Fulvic Acid & Colloid Q’s & A’s

Q. What is a colloid?

A. Colloids are solid particles of extremely small size that (when mixed with a liquid) will not settle out. If the particles dissolve they are no longer colloidal but are dissolved solids. Undisclosed colloids or particles will always reflect light to a greater or lesser degree. Depending on the number & size of the particles present.

Q. How can the ordinary person determine if a solution contains colloidal minerals?

A. All colloids in suspension reflect light. Using a laser pen-light a person can direct its beam through a solution supposedly containing colloids. If colloids are present the beam will be distinct and very visible, depending upon the strength of the solutions. If there are no colloids present there will be no visible beams. Any product claiming to be colloidal minerals…but which produces no visible beam with a laser, is falsely labelled colloidal.

Q. Do plants produce & use colloidal minerals?

A. Plants do not produce or use colloidal minerals.

Q. How then, do plants get needed minerals?

A. Plants do not produce nor use colloidal minerals but are supplied dissolved mineral complexes from soil microorganisms that can and do use colloidal minerals. Though photosynthesis, plants manufacture sugars and exude some of these mucopolysaccharides at the root level. Being slippery the mucopolysaccharides lubricate the soil and help the roots enlarge and grow. Microorganisms relish polysaccharides and rapidly increase in numbers. In return, the microorganisms supply soluble, organo-complexed minerals that plant need for health and vital growth.

Q. What happen when the microorganisms that supply essential organo-complexed mineral are destroyed?

A. The plants lose their flavour, nutrition and vitality, and humans develop deficiency diseases in epidemic proportions.

Q. Has the microorganism-produced bio-chemical been identified that is responsible for complexing and mobilizing minerals for assimilation by plants, and in turn animals and humans?

A. Yes, this extremely complex substance has been isolated. It is called fulvic acid and is produced in extremely small amounts in organically rich soils teaming with vital microorganisms.

Q. Can, or has Fulvic acid ever been synthesized?

A. No, nor is it ever likely to be, considering the extremely complex nature of the material.

Q. Has Fulvic acid ever been extracted commercially?

A. Yes, but beware of counterfeits.

Q. How is it extracted?

A. It is extracted from ancient composted material form once living matter and contains all the major and trace elements present when these organically rich deposits were laid down. Fulvic acid chelates, solubilizes and complexes all monovalent and divalent minerals into bio-nutrients of the highest degree of absorbability for both plants and animals. It is the strongest natural electrolyte know, and is capable of potentizing and enhancing the beneficial effects of the various nutrients, herbs or tinctures with which it may be combined. Without it life would cease to exist as we know it.

Q. In what amounts can fulvic acid be safely used?

A. Since it is a catalyst as well as a cell nutrient and an extremely effective anti-oxidant, it should be used with all prudence and reason.

Q. Does Fulvic acid contain colloidal minerals?

A. No, Fulvic acid does not contain colloidal minerals (suspended particles) but contains complexed and dissolved minerals and trace elements in the same form our Creator intended for us to use them.

Q. When Fulvic acid is used to complex or dissolve other metals or minerals, will it then respond to the laser light?

A. When Fulvic acid is used to complex other metals or minerals, they become complexed and dissolved…becoming a part of the life-giving molecule of which Fulvic acid is composed. Therefore metals and minerals complexed with Fulvic acid will not respond to the laser light, hence a Fulvic solution containing hundreds, or thousands of parts per million (ppm) of dissolved metal or minerals will not respond to a laser light. There are no suspended particles in solution to reflect light.