The typical direct routes of it being acquired are as follows:

The only absolute contraindication for use of a PEMF device is placing an active applicator over implanted electrical devices like pacemakers, cochlear implants, intrathecal pumps, etc., because the magnetic field can shut the device off. Safety of PEMFs has not been established in pregnancy, although there is no evidence
Your body is a temple and the vehicle within which you travel this life. Taking heed of and responsibility for what you are putting into it nutritionally, intellectually, and spiritually will always be reflected back to you in the state of the well-being of the body expressed. Hormones (biochemicals)
Here is how Candida, as the disease of the intestinal flora deficiency, can be explained in greater details: “Candida is the most dangerous of all the germs that can take over your intestinal tract after being treated with Antibiotics, Cipro or doxycycline. It is a member of the vegetable
Reports dating back to as early as 1960s as well as more recent studies indicated that candida-induced arthritis has existed as long as candida and antibiotics have been around. Here are some findings on this Candida-RA connection:
diagnosis for Candida, seemingly easy, but can be quite tricky in the sense that everyone is bio-individually different in terms of tolerance towards Candida and its by-products. While a person with strong constitution may be capable of hosting large Candida overgrowth with minimal symptoms, another person may suffer greatly
Are there any viable alternatives to antibiotics? I just spent the last few posts talking about all the bad things that stem from taking too many antibiotics, and you’re likely wondering if there’s anything you can do when an infection comes around. Although I wouldn’t suggest ignoring your doctor’s
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), the world’s most popular culinary herb is also known as “rock celery” and belongs to the Umbelliferae family of plants. Parsley is one of the world’s seven most potent disease-fighting spices which also include Ginger, Oregano, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Sage, and Red chili peppers. Parsley grows in
Low Levels of Oxygen The bundle of oxygen with cancer, cell, energy and blood In 1931 Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving that “the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery; we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its O2 requirements”
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Many dark green leafy vegetables have relatively high calcium concentrations. The calcium in spinach is however, somewhat poorly absorbed, probably because of the high concentration of oxalate. The study revealed that kale, a low-oxalate vegetable, is a good source of bio-available calcium. Kale is a
If you have ever wondered whether or not microwaved food is safe, here’s an experiment you can do at home:Plant seeds in two pots. Water one pot with water that has been heated in a microwave, the other with regular tap water.The seeds that received microwaved water won’t sprout.
By law we are required to state the following, so here it is: Disclaimer: The content of this website is based upon research conducted by medical doctors, alternative practitioners and researchers affiliated with Inkanyezi International LTD, unless otherwise noted. The information is presented for educational purposes only and is
By Ayal Hurst These are the nutritional raw ingredients. Recipes For Skin Or Or Or Or Or Or Or For aches and pains: Aching bones and teeth: Bleeding gums, gum disease: Tooth decay: or Bruises: Canker sores/fever blisters: Constipation: or or Nutritional support: or Tendonitus, muscles: or or or
Summarised in short: More extensive explanation of summary The first step of the ultimate cleanse is re-establishing a healthy intestinal flora. For this we reduce the pathogenic microbes in the intestines with a suitable microbicide before immediately afterwards introducing probiotics or healthy lactobacteria. I prefer fresh, raw garlic which
Studies show that our culture’s excessive and chronic stress problems may be to blame for the recent worldwide decline in health. The truth is, if you’re living your life under the gun, you may be multiplying your risk for heart disease, stroke, obesity, and even some forms of cancer.
Relaxation, meditation, learning, peak performance, stress reduction and deeper sleep; these are just a few reasons why so many individuals worldwide are discovering the benefits of Hemisphere Synchronisation. Hemisphere Synchronisation sessions, provides a variety of benefits such as: Article Credit : Photo Credit :
Used as a spice in Indian food and as a digestive aid by alternative practitioners. Fenugreek is a very fragrant, super nutritious sprout. Fenugreek is especially good for women! Sprouting Directions Soak 6 – 12 hoursRinse / Drain 2 – 3 times per dayHarvest 4 – 6 daysYield 5
This whole section is highly controversial. We all know the dangers of asbestos. Mesothelioma lung cancer patients more than most. We know that research shows Dioxins cause cancer. Yet you can find them in animals and fresh water fish. What other environmental toxins cause cancer? The FDA in America
Another favourite sprouting legume. Lentils come in many colours and various sizes. They are all beautiful and delicious! This Lentil is Orange-Brown in colour when dry, and exposes more orange as it sprouts. It is small and plump. Sprouting Directions Soak 8 – 12 hoursRinse / Drain 2 –
Cholesterol is a steroid lipid (fat) found in the blood and is necessary for proper functioning of cell membranes. Our bodies already manufacture all the cholesterol we need, so it is not necessary to consume more. High levels of cholesterol have been shown to increase the risk of heart
Joseph G. Hattersley Barrie Carlsen Let’s explore this. When chlorinated water is run through a hose or carried in a pail followed by milk as in a dairy, what happens? “Very tenacious, yellowish deposits chemically similar to arterial plaque” form; with unchlorinated water this does not happen. CBS’ “Sixty
Making a space in your home where you are comfortable and stress-free is important whilst breast feeding. Here are some suggestions as to how to prepare to breastfeed
Whilst not considered totally accurate, patients can do this home-test, which provides the DBM Physician/Practitioner valuable insight into their condition. DBM PROTOCOL – CANDIDA HOME TEST Patient Information Candida begins in the intestinal tract, where it sets up its ongoing production. As time goes by the yeast migrates along
Enzymes: The Sparks of Life By author Anthony J. Cichoke, DC, PhD Let’s face it: times have changed. We’ve adopted a modern lifestyle with faster-paced, more hectic days and, probably more significantly, eating habits that include the consumption of industrialized, processed food. People today are sick. They’re overweight and
Remember, BSE Is Not a Substitute For Routine Thermograms Or Regular Checks By A Gynaecologist or Healthcare Practitioner Breast Self-Exam (BSE) Women should do breast self-examination monthly. Breasts come in all sizes and shapes, just as women do. Your own breasts will even change throughout your life. Your monthly
Most of us are quite familiar with some of the electrical activities in the body – since we are familiar with hospital use of the electrocardiogram (ECG) to measure heart activity, and an electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure brain activity. Also, we recognize that muscle and nerve cell action is
The adult body is comprised of more than 70 trillion individual cells, and that’s not counting the millions of bacteria we carry in our gut. Each of those trillions of cells carries out several thousand metabolic processes every second. In order for that level of complexity to function smoothly,
Prep Time: 15 minutes Yields: Serves 2 Ingredients: Directions: First add flax seeds to the blender and blend for 1 minute. Next, add the rest of the ingredients and blend for 1-2 minutes. Next, enjoy and have a nice day.
Beans are a great source of fiber, with the average cup of beans providing 14grams of fiber or 56% of the daily value for fiber. Navy beans provide the most fiber per calorie with 19grams (76% DV) in a single cup cooked. The current daily value (%DV) for fiber
By Ross, R.Ph. Pelton, Lee Overholser Background As far back as the early nineteenth century, hydrogen peroxide was widely used in medicine. Many bacterial diseases, including syphilis, responded to H2O2 when no other treatment was effective. In the early twentieth century H2O2 was used to treat several common diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera,