Another Form of Colon Cleansing
This section is a general discussion on the protocols for enemas. These same instructions are applicable when one performs a Liver Cleansing Coffee Enema.
There are a variety of enemas that one can recommend to patients for a wide array of health problems. An effective home enema program (intestinal cleanse) occurs when you are able to infuse enough filtered water into your colon to stimulate peristalsis throughout the full length of the colon, thus cleansing the entire colon — not just the rectal or sigmoid areas reached by Fleet® enemas and other disposable chemical enemas. Once enough water is in the colon, you then expel it, along with the resulting waste, into the toilet. You then repeat the process one or two more times.
Peristalsis: The involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine or another canal, creating wavelike movements that push the contents of the canal forward.
1. Where to Take an Enema
Find a comfortable, warm area where you can lie down to take your enema yet from which you can easily get up and reach the toilet. The bathroom floor can be ideal due to the proximity of the toilet. Many prefer to take an enema series right in a hot bathtub. In this way, you are more comfortable and relaxed as your body is slightly lifted off the ground. Others prefer to take their enema bag, a rubber mat, and their IV stand into their bedroom or sunny living room. Taking an enema in a sunny location is quite therapeutic, especially during the winter months. Try different locations until you find what works for you.
2. Enema Solutions
Prepare your first enema solution. Before you fill the bag, make sure the tubing clamp is shut tightly so that no water spills out as you are filling the bag. The essential oils peppermint, frankincense, fennel, and lavender (1-3 drops of each) stimulate peristalsis and immune function. You can try them together or individually. I recommend them over soap, but if you want to use soap, use one teaspoon to one tablespoon of Pure Castile Soap. This will promote a positive musculature response, without chemical exposure, and move your bowels well. A water temperature of 98°F to 103°F is ideal. Hang the enema bag at least two feet above your body. Some people find that preparing two to three enemas using two to three different enema bags at the start of the enema series works most easily. For this purpose, it is an excellent idea to own an IV stand.
3. Enema Lubricants
Use a non-petroleum-based lubricant on your enema nozzle. Petroleum-based products always take a toll on your liver. Use instead a plant-based lubricant such as Coconut, Olive or Vitamin E oil. Lie on your right side or your back, whichever makes insertion easier for you. Insert the lubricated nozzle.
4. Enema Flow Control
Make sure you are comfortable, and then open the clamp. Keep the clamp in your hand or nearby so you can, without difficulty, control the flow of water into your body. Go slowly! The skill needed for successful colon cleansing is to let only a small amount of water enter your colon at a time. If you add water too quickly, you will stimulate peristaltic action in the sigmoid and the rectum, making it nearly impossible to get water into the transverse and ascending colon. If a hint of cramping occurs, immediately stop the flow and relax. Take a big breath and slowly let it out. When there is no more cramping, or 30 to 60 seconds have passed, resume filling your colon with small amounts of the enema solution until you have taken in 1 to 3 quarts [1000 to 3000cc], or you can no longer tolerate the amount of cramping that is occurring. You do not need to force yourself to withstand any pain. If you were only able to take a 1000cc of solution before you experience consistent cramping, sit on the toilet, and let your bowel empty.
5. Abdominal Massage During the Enema
It can be helpful to gently massage your abdomen to assist the flow of the enema solution into the entire colon. Massage your colon from the bottom left corner of your abdomen toward your chest, moving the water up the descending colon, then across toward the right, moving the water through the transverse colon and finally down the right side into the ascending colon and the cecum area. Reverse the direction of massage when eliminating the enema solution. At our health centre, we use a massage tool called a percussion massager. It works wonders. If you have difficulty holding water or eliminating during an enema, you may also want to try a massager.
6. Enema Position
Some people find that being on their left or their right side at some point during an enema session can make a big difference. Give it a try. Turn over onto your left side and, while gently massaging the abdomen, take in more water. This will facilitate filling the entire colon. Others find that lifting the buttocks off the ground with the body propped up on a pillow or using the yoga position of a full shoulder stand (not recommended if you haven’t tried this before) will further move the liquid into your colon. Try to retain the enema for about 5 to 15 minutes. Sit on the toilet and evacuate whenever you need to.
7. Enema Water Volume
If you can’t take all 2 quarts of water, that’s okay. Take only what you can hold comfortably. On the first enema, you are most likely very full in the sigmoid and rectal area. This is where the nerve endings that stimulate peristalsis are, so it is very common to only be able to take a small amount of liquid on this first fill. Take the enema nozzle out and sit on the toilet. Make sure you have first closed the hose clamp.
8. Enema Comfort Level
After you have expelled your first enema and most of the fecal matter on the toilet, you will want to repeat the procedure. This time follow the same procedure, but now try to increase the volume of water. With your colon now empty, you will have room for more water. Taking into your colon 1 to 3 quarts of water is key to an effective enema series. Take only as much as you can comfortably hold. Do not put yourself in pain that lasts for more than a couple of passing seconds. Use pain as a guide to what your colon is comfortable with. Again, go slowly. Repeat the enema again if you have time and are still passing faeces.
