Financial Monitoring & Requirements

Doctors Beyond Medicine, as a non-profit organisation, allocates more than 80 per cent of their resources to our humanitarian activities. The remaining 20 per cent is spent on management and administration, and reinvested in fundraising.

The use of Doctors Beyond Medicine funds is tightly controlled and the audited financial report defines the different categories of income and expenditure and shows how funds are raised and spent.

Please use the “Contact Us form if you require more information on our auditors, Meredith Harrington.

Financial Requirements

Doctors Beyond Medicine has always been funded personally by members of the team, whose dream and passion it is, to give back to our communities and to make a difference.

In order to keep up with the demand and need to serve larger communities, the team requires additional financial resources.  To adequately provide for growth and to serve these communities, funding is required to help ensure operational independence and flexibility.

With 500 to 1000+ patients seen each month, per week, during community rural clinic tours a minimum spend of R397 802 per month on average facilitates the current medicines dispensed, vehicle costs (as per AA calculations), toll fees and accommodation.  This figure continues to grow with the expansion of these clinics and the teams required to serve them.

Ambulances & mobile clinics, medical & dentistry equipment, medicine, First Aid equipment, 4×4 vehicles & trailers, fuel & maintenance, tyres, insurance, toll fees, flights, accommodation, legal fees & administration, ICT and marketing are but a few things that make our world go round, and without funding for these facilities we cannot pursue this outrageous dream.

Those willing to contribute to this valuable life-saving venture can do so, via donations to our bank account:

Doctors Across Borders


Account 1098601890

Branch code 198765 – Jeffreys Bay

Current Account