We are alive only because we contain within us thousands of different kinds of enzymes that regulate the life process. Enzymes are the physical agents of life. They are essential for digestion, for detoxification from internal pollution and external ecological pollution, and for immune systems and all our metabolic and regenerative processes.
The origin of using fresh plant enzyme healing can be traced back to the indigenous peoples of Central & South America, who used the leaves and fruit of pineapples and papaya therapeutically for thousands of years. An Australian-born physician by the name of Max Wolf is considered by many to be the father systemic plant enzyme therapy. Dr Wolf convened that premature aging along with all its secondary symptoms, is based on deficiency of enzymes. He reported that for the proper functioning of the body’s immune all body systems the essential ingredients are plant enzymes. Enzyme treatment is not a new concept for preserving a health body-mind and anti-aging. There are literally thousands of medical scientific research reports supporting the use of fresh-live herbs and foods as a regular dietary regime. The fresher the plant that has been untreated, or unprocessed the more enzymes it contains. Whenever we process foods in any way, we lower the life force of the food and destroy the beneficial enzymes. Chemists concede that only the living organism makes active enzymes.
According to Ayurvedic medicine enzymes are the sparks that light the digestive fire of agni. Agni is the biological fire that governs metabolism. It is acidic in nature and its action breaks down the food and stimulates digestion. In every living organism where there are cells and tissues enzymes/agni needs to be present for maintaining the tissues and maintenance of the autoimmune system. It protects the natural bacterial flora of the stomach and intestines by its catalytic action. The digestive enzymes that spark agni help in removing toxins, foreign bacteria and destroying micro-organisms. As long as enough enzymes are in the body or enough enzymes are being consume as fresh foods and are absorbed and assimilated into the body, it will continue to function smoothly.
There are an estimated 50,000 enzymes active in the human body. Less than 3,000 of these have been identified with what their function is.
Dr. Howell, the pioneer of food enzyme work in the United States, based on his work in the U.S. and the author of – ˜Enzyme Nutrition, The Food Enzyme Concept,” and – ˜Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity,” and the research at Northwestern University as well as confirmed by numerous other researchers, there is a term that used – ˜The Law of Adaptive Secretion of Digestive Enzymes. This law proposes that the living organism will secrete no more enzymes than are needed for digestion of a particular food. This means that if a fresh food or herb enters our system in its live form, filled with exactly the right proportion of food enzymes to begin digestion, then it will result in less digestive enzymes being secreted by our own digestive process.
According to Dr. Howell, temperatures of 118°F applied for one-half hour will destroy 100% the plant enzymes. In other words, any type of cooking, boiling, baking, canning, food irradiation, frying and microwave cooking kills enzymes. Dr. Howell further points out that boiling food for even three minutes will take away the vital force of the enzymes. He also states that the quality of enzymes we have in our body is the equivalent to what we call life energy or vitality, and thinks of our enzyme level as indicative of our health status. There is enough research backing to say that enzyme reserve is a direct link to longevity and vitality.
Johnathan Foreman, M.D., says that overcooking, pasteurization, smoking, pickling, air pollution, pesticides, drugs, antibiotics, chlorination and fluoridation of water and all the other interferences in nature’s processes will denature enzymes, thus making the nutrients in food not easily available or assimilate-able.
Dr. James B. Sumner, a Noble Prize winner in 1946, stated that the middle-aged feeling is due to diminished enzymes as you add years to your life. Fresh live foods and herbs provide health-giving, rejuvenative enzymes.
The Importance of Enzymes
A diet high in enzymes is an effective preventative approach and treatment of cancer, infections, injures and inflammations, vascular diseases, auto-immune and rheumatic diseases. Enzymes have no side effects, stimulate the immune system, and promote tissue regeneration.
Just how important are enzymes? Find out by clicking on the chart alongside: Importance of Enzymes.
Simple rules for getting the most enzymes from your food:
To find out how you can optimise enzyme intake – see the chart alongside: Optimising Enzyme Intake.