9. Enema Safety
With all of this in mind, remember that colon cleansing is a very important tool in health maintenance. I recommend that you start with a program that is easy for you as soon as possible. I think that you will be pleased!
How Often to Take Enemas?
Enemas should become part of a colon cleansing routine for all patients. Of course, there is no single prescription for everyone. A full assessment on the patient needs to be done before recommending the number of coffee enemas the patient should undergo daily.
A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) can one a picture of what toxins are stored in the patient’s body and what toxins need to be removed. However, as a standard approach to repairing the gut and to detoxing the liver, DBM applies coffee enemas daily throughout their programs.
It is this renewed vitality that is should be your guide. Keep it in mind. As soon as this sense of well-being begins to diminish in the patient, encourage a series of enemas.
Often a patient will feel better instantly, but, other than in cases of chronic disease, if the patient does not experience renewed vitality from the coffee enemas, allow them to take a break for a short period of time.
Because colonic peristalsis occurs only intermittently (one to three times per day), unlike the continual rhythmic contractions of the small intestine, the colon cleanse can be used safely and with regularity without disrupting a healthy peristaltic rhythm.
Most people benefit greatly from cleansing their colon at least one time per month, if they are not dealing with any health imbalances or chronic disease. If the patient is chronically ill or working through a therapeutic program which involves a lifestyle change, an enema series at least once a day is important.
Why Enemas or Colonics?
Research increasingly shows that colon health promotes overall well-being. The Wall Street Journal reported that a growing body of research points to the world of the gut — its bacterial populations and its neurotransmitter levels — as a key factor in health and well-being.
Consider these excerpts from the article:
“A bacterium unique to the intestines of those with autism called Sutterella was discovered… which suggests Sutterella may be important in understanding the link between autism and digestive ailments.”
“About 95% of the serotonin in the body is made in the gut, not in the brain… which helps the digestive tract push food through the gut… Serotonin is necessary for the repair of cells in the liver and lungs, and plays a role in normal heart development and bone-mass accumulation.”
“Studying the neurons in the gut also may also help shed light on Parkinson’s disease…”
“Disruptions to the stomach or intestinal bacteria can prompt depression and anxiety…”
Follow this link to read the full article – here.
Science points to what many people’s personal and clinical experiences are: taking special care of your gut promotes overall well-being. There is a great deal of debate about whether regular colon cleansing (enemas or colonics) optimizes gut health. What follows are three theories as to why people feel better as a result of taking regular enemas or having regular colon hydrotherapy sessions:
1. Regular enemas or colon hydrotherapy sessions reduce the disease-causing microbial load.
When a colon is in a state of dysbiosis— the condition of having microbial imbalances or parasites — regular colon cleansing may reduce the number of unhealthy microbes and increase the volume of healthy bacteria. As gastrointestinal health panels show, dysbiosis is all too common. Blastocystis hominis, Cryptosporidium, and Clostridium difficile are common in people who are ill. Clinically, after regular colon cleansing, people recover their health, reducing unhealthy microbial levels.
To determine if your body is struggling with a parasitic overload, your Healthcare practitioner could use a gastrointestinal health panel.
2. Regular enemas or colon hydrotherapy sessions assist the body in dealing with external toxins.
Our bodies are continually assaulted by toxic substances from our environment. Disinfectants to deodorizers, fragrances to fossil fuels, and pesticides to paints are all full of harmful chemicals. Our bodies have evolved with a very sophisticated detoxification system, but our bodies can’t always keep up as many of the toxins are, evolutionarily speaking, brand new. Well-placed enemas and colonics can play a crucial role in good health because when we cleanse the colon, toxins are diminished. With assistance to purge toxins, the body as a whole functions better.
Some alternative practitioners use a hair tissue mineral analysis to assist them in determining your toxic load and will advise you on the use of enemas or colonics can help clear out those toxins.
3. Assisting the body to fully empty the colon on a regular basis with enemas or colon hydrotherapy reduces stress.
Just think about how your stomach feels when you have eaten more than you should have. If you’ve ever had a gut full of stool (and most of us have), you know that the effect is anything but pleasant and can often provoke anxiety.
Regular Colon Cleansing Using Enemas or Colonics vs Laxatives
Which is the gentler and more effective approach toward gut health?
It’s not surprising that laxatives and stool softeners have become a multi-billion-dollar industry. We live fast-paced, stressful lives and it’s easy to promote and capitalize on the convenience of taking pills rather than doing an enema or having a colonic. However, laxatives act on the central nervous system as well as the colonic musculature and can easily create a biochemical imbalance in the body. Overuse of some laxatives does cause damage to the nerves, muscles, and tissues of the gut. In contrast, regular enemas or colonics gently and effectively cleanse the colon without any of the damage.
Mood & Healthy Gut Flora: Nurture Your Microbiota!
What is the cause of anxiety, depression, insomnia and lack of restorative sleep? Mounting evidence indicates that gut health, particularly the diversity and amount of intestinal microbiota, may be the single largest factor contributing to the prevalence of these issues in Western society.
