Summarised in short:
- Take 1 large clove of garlic crushed, swallow. Our program also includes the use of Borax as treatment against parasites and mycoplasma – see attachments (Wormwood serves as substitute, if you do not use garlic),
- Take 2 heaped tablespoons of Epsom Salts (dissolve in a little water) and follow with a large cup of freshly chopped ginger tea
- 30 minutes later, have ½ a cup of sauerkraut (probiotic) to replace the good flora
- Have kombucha /spirulina (rich in chlorophil) daily to strengthen the good flora
- Continue with Sauerkraut and kombucha daily for at least 28 days after bowel cleanse
More extensive explanation of summary
The first step of the ultimate cleanse is re-establishing a healthy intestinal flora. For this we reduce the pathogenic microbes in the intestines with a suitable microbicide before immediately afterwards introducing probiotics or healthy lactobacteria. I prefer fresh, raw garlic which has powerful antimicrobial and especially fungicidal powers. To minimize unpleasant reactions, such as headaches, nausea and other gastro-intestinal discomfort it is preferable (but not essential) initially to take the garlic together with a strong laxative. This is called a flush. An effective flush is with a tablespoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) or magnesium chloride in a large glass of water. Drink some more water afterwards.
If you are constipated or overweight you may even take 2 tablespoons when using it for the first time to make sure that it quickly comes out at the other end. To make it taste less bitter you may refrigerate the dissolved magnesium salts overnight. In the morning you crush a large clove of garlic, mix and drink it with a small amount of water, and follow this with the refrigerated drink and some more water.
During the following mornings you may use less magnesium salts or take a milder laxative instead, such as psyllium. If you dislike garlic you may put the crushed or chopped garlic into gelatine capsules. If you seem to be allergic to garlic, then use another antimicrobial, such as 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide, olive leaf extract, pau darco extract or wormwood. Similar if you can use garlic only during the weekend because of social restraints. Other laxatives that may be used for a flush are Glauber Salz or sodium sulfate, castor oil or senna. You may need to experiment with your chosen laxative to find the right amount to take with garlic so that it is effective within a few hours.
Psyllium is excellent and most recommend for long-term use. If you are not overweight or constipated you may also start the Ultimate Cleanse this way instead of using magnesium salts. Psyllium is especially effective for removing endotoxins from the intestines and reducing allergic and autoimmune reactions.
In a large glass of water add a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and a heaped teaspoon of psyllium hulls, stir and drink immediately followed by more water. Do this at least until you start with the systemic antimicrobial therapy but preferably until you feel well again. If you suspect intestinal parasites later also add Faith Drops, wormwood, or essential oils to the psyllium.
Do this Intestinal Sanitation for a minimum of three days but preferably for two weeks before starting with the systemic therapy, and continue taking psyllium and sodium bicarbonate until you feel well again.
This leads us to the next step: replacing the decimated pathogenic microbes with desirable lactobacilli. This must be done in a massive dose 30-60 minutes after each flush; otherwise the unwanted microbes may grow back to full strength after the next meal. Commonly probiotics contain acidophilus and bifidobacteria in addition to other lactobacteria.
These bacterial cultures are available from health food shops as powders or capsules that should be refrigerated. Preferably buy milk-free cultures, especially with Type 1 diabetes and allergies. High-potency cultures contain 10 to 25 Billion live bacteria per gram or per capsule.
However, these dried cultures are dormant and relatively inactive as compared to bacteria in fresh or live ferments. Therefore experiment with making your own ferment. Initially you may use dry cultures as starter or buy fresh ferments over the Internet (e.g. (, use B.E. Wholegrain Liquid). Try to obtain a wide variety of different strains of lactobacteria that preferably have been grown on vegetables and grains.
Also genuine fermented sauerkraut is good and you can easily find recipes on the Internet. I do not recommend using commercial yogurt to sanitise the gastro-intestinal tract because of the high content of mucus-causing lactose and the limited strains of lactobacteria. Better for fermenting milk products are Kefir grains which can ferment at room temperature, see
You may ferment goats milk or even bee pollen. These ferments do not set as solid as cows milk because of the lower protein content, but that does not matter as the beneficial bacteria are in the liquid. You keep it warm for several hours, and it is ready to use when it tastes somewhat acid and starts frothing, keep refrigerated. Use a glassful of this liquid as a starter for the next batch. For individuals with Candida it is preferable to ferment in a yogurt maker close to 40C as yeast fermentation increases at lower temperatures and can cause problems, this may also happen with sauerkraut.
Commonly these ferments are rather acidic and may upset sensitive individuals. In this case partly neutralise the acidity by adding some bicarbonate until it is only slightly sour, or you may let the ferment stand for a few hours with the addition of some dolomite powder and decant shortly before use.
Take a cupful of ferment after each flush, and possibly more before other meals. Continue taking either cultures or ferment daily during the intestinal cleanse and preferably during the systemic antimicrobial therapy. For more information see
Prebiotics or the food that we provide for our intestinal flora may be even more important than the probiotics that we can supply as supplements. These nutrients determine which microbial species will thrive and which ones will not do well. The easily digestible carbohydrates from sugar and grain products favour Candida and other yeasts but can also lead to overgrowth of various bacteria in the small intestines.
Commercially available soluble but indigestible fiber, called FOS or fructosoligosaccharides, helps to stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. This is the fiber in fruit without the sugar. FOS are mainly composed of several fructose molecules linked together. Some commercial FOS in processed foods are made by a fungus, and yeast sensitive individuals may react to it. The better type of FOS is produced by splitting the long fructose chains of inulin derived from vegetable sources.
Generally inulin powder is the better supplement to use for stimulating growth of bifidobacteria in the colon, and this is one of the more effective ways of keeping Candida in the colon under control. Inulin is a fine white powder with a slightly sweet taste and is more pleasant to eat and more beneficial than bran.
The recommended intake of inulin is from 5 to10 grams or 1 to 2 teaspoons daily, best divided. The amount should be increased gradually as it may cause loose bowel motions and increased wind or flatulence. This cannot be entirely avoided but experiment to keep it in acceptable limits.
Here are some data for the inulin content in foods: Chicory roots 15-20%, Jerusalem artichokes 14-19%, garlic 9-16%, dandelion leaves 12-15%, onions 2-6%, leeks 3-10%, artichoke leaves 3-10%, and bananas 0.3-0.7%
An excellent health food to sanitise the intestinal tract is to blend a handful of fresh green leaves at high speed in water, and drink this without straining. You may also add spirulina and other supplements. The fiber and chlorophyll of the leaves provides high-quality food for the resident bifidobacteria in the colon.
Legumes are high in a type of soluble fiber, raffinose, that is only broken down in the large intestines. It is another excellent food for bifidobacteria. Raffinose is a trisaccharide with the simple sugars galactose, fructose, and glucose joined together. It is a soluble fibre and can be found in legumes, members of the cabbage family, asparagus and other vegetables.
As a side-effect legumes tend to produce wind or flatulence which can be reduced by sprouting these legumes, or by soaking them overnight and replacing the water before cooking. This also greatly improves the absorption of minerals by reducing the amount of phytic acid in the seeds. Lentils, peas and chickpeas usually cause less problems than beans