Eat To Live – Side Dishes

A Note from Our Transformational Nutritionist – The Spirit of Cooking

Cooking uses heart just as much as the mind. The love, care, and nourishment that go into your food preparations will bring benefits that far surpass any technical details to which you adhere. I therefore invite you to learn about the healing effects of home-cooked wholefoods and to enjoy the process of creating simple dishes.

“Food is life… Food is sacred… Food nourishes our body, our mind, our senses and our spirit on all levels of being. These carefully selected recipes on this website are offered as a blessing of your life’s journey and is a celebration of food’s ability to heal our bodies and our minds and to nourish our senses”.

I hope these recipes encourage you to put joy into your food making it a loving and sacred part of your life.

Use the 15-day Eat to Live Plan and swap some of the ideas we have given you with these delicious recipes.  They can be eaten on their own, or you can add a soup or salad to go with them.

Vegetable side dishes are commonly used with main courses throughout many countries of the western world. We have carefully selected a few of our favourite side dish recipes for you to prepare as an accompaniment to your entrees or mains.

The best part is – the recipes are CLEAN – free of colourants, preservatives and additives.

For information on how to take advantage of the medicinal value of these delicious ingredients, by incorporating them into your daily diet – follow the link to our “Food As Medicine” page or you can read more on the specific Therapeutic Foods, Supplements and Herbs that DBM use frequently in their health programs, on this link.

“You have to love either what you are going to eat, or the person you are cooking for. Then you have to give yourself up to cooking. Cuisine is an act of love” – The Flavour Bible