Enemas support the body to relieve anxiety, lessen depression, and even to sleep deeper, partially by promoting healthy gut flora. Enemas cleanse the colon of the type of bacteria that fuel anxiety, throw hormonal levels out of balance, intensify food cravings, contribute to adrenal fatigue, and more.
According to scientific research, mood and anxiety disorders are on the upswing, and this has been connected to unhealthy gut microbiota. About 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. About 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. suffer from depression. And it’s our high-stress society, full of processed foods and antibiotics that create these conditions.
The amount of colon cleansing needed to optimize the microbiome depends on where the patient lives, whether they were breastfed, the state of their current health, what they eat, the amount of pharmaceuticals they have taken throughout their life, the quality of water they drink, the amount of stress they are under, and NOT whether they are constipated!
We suggest you take an enema series at least once a week to optimize the microbiome, as part of on-going maintenance.
Enema History
“The Egyptians learned the art,” wrote the Roman historian Pliny the Elder, “from the long-beaked ibis, who washes the inside of its body by introducing water with its beak into the channel by which the residue of our food should leave.”
The history of the enema points to key safety issues:
The early enema, or clyster, utilized a metal nozzle. Using a metal nozzle to take an enema always increases one’s chance of perforating the colon. The metal nozzle is no longer in use for taking an enema.
The popular enema used today, the chemical enema, works by drawing water out of the bloodstream and into the colon. The chemical enema is not as safe as the warm water enema. By dehydrating the bowel lining, a chemical enema such as a Fleet® enema can cause a loss of electrolytes.
Mineral oil has traditionally been used as a stool softener in enemas to promote a bowel movement. However, mineral oil is a petroleum product which is toxic to the human body.
The history of the enema points to a long-used and successful healing tool:
Enemas have been one of the most important tools used in medical hospitals for the care of patients. Although there has been little scientific documentation of enema use in the hospital setting, nurses have observed very few complications. Enemas have been so vital to quality patient care because medical doctors and nurses know that a patient cannot make solid progress without regular bowel movements.
On every patient’s chart is a list of characteristics to manage. On this patient management list is the bowel movement. If a patient doesn’t move the bowels, and is at risk for a bowel obstruction, treatment is administered to empty the bowels. Historically, this colon cleansing treatment was the warm water enema.
To learn more about the history of enema use, go to:
- Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients
- Gerson Institute
- Intestinal autointoxication: a medical leitmotif
DBM Protocol – Adjunct Therapy – Enemas
Easy and Reliable Ways to Improve the Effectiveness of the Enema
Research increasingly shows that colon health promotes overall well-being It is commonly thought that taking an enema can clear out only the lower colon. This is absolutely not true! You can cleanse the entire colon using an enema. To take an enema, you will need the right enema equipment, enough water and enough time, and the proper additives for your filtered or distilled water. In other words, for a complete colon cleanse, you should not use a commercially prepared enema; you should not use a small enema bag lacking the proper tubing, clamp, and nozzle; you should not use an enema solution lacking therapeutic additives; and you should not take your enema quickly.
To cleanse the entire colon with an enema, deliver the enema solution into the first half, or beginning, of the colon, the ascending and transverse colon, where “stool” is still liquid.
In Order to Deliver the Enema Solution to These Parts of the Colon:
- Use a 5-quart enema bag or a 4-quart enema bucket [5000cc or 4000cc]. Three to four quarts [3000cc or 4000cc] of solution may be necessary to reach the upper colon. Because of this, you will want a large-capacity enema system for easy access to this amount of enema solution. (Not everybody can hold this amount, so you should not force it, causing pain!)
- Use a silicone smooth flow system. This pump fluid delivery system helps to bypass the lower part of the colon by pulsing enema solution deeper into the colon. For many this is an invaluable part of their enema system.
- Use a ramp clamp. This is the easiest-to-use tubing clamp for best control of water flow. Instruct patients to proceed slowly as they deliver the enema solution into the colon. Try as little as a 1/4 cup of water every 20-30 seconds, or less. If you add water too quickly, you will stimulate peristaltic action in the sigmoid and the rectum, making it nearly impossible to get water into the deeper colon.
- Use a hands-free nozzle. Any of the inflatable nozzles or silicone colon tubes work well hands-free. Having your hands free from the work of holding your nozzle to ensure that it doesn’t fall out of the anus gives one the capacity to easily work with the enema clamp and to massage the belly while taking the enema. Massaging the colon in a backwards motion can help move the enema solution deeper into the colon.
- Use additives in the enema water. These include sea salt and essential oils. Sea salt, used in the first enema, helps to match the enema solution with the colon’s electrolyte levels, making it easier for the colon to take in all the enema solution without stimulating the colon to expel the added contents. Essential oils, used in the second enema, help to soothe and heal the colon. Essential oils to use are frankincense and the citrus oils.
- For your third fill, take a coffee enema. When you deliver coffee to the colon, you increase blood flow. Increased blood flow to the intestinal tract improves the elimination processes within the colon. And, given that all of our blood passes through the liver every three minutes, the 12-to-15-minute coffee retention enema results in a form of dialysis and a uniquely effective detoxification.
