Our main goal for health is to increase cellular energy production
- The body’s cells use electrons to produce energy.
- Electrons can vibrate at a higher energy level when they absorb electromagnetic (EM) energy
Electrons possess wave properties and only exist at specific energy levels (mathematical integers of their wavelengths) – The energy levels are determined by which orbit they are in around an atom’s nucleus.
An atom’s electrons can only absorb or release that precise wavelength (“quanta”) of EM energy that will move it to a higher or lower orbit – electrons therefore absorb energy from UV, visible and near infrared frequencies. i.e. the electromagnetic frequencies of sunlight that make it through the Earth’s atmosphere
High-energy electrons from sunlight transfer their energy to food – where it is stored as electrons in the covalent bonds of food molecules. When eaten, these high-energy “sun electrons” in live food molecules transfer their energy to us:
- Acting as solar resonance fields in the body to attract, store, and conduct the sun’s energy in our body – highly qualified German researcher Dr. Johanna Budwig, with degrees in medicine, physics, pharmacy, and biochemistry, was a pioneer in recognizing the connection between quantum mechanics and human biochemistry and physiological well-being. She concluded that not only do electron-rich live foods act as high-powered electron donors, but electron-rich foods also act as a solar-resonant field in the body to attract, store, and conduct the sun’s energy in our bodies. She theorized that the photons of sunlight (so called pi-electrons or “sun electrons”) are attracted and activated by sun-like electrons resonating in our own biological systems, especially in the double-bonded pi-electron clouds found in the fatty acids in out cell membranes.
- In contrast, eating refined, cooked, highly processed food reduces the amount of solar electrons energizing our:
- Fortifying against unnatural EMFs
- Providing electron energy for cellular ATP energy production – electron energy is converted to ATP across the cytochrome oxidase system of a cell
- Acting as antioxidants – providing electrons to be donated when needed to neutralize free radicals (oxidants).
Article reference: Shirley Emmons BSc. (Hons) – Independent Natural and Alternative Health Researcher