coffee enema –  removes remaining large particles and most of the gas; optional;
  6. Place 1 litre of coffee in enema bag or bucket – a Fleet enema bag is a disposable large volume plastic bag obtained OTC at the local pharmacy/hospital supply outlet. This bag lasts about 2 years.
  7. For high retention enemas you will need a colon tube(called a DAVOL) – size 24, 26 or 28 French on the opposite end of the plastic tube from the enema bag. This colon tube is a soft flexible rubber-like tube around 30 inches in length and follows the curves and flexure of the colon. The colon tube is usually inserted about 12 to 20 inches into the rectum. (If you cannot find a colon tube, an alternative is a plastic rectal catheter or tube about 18 inches long (ordered OTC from your pharmacy);
  8. Lubricate colon tube with coconut or olive oil –or other lubricant that does not contain chemicals/additives;
  9. Place an old towel under your buttocks to protect against leakage
  10. Allow the coffee to flow to the end of the colon tube –to eliminate any air in the tube.
  11. Insert the tube 12 to 20 inches into the rectum lying on your left side –slowly insert tube in a rotating motion, which helps to keep the tube from “kinking up” inside the colon. Do not sit on toilet or stand for enema.
  12. If having difficulty inserting the length –it may be because of kinks in the colon; some people find that allowing a little solution to flow as the tube is inserted enables the tube to get past any kinks. Sometimes, if one hits a kink that stops the flow of the liquid completely, the tube can be pulled out slowly just to the point where the solution is felt flowing again. Often, the tube can be pushed back in, past the turn that previously stopped the liquid. You can however, only go as far as you can go, which may increase as the colon is cleaned.
  13. Never force the tube if there is discomfort
  14. Place the enema bag no more than 36” higher than rectum – if placed too high, the coffee runs into the colon too fast and under too much pressure, and can cause discomfort.
  15. After the flow of coffee solution is completed the colon tube may be removed –but it isn’t necessary to do so at this point;
  16. Lie on the left side for 5 minutes, then on the back for 5 minutes, then on the right side for 5 minute
  17. With excessive gas, leave the colon tube hose clamp open to allow gas to escape through the enema container. Often, the coffee will go in and out of the enema bag or bucket until the gas is relieved.
  18. If you get a sudden gas bubble causing an urge to expel the solution –breathe very fast through your nose using your abdominal muscles like a bellows. This usually helps the colon wall break up the gas bubble.
  19. As an aid to hold in the enema –with one finger, press down and inward on the perineum (between the anus and vagina/testes), pressing the rectum closed. Hold this for a while and you will feel the liquids backing up into your colon.
  20. After the enema is retained for 15 minutes or longer, it may be expelled

Helpful Tips

  • If a coffee enema makes a person jittery, shaky, nervous, nauseated, or light-headed, the coffee solution is too strong –adjust strength as tolerance level permits.
  • If having a lot of gas makes it difficult to retain the enema -add 2 Tbsp. of blackstrap molasses to coffee solution.

Note: All too often a coffee enema is applied during moments of constipation, in this case it may be easier to inject 500ml coffee, then follow the entire cycle above through to  the  stage  of  evacuation.  This will force out any faecal matter in the colon. Once the colon is clean you can then inject the remaining 500ml and complete the second cycle to fully benefit from the detoxing effects the coffee enema offers.

Formula For Insertion Into Cavity After Coffee Enema Is completed

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 tablespoon Sauerkraut juice
  • Mix olive oil and sauerkraut juice together.
  • Insert into rectum after coffee enema has been completed, using a bulb syringe

How to Take a Coffee Enema

Dee Dee Delkamp of the Optimal Health Center describes the benefits of coffee enemas and gives step-by-step coffee enema instructions for personal, at-home administration in the video link below.

How to take A Coffee Enema

Positions for Enemas

No matter what position you choose try to relax.  The more you relax the better results you will achieve.

  1. Knee Chest Position – This position allows the solution to flow downhill for the first third of the enema.
  2. Left Side Position – This position is the one most often used for giving or receiving enemas.
  3. On Back Legs Raised Position – This position is probably the most comfortable to receive an enema.
  4. On Tummy Position – The most difficult position to receive an enema, as it puts pressure on the abdomen as the enema progresses.

Best Height to Hang Enema Bag

Liver Cleansing Tea #1 – Sage and Fennel

Sage & Fennel are noted for liver detoxification and help to control yeast overgrowth.  Fennel aids digestion, helps to relieve gas and is anti-inflammatory.


  • ¼ teaspoon dried sage
  • ¼ tablespoon fennel seed
  • ¼ lemon
  • 1 cup of filtered or spring water


  • Bring filtered water, sage and fennel to the boil for a few minutes, remove from h
  • Allow to steep for 10 min, squeeze in some fresh lemon juice to taste, drink and enjo
  • Enjoy 1 cup per day, 3 days per week for 4 consecutive weeks.

For other foods and teas that support the liver visit these pages:

Herbal Teas




Throughout this process, we include the use of ImmunoClean™ as a vital component towards the success of the cleanse.

Before beginning any cleanse, be sure you have consulted your DBM Physician / Practitioner.

Warning: Do not undergo any cleanse if you are pregnant, without first consulting your DBM Physician