To learn more about using the essential oils in the colon, watch this Open Source Link video:
Essential Oils and Colon Cleanse.
More colon cleanse tips
- Make sure your enema solution is quite warm: 98° to 100° F (36° to 38° C) is best. Cold enema solution prematurely stimulates the colon to try to expel its contents.
- Give yourself 30 to 60 minutes for this entire colon cleanse process.
- Once you “feel full enough,” or have pain for more than a few seconds, or simply must let go of the enema solution, sit on the toilet as long as you feel you need and empty the contents of your colon.
- Take 2-3 enemas in a row or an enema series. Once your body tells you that it has taken enough enema solution, sit on the toilet, empty the contents of your colon, and repeat the process.
Using Enemas Safely
Safe Colon Tube Usage
- Once your enema bag is full, hang the bag from a towel rack, showerhead, shower curtain, or IV stand. Lubricate your colon tube. Lie down on your left side in a comfortable location and insert the colon tube. (How the colon tube is inserted varies between individuals.)
- The preferred way to insert a colon tube is to begin a flow of the enema to create a channel of water then insert the tube in stages, gradually.
- It is not really necessary to get the entire colon tube into your colon in order to accomplish a “high” enema. Use time, patience, and gravity to your benefit. Unless your colon is congenitally abnormal or something similar, the enema should be able to reach the “high” areas of the colon.
- The recommended way to take a “deep” colon tube insertion is to start out on your left side. Take some tube and water and then, after the tube is “in” about 10 inches or more, turn over on your back, with hips elevated on a pillow.
- Remember that it’s not necessarily how deep the colon tube goes in, but rather how deep the water goes in that really counts. This takes time, relaxation, and listening to one’s own body.
- Slowly take the water from the enema over 5 to 15 minutes. (Hold a coffee enema at least 5 minutes longer, if not 20 minutes.)
- Once you have taken the entire solution and have retained it for some time, sit on the toilet and let your colon and your body empty itself.
Unsafe Colon Tube Usage
Above all, NEVER force a colon tube. Each person reacts differently to a colon tube, even when a channel of enema water or solution is created. You might never get the tube all the way in, and you should never force it. Thin colon tubes actually can be dangerous. You run a higher risk of puncturing the colon when using thin colon tubes. Thus, we recommend a medium-diameter colon tube, about French 30 to 34.
Safe Enema Equipment
- The enema nozzle, because it is inserted into the colon, is a key component in keeping your enema safe. The enema nozzle should be gently inserted into the rectum, pointing toward the belly button. Be sure that the nozzle is well lubricated with a viscous and nutritious lubricant. Once the tip is inserted, gently release the hose clamp to allow the enema solution to flow into the colon.
- There are many enema bags and enema nozzles available that are latex-free. Some of the latex-free enema equipment is made of silicone and some is made of plastic or vinyl. You can also purchase latex-free gloves.
- Please note that most people are not latex-sensitive and do just fine with latex enema equipment.
- An excellent protocol to use in cleaning your enema equipment is to first wash your equipment with Castile Soap and then to soak your enema equipment in grapefruit seed extract. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is a natural compound synthesized from the seed and pulp of certified organically grown grapefruit. The manufacturing process converts grapefruit bioflavonoid (polyphenolics) into an extremely potent compound that has been proven to be antibacterial and antifungal. It is safe, effective (unlike most antibacterial cleaners), and used by healthcare professionals worldwide.
- Alternatively, wash equipment with Castille soap and soak in a hydrogen peroxide solution, ensuring the entire tube is submerged in the water.
- Open-topped enema bags, enema bags that are clear, and enema cans are the easiest to clean.
- After you have thoroughly washed, soaked, and towel-dried your equipment, hang your enema bag in a well-ventilated location to dry for a day or two. This will allow the enema bag to fully air out to avoid mould growth.
- By following these enema equipment guidelines, you will experience a safe enema.
Unsafe Enema Equipment
Enema Bags and Enema Nozzles: Much of the enema equipment that is used in homes for colon cleansing is made out of latex (rubber). This latex comes from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). Most hospitals have switched from latex enema equipment to plastic, vinyl, and silicone enema equipment because some patients have severe latex sensitivities. Additionally, health care workers can have, or develop with use, a sensitivity to latex.
In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centres for Disease Control sponsored a conference entitled International Latex Conference: Sensitivity to Latex in Medical Devices. The focus of the conference was that “reports of allergic reactions to latex devices such as surgical gloves and catheters have increased in recent years. These reactions occur in latex-sensitive people and appear to result from numerous exposures to latex proteins that are natural elements of the rubber. The reactions range from minor skin irritation to anaphylactic shock that can lead to death.”
There are many references in scientific articles regarding the potential problems of latex use. One area of concern that is not well-researched is the health effects of latex use with people who have multiple chemical sensitivities. Chemically sensitive people tend to do better if they avoid latex enema equipment.
Some chemically sensitive people need to avoid plastic enema equipment also. Silicone enema equipment is most likely preferred for the chemically sensitive person.
Gloves. There are many different brands of gloves available that are made of latex. Additionally, many gloves that can be used to take or give an enema are powdered. This corn-starch powder can cause allergic reactions and is associated with latex sensitivities.
