Grains are quite controversial. Some popular diets recommend that you remove gluten from your diet, for many health reasons, not the least of which is IBS. Whole grains have all of the parts of the original kernel—bran, germ, and endosperm—in the original proportions. In refined grains, the bran and germ are stripped away. Pay attention to how your gut feels when you eat fibre-rich grains. Tip: never eat insoluble fibre alone or on an empty stomach. Always eat it with a larger quantity of soluble fibre, and you will keep your gastrocolic reflex stable.
Whole grains are rich in nutrients and have high levels of bran, giving them high amounts of fibre. Bulgur (made from whole wheat) has the most fibre with with 8.2 grams (33% DV) per cup. Other grains high in fibre include whole wheat pasta, kamut, spelt, pearl barley, quinoa, teff, buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, cous cous, millet, and cornmeal (grits). The current daily value (%DV) for fibre is 25 grams.

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