Watermelon Flush
Specific Juice to Support Kidney Cleansing
- 2 cups watermelon
- 1 lime peeled
Special Equipment
- Masticating juicer (preferred), centrifugal juicer or juice press
- Juice all ingredients and enjoy.
Serves 1

Specific Juice to Support Kidney Cleansing
Special Equipment
Serves 1
NOTES ON OUR JUICES, SMOOTHIES & SOUPS (raw and cooked) The Benefits of Juicing DBM COMMENT The Recipes in these sections: Supportive – Juices, Smoothies, Salads, Teas, and Soups are intended to support the body whilst following one of our Health Programs. We recommend juices on various programs, that
Supports Removal of Uric Acid Specific Juices to Support the removal of excess uric acid. Beets and bitter gourds are amazing liver and kidney cleansers. They detoxify the liver and kidneys, improve their functions and protect them from excessive alcohol consumption and other toxins. Pineapple, papaya and cucumber are
Healthy Skin Overall Good Health Here are a few other healthy skin juicing combinations. Whilst they will most certainly help the skin, the ingredients in all these juices will equally benefit general overall health. Ingredients Some Suggested Combos Special Equipment Instructions Each combination serves 1
For Healthy Skin Glowing Skin Here is a delicious juice that promotes healthy glowing skin. The cucumber is hydrating and contains silica, known for its amazing skin-‐toning benefits. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1 – 2
Nutrient Dense Juice Green Juice Adopting a daily juicing program of preferably (and where possible organic) fresh fruits and vegetables is simple enough to do with this green juice recipe. Makes 2 servings Ingredients Special Equipment Directions
Radish contains some compounds that help to clear the chest congestion which is related to bronchitis, allergies, cold and flu. Ingredients Directions
Anti-oxidising Juice Beetroot, Carrot & Apple Juice Beetroot is a high-antioxidant vegetable containing a number of nutrients that have been shown to be cleansing and detoxifying, plus, they’re delicious and versatile. Try juicing them for a cleansing morning tonic. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
Carrot, Celery, Apple & Ginger Juice Looking to reduce water retention? This one’s for you, as carrots & celery help to eliminate excess water from the body! This is perfect for anyone who is feeling bloated and wants to flush! Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
Watermelon Flush Specific Juice to Support Kidney Cleansing Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
Super Radish Juice Specific Juice to Support Kidney Cleansing Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
Kidney Power Juice Specific Juice to Support Kidney Cleansing Recipe Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
Take Your Shots! Try any of these combos to give your immune system a boost. Feeling that flu and cold coming on – start taking shots! These are great ways to bump up the children’s immune system without forcing them to drink a whole glass. Make enough to give
Adopting a daily juicing program of preferably (and where possible organic) fresh fruits and vegetables is simple enough to do with this green juice recipe. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 2
Immune Boosting and Digestion Juice Here’s another great recipe to give your immune and digestive systems a significant boost. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1 – 2
Use this juice is a great option if you feel a cold coming on because it’s low in sugar and high in immune boosting nutrients, especially vitamin C and chlorophyll. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1 – 2
Almost all of us have been exposed to toxic levels of heavy metals that over time can accumulate in your body and cause health issues and symptoms. Fortunately, there are some very simple things you can do right away and this cilantro (coriander) rich green juice will help eliminate
This ‘Happy Belly’ juice is great for anyone with digestive issues, because the apple aids in digestion and improves bowel function. Allowing the apples to stand and brown before juicing will add a natural probiotic punch. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
Ginger is a digestive superfood great for stimulating healthy digestion. It soothes the stomach and helps the body digest everything properly while mint kills microorganisms that are associated with digestive issues and soothes digestion. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
This juice forms part of the DBM Gut Healing Program Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
This juice forms part of the DBM daily Program. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
Beetroot is known to cleanse the blood and colon. By doing so, you’re supporting and strengthening your liver and gallbladder. Try juicing them for a super blood-cleansing tonic. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1
Drinking this green juice will alkalise your body and leave you feeling fabulous. Even better, it contains parsley, which is loaded with Vitamin C and iron, which can be difficult for many vegan or vegetarians to get enough iron. Ingredients Special Equipment Instructions Serves 1