Cleaning Your Enema Bag: Time and again, I work with people who do not take proper care of their enema equipment. If you clean your enema bag with a toxic cleaner, you can get sick by using your enema bag. Most cleansing agents that people tend to use, like bleach, rubbing alcohol, and commercial soaps, are toxic; their residue often stays on the enema equipment and ends up in your body.
Additionally, many cleaners are not anti-fungal. You need to clean your enema equipment with an anti-fungal compound in order to avoid mould inside of your enema bag. Not properly drying your enema equipment can also cause mould to grow inside of it. Mould from your enema equipment can cause you to get sick.
Safe Enema Procedures
Your most important safety measure while taking an enema, as well as your most effective tool for a complete colon cleanse, starts and ends with taking your time. By taking their time while taking an enema, most people can safely take 1 to 3 quarts of water into their colon. The only way to safely experience a complete colon cleanse is to add the water very slowly, one-half to one cup per 30 to 90 seconds. By using this method, one does not need to insert an excessively long colon tube into the colon. Also, one will be able to avoid undo pain and cramping and irritation to the colon, and not develop an unnecessary fear of enemas.
The following excerpt has been taken from the book, Kristina Amelong’s Ten Days to Optimal Health:
“Open the enema tubing clamp. Five to twenty seconds later, completely close the clamp. This is the most important technique in a safe enema that is also a deep cleansing enema, without inserting a long and hazardous tube. The opening and closing of the enema tubing clamp keeps you in control of how much pressure you will build up in your colon. Additionally, the opening and closing of the enema tubing clamp offers you the most opportunity for fully cleaning out your entire colon. Keep the clamp in your hand so that you can, without difficulty, control the flow of water into your body by frequently opening and closing the clamp. Go slowly! The skill needed for a successful and safe enema is to let only a small amount of enema solution enter your colon at a time.
By a small amount of enema solution, I mean one-half to one cup of solution per fill or opening and closing of the enema tubing clamp. If you add the enema solution too quickly, you are more likely to harm yourself. Additionally, if you add the enema solution into your colon too quickly, you will stimulate peristaltic action in the sigmoid and in the rectum, making it nearly impossible to get the enema solution all the way into the transverse and the ascending colon.
If a hint of cramping occurs, immediately stop the flow and relax. Take a big breath and slowly let it out. Before your session, dab a drop of peppermint essential oil on your hand or chest. Use the oil to relax by smelling the oil and taking deep breaths. I would always have a bottle of peppermint essential oil around while taking enemas to relax and to increase the therapeutic value of your enema experience. When there is no more cramping, or when 30 to 60 seconds have passed, resume filling your colon with small amounts of enema solution until you have taken in 2 to 4 quarts, or until you can no longer tolerate the fullness of your colon.”
Unsafe Enema Procedures
Enemas can cleanse the entire colon, rectum to cecum. However, the effort to get the water deep into the colon has led people to try unsafe enema measures. Historically, the procedure of using an enema to cleanse the entire colon to the cecum was attempted by using tubes that were 40-60 inches in length. Inserting long colon tubes into the colon dramatically increases one’s chance of perforating the wall of the colon.
Another unsafe practice is a common mistake for those taking an enema. Most enema users attempt to compel the entire content of their enema bag into the colon in one fill. Trying to fill the colon with their enema solution by opening the enema tubing clamp and not quickly closing the clamp is unsafe. This “one-shot fill” enema practice has caused pain, cramping, irritation to the colon, and a fear of enemas for millions of people.
Enemas which utilize the enema tubing clamp appropriately need not cause pain and cramping or irritation to the colon, and will hopefully relieve an unnecessary fear of enemas. Both of the above methods have the same healthy goal behind them: thoroughly cleansing the colon. However, they can be unsafe and do not work well.
Safe Enema Solutions
Warm Water Enema. Water is very important in the therapeutic enema because it is your main tool for cleansing your colon. A good enema program consists of being able to infuse high-quality water deep into your colon to stimulate peristalsis throughout the entire colon, thus cleansing the entire colon and not just the rectal or sigmoid areas. There are many sources of quality water. Do not use tap water, even if it has been filtered. Instead, clean spring water or distilled water is safer.
The temperature of the water is important. If the water is too cold, you are more likely to cause yourself unnecessary pain. If the water is too hot, you could damage the sensitive tissues of the colon. The water you take into your body should be 96° to 103° F (36° to 38° C).
As far as quantity of water, here is a rough guide:
- Infant: 250 cc (approximately one cup) or less
- Toddler and pre-schooler: 500 cc (two cups) or less
- School-aged child: 500 to 1,000 cc (between a pint and a quart)
- Adult: 1,000 to 3,000 cc (between one and three quarts)
DBM Protocol – Adjunct Therapy – Therapeutic Enema Solutions
1. Soap Suds Enema
Soap suds enemas prove to be more effective at emptying the bowels for some people than water alone. Start your enema program without soap. If you want to experiment with your enema effectiveness, or don’t find that your bowel empties well, add soap to your water. Always use a therapeutic plant-based or food-based soap such as castile soap. Do not use ordinary household soaps. They contain too many toxic chemicals.