If you feel hungry, it means your digestive fire is enkindled. If you drink at this time, the liquid will dissolve the digestive enzymes and the digestive fire will be reduced. Enzymes are released the instant we begin chewing the food and break down the cell wall. Fresh live foods and juices are loaded with the enzymes needed for most of their digestion.
Dr. Howell teaches that enzymes have two key concepts:
- Enzymes are living, biochemical factors that activate and carry out the biological processes in the body. This includes all digestive activities, detoxification on physical levels, nerve impulses, healing the body, the functioning of RNA/DNA.
- The capacity of an organism to make enzymes is exhaustible. Therefore on the biological level, how we utilize and replenish our enzyme resources will be a measure of our overall health and longevity.
According to David M. Locke in his book – Enzymes- the Agents of Life – gives a comprehensive view of the source of enzymes that the role they play in metabolism. He explains that enzymes are catalysts of life. They cause chemical reactions that would not otherwise occur. Enzymes are found in fresh produce and herbs.
Jean Bogert, Ph.D. in – Nutrition and Physical Fitness- states that – “all enzymes are heat and cold sensitive- ¦the chemical cleavage which constitute digestion is brought about through the action of enzymes- ¦ the digestive enzymes all seem to work best at about body temperature.”
In the intestines, live enzymes aid in detoxifying the intestinal flora as well as normalize bacteria population of the colon. This reduces the number of decaying-causing bacteria as well as stimulates the increase of the desirable lactic-acid-forming bacteria.
In the most degenerative diseases, the body is enzyme-exhausted and nutritionally depleted. A lack of enzymes leads to incomplete metabolism. The undigested food must be eliminated as toxins. Waste accumulates from infancy because of toxemia and enervation. Eventually, to a level which may interfere with the functioning of the body. If less enzyme energy is needed for digestion, there is more available to enhance other bodily processes. A good example, when an individual is sick, they experience a reduced appetite because the major requirement for enzyme power is for the struggle of the illness.
The higher we keep our enzyme reserve, the healthier all aspects of our biological functioning will be, and therefore we minimize the genetic aging process. Consuming foods and using herbs that are still fresh and full of the Prana, life-force is one of the best ways to enhance our body”s enzyme reserve, in so doing diminishing the physiological aging process and maximizing the rejuvenation process.
Food & Herb Sources highest in Enzymes
Foods that are packed full of enzymes are your best source of nourishment. The foods with the highest amount of live enzymes are fermented, pre-digested and biogenic foods. These foods are apple cider vinegar, natural yogurts (sheep/goat), sauerkraut, etc.
Seeds have the highest enzyme content are those with a ¼ inch (0.63cm) sprout. There are estimates that the enzyme content is ten times greater at this stage than if the seed was not sprouted. By adding certain foods to our dietary regime that are high in enzymes will increase energy and vitality. These foods are bananas, avocados, grapes, mangos, dates, and raw unpasteurized honey. Also fresh aloe vera juice or gel, papaya fruit, seeds & leaves and pineapple fruit.
High Enzyme Fruit & Herb Cocktail
- 1-cup fresh organic pineapple juice
- 1-cup fresh organic papaya juice
- 1-cup fresh coconut juice
- ½ -cup fresh organic aloe vera juice
- ½ -cup organic almond seeds (soaked overnight & skin removed)
- ½ -cup fresh organic lemon grass tea or ginger root tea
- -2 teaspoons of fresh organic papaya seeds ground (to taste)
- Sweeten with unpasteurized honey
By choosing to eat fresh live foods, plants and herbs that are filled with Prana, life force, you will maintain a continuous exogenous enzyme input in your body and therefore decrease the endogenous depletion of enzyme energy. There is strong medical evidence that the excess enzymes released from the enzyme rich foods can be absorbed into the body to increase our content and energy. The more workable enzyme systems we have, the more opportunities are open to us to be energized and rejuvenated.
Enzymes are the sparks of life.
They spark the digestive fires of our digestive system. They keep us alive. The enzyme activity is a way to measure the life force of the individual.
Article Source: TheLivingCentre