This is not a standard practice of DBM, but this therapeutic enema is often used in hospitals to stimulate peristalsis for constipation. it can be quite inflammatory to the gut, so we use it very rarely, if at all. It does however have some beneficial use if the person requiring the enema is not chronically ill.
2. Essential Oil Enema / Implant
Use essential oils as part of your enema solution instead of soap. Peppermint and lavender essential oils work well to stimulate and nourish the colon.
3. Salt Enema
In order to nourish your colon with electrolytes, use 1 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt or Himalayan (Pink) Salt per quart [1000xx] of water.
4. Castor Oil Enema / Implant
Effects: Mostly lubricating, very mild laxative effect when taken rectally. The components in Castor Oil first act to stimulate the walls of both the small and large intestines. It is this purgative action of the colon walls which work to move impacted fecal matter through and relieve symptoms Castor Oil is most well-known for its ability to act as a stimulant laxative to ease constipation.
Castor Oil also has the ability to prevent the absorption of liquids from the intestinal tract. The helps the bowel retain more moisture, allowing for easier passage of fecal matter. What makes Castor Oil different from most other stimulant laxatives is its ability to affect both the entire length of the bowel. Instead of just emptying just the lower bowel or the large intestines; Castor Oil empties both the small and large intestine.
It is important to note that because of this ability after using Castor Oil a person may not have another bowel movement for 2–3 days. See Recipe for castor oil implant at the end of this article
5. Coconut Oil Enema / Implant
If the bowel is not clean most people will find it difficult to retain an Oil Enema for more than a few minutes. The peristaltic action of the colon will push against the fecal masses and produce intense pressure. This will frequently happen with your first Oil Enema. Not much to do but expel the oil and try again. See Recipe for coconut oil implant at the end of this article
6. Flaxseed Oil Enema / Implant
A problem noted about using ground flaxseed versus flaxseed oil as an implant enema is that the ground flaxseed mixed with filtered or distilled water has a tendency to cause minor gas build up in the colon. Therefore, Flaxseed oil is recommended. Flaxseed enemas relieve inflammation in the bowel, it is advantageous in dysentery, haemorrhoids and anal fissures. Flaxseed oil is more directed towards eliminating candida infestations. See Recipe for flaxseed oil implant at the end of this article
7. Olive Oil Enema / Implant
Olive Oil Re-Educates the Colon. There are certain characteristics that make olive oil the premiere choice as a medium for use in procedures that help re-educate the colon posture within the abdominal cavity. They are as follows:
- Olive oil is heavier than water and as such, implant procedures, which utilize gravity to aid in the re-education process (posture normalization), are further aided by the heavier weight of the oil. Additionally, introducing olive oil to full colon capacity will result in a therapeutic distention or expansion of the organ. This distention therapeutically stretches the colon. With repeated implant sessions, this “stretching” process will tend to realign and reconstitute the integrity of the organ within the abdominal cavity towards a normal shape, size, and position. By using gravity along with this stretching action, old kinks, loops, gnarls, or twists of the colon can be corrected.
- Because Olive oil is fairly stable inside the colon, massaging techniques—especially massaging techniques, which also incorporate gravity—is useful to realign and lift the colon back into a normal position, especially the transverse section.
- Administering the olive oil in the knee-chest position is a good example of how gravity can be used to promote the “re-education” process.
- Olive oil lubricates the mucosa lining in the colon. The lubrication process further aids in the “re-education” of the colon. Although many people take olive oil in their diet orally, rectal infusion is excellent because the mucous membrane of the bowels can absorb the oil much faster with higher saturation.
Olive oil works to heal the colon. The above technique is used with as much olive oil as one can hold, 1-3 quarts / 946 cc to 2839 cc. A non-latex enema bag and a retention nozzle. In addition, smaller amounts of olive oil, along with Aloe Vera and MSM, work to heal an inflamed colon when one has IBS or any other related bowel disease. PLEASE do NOT try this without guidance from your DBM Physician.
8. Sodium Bicarbonate Implant
Preferred Alternative Protocol (internal cavity only) use ONLY under guidance of your DBM Physician / Practitioner – for Cancer Patients ONLY.
Side effects
- Irritation and some bleeding might occur.
- Should this happen, take 1-2 days break.
- Make use of an enema with 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 litre water, for two days, instead.
- Confirm with your DBM Physician if this forms part of your program, before attempting use.
Potentially Unsafe Enema Solutions
The enema solution, the liquid used in the enema container, is one of the more controversial issues regarding enema use. For the purposes of using enemas to promote health, we will define a potentially unsafe enema solution as an enema solution that has potential side effects and is not therapeutic to the human body. In other words, the potentially unsafe enema solution is limited in its scope of only encouraging a bowel movement, and does not promote overall healing of the body.
Chemical Enema.
Unfortunately, due to the influence of pharmaceutical companies, chemical laxative enemas and mineral oil enemas are currently the enemas of choice for most people. These unhealthy enema solutions cause health problems due to electrolyte imbalances, vitamin imbalances, and liver strain.
Warm water enemas were used by medical doctors and nurses for many years. Under the Workup Section in the article entitled “Constipation” by Dave Holson, MD, MPH, we see one reason why the medical profession has turned away from the warm water enema to the use of chemical enemas: “Warm water enemas usually are unpopular among the nursing staff and probably are not necessary.” Chemical enemas and oral laxatives are much less time-consuming than warm water enemas and involve much less physical and emotional effort on the part of the health care provider than are warm water enemas.
The goal of the chemical enema solution, sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate, is to draw water out of the colonic tissue. The risk with these enemas is that they can deplete your mineral and electrolyte levels. On the drug guide for this product it states, “Using more than the recommended dose in 24 hours can be harmful. If there is no bowel movement after the maximum dosage, contact your doctor. Also, do not use sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate for longer than 1 week except under the direction of your doctor.”
On the labels of these chemical enemas, it states, “Since FLEET® Enema contains sodium phosphates, there is a risk of elevated serum levels of sodium and phosphate and decreased levels of calcium and potassium, and consequently hypernatremia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcaemia, hypokalaemia, and acidosis may occur.”
Additionally, in 1998 the FDA requested a reduction in the size of the packaging for the sodium phosphate enema and a modification in its labelling. The FDA initiated these changes because of numerous reported side effects and overdosing when people were using the sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate enemas.
Currently the FDA states that the chemical enema must include a warning statement regarding use with patients with a colostomy, congenital mega colon, imperforate anus, impaired renal function, heart disease, congestive heart failure, pre-existing electrolyte disturbances, or in patients using diuretics that may affect electrolyte levels.
Public Water Supplies.
Most people use their drinking water or tap water for their enema solutions. The tap water that we use is treated. This treated water contains elements that are detrimental to the colon. For instance, city water contains chlorine as well as fluoride, not to mention that the cleansing process of city water does not remove the antibiotics, drugs and other toxic elements that people throw down their toilets.
When chlorine enters the colon, it kills health promoting gut flora and damages the lining of the colon. In addition to the ill effects of chlorine, many city water supplies are contaminated due to pollutants, aging municipal water systems, and natural minerals. For instance, Madison, Wisconsin, a city that prides itself on public services, has drinking water problems, according to reports in the Wisconsin State Journal newspaper.
According to the Wisconsin State Journal, “gas stations and other industrial properties often have chemicals that can leak through the soil and eventually contaminate the groundwater.” Madison also has manganese, “a naturally occurring mineral that can cause neurological damage at high levels, at levels as high as 700 parts per billion, well above the recommended federal health standard of 300 parts per billion.”
Additionally, the WSJ searched through five years’ worth of Madison’s drinking water test data, finding dozens of other contaminants in water from the city’s 24 wells. “In one aging well, No. 3, which serves the near East Side and East High School, the levels of cancer-causing carbon tetrachloride exceeded federal health standards in October 2000.”
Soap in The Enema Solution.
Traditionally, soap suds enemas have been used to cause a small amount of irritation to the bowel wall, which promotes an excellent release of stool. This irritation, paired with distention caused by the volume of fluid instilled, causes bowel contractions and stimulation that usually will lead to expelling faeces from the colon. Today, soap often contains antibacterial agents or chemicals that kill the health bacteria (gut flora). Soap-based products often contain the additive sodium laureth sulphate, which research has found to be harsh on the oral mucin layer. Use only pure Castille Soap for enemas, if that is your selected therapy, and ONLY do so if instructed to do so in an emergency for chronic constipation, by your DBM Physician. People that have colon cancer or that have had chemotherapy should NOT use this enema solution.
Safe Enema Implants
Coffee Enemas: It is now held by many health practitioners that any program that encourages healing, regenerating, rebuilding, weight loss, and detoxification is a healthier program when coffee enemas are used. See Coffee Enemas
Oil Enemas: There are oils that can be used to lubricate the stool as well as provide nourishment, and thus healing, to the colon. Olive oil and coconut oil are nutritious and promote bowel movements. They cost more than mineral oil, but they offer healing to the colon and not potential harm.
Vegetable Glycerine Enemas: Vegetable glycerine is derived from coconuts and not to be confused with glycerine suppositories, which are derived from petroleum. Vegetable glycerine used rectally tends to work in 30 to 60 minutes to increase pressure in the colon and stimulate peristalsis, thus creating a bowel movement.
Enemas, using healthy solutions such as quality water, nourishing soaps, essential oils, and coffee, serve as strengthening exercises for the colon. The enemas stimulate the colon to vigorously exercise while evacuating itself multiple times. The result is a great increase in muscle tone, acceleration of peristalsis, and eventually, after several repetitions, a considerable reduction of transit time. Additionally, colon cleansing done in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle program may bring about overall health.
Unsafe Enema Implants
Mineral Oil Enemas: Mineral oil is used in enemas to lubricate the stool, which then often allows the stool to slip out of the colon. Mineral oil is derived from petroleum. Mineral oil enemas are potentially unsafe for enema use because used internally, mineral oil has the ability to be absorbed by the colon. Once in the body, mineral oil goes into the liver, via the colon, as coffee does. Mineral oil depletes and poisons the liver, pulling out oil-soluble vitamins and minerals which are then excreted into the faeces. Mineral oil enemas, done regularly, will lead to nutritional deficiencies.
Mineral oil is popular with drug companies due to its low production cost. It is the leftover liquid of the distillation of gasoline from crude oil, and because it is abundant, it is very inexpensive. In fact, it is more expensive to dispose of mineral oil than to package it for consumer consumption.
Safe Enema Nozzle Lubricants
Always lubricate your enema nozzle well. Being attentive to lubricating your enema nozzle properly is the most reliable way to tend to the anus and the rectum. The anus and the rectum need to be treated with utmost care while you are taking an enema so as not to cause any damage to these sensitive tissues or to aggravate haemorrhoids or anal fissures. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a lubricant that is both viscous and nutritious.
A viscous enema nozzle lubricant: meaning a lubricant with a thick and sticky consistency, allows the enema nozzle to move smoothly into the rectal area, without irritating the anus.
A nutritious enema nozzle lubricant: contains substances that promote a healthy anus and rectum. Enema nozzle lubricants are also food to the colon, providing the colon with needed energy and more ability to repair damaged tissue and grow new tissue.
Coconut oil: is an organic, plant-based lubricant that is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. Use this enema lubricant liberally because organic, unrefined coconut oil is a healing and energizing food for the colon. Unrefined organic coconut oil contains lauric acid and other medium-chain fatty acids. These super fatty acids are quickly metabolized and converted into energy in the body.
Unsafe Enema Nozzle Lubricants
Enema lubricants can cause allergic reactions. Never use a lubricant with fragrance. Never use petroleum jelly or other petroleum-based products as an enema lubricant. Petroleum products take a toll on your liver. Enema nozzles that are not well-lubricated can irritate, and sometime even tear, the anus. Some lubricants like aloe vera gel, olive oil, and vitamin E are nutritious to the colon’s tissues but often not properly viscous (thick and sticky).
Viscosity is the attribute of an enema nozzle lubricant that allows the most safety to your anus and rectum while taking your enema.
Remember: Do NOT use a petroleum-based lubricant for your enema nozzle.
Watch the open source videos on our Liver Cleanse page – please scroll RIGHT to the bottom of the page – there you will find the following videos: How to Take an enema and How to colon Cleanse: The Enema Series
Enema Implant Recipes
1. Castor Oil Enema / Implant
- 2 oz. castor oil [60cc]
- 2 qts. warm filtered water [approx. 2L]
- Temperature 103º Fahrenheit [39.4 – 40°C]
A better way of taking a castor oil enema
- Fill enema bag with warm filtered water.
- Take a 3 or 4oz. [88-120cc] bulb syringe and fill it with warm of Castor oil.
- Inject the bulb syringe with the Castor oil into the rectum.
- Follow with a warm water enema as per standard enema instructions.
2. Coconut oil Enema / Implant
- 8 oz. (236cc) Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (extra virgin = oil that is lowest in acidity and highest in quality)
- 1½ quarts (1.5 L) of warm filtered water
- Temperature 103º Fahrenheit / 39.4 – 40°C
- Coconut oil needs to stay above 75º Fahrenheit / 23.8° C to remain in a liquid state.
Instructions – Coconut oil enema / Implant – as per the Castor Oil Instructions
- Lubricate the nozzle with some of the coconut oil
- Fill bulb syringe with coconut oil [236cc] and inject it into the rectum.
- Follow with a warm water enema as per standard enema instructions.
3. Flaxseed Enema / Implant
- Mix 16 oz. / 473 cc of warm Flaxseed oil
- 1½ quarts / 1.5 L of warm filtered water
- Temperature 103º Fahrenheit / 39.4 – 40°C
Instructions – Flaxseed oil enema / Implant – as per the Castor Oil Instructions:
- Lubricate the nozzle with some of the coconut oil
- Fill bulb syringe with flaxseed oil [473cc] and inject it into the rectum.
- Follow with a warm water enema as per standard enema instructions.
4. Olive Oil Enema / Implant
- 8 oz. / 236 cc Extra Virgin Oil (extra virgin = oil that is lowest in acidity and highest in quality) [236cc]
- 1½ quarts / 1.5 L of warm filtered water
- Temperature 103º Fahrenheit / 39.4 – 40°C
Instructions – Olive oil enema / Implant – as per the Castor Oil Instructions
- Lubricate the nozzle with some of the coconut oil
- Fill bulb syringe with coconut oil [236cc] and inject it into the rectum.
- Follow with a warm water enema as per standard enema instructions.
5. Sodium Bicarbonate Implant
- 1 tablespoon of Bicarbonate of Soda
- 50ml of luke-warm water
- Dissolve and insert into rectum using a bulb syringe
Side effects
- Irritation and some bleeding might occur.
- Should this happen, take 1-2 days break.
- Make use of an enema with 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 litre water, for two days, instead.
- Confirm with your DBM Physician if this forms part of your program, before attempting use.
Adapted from information on