“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”~ Mahatma Gandhi |
Why Detox?
The effects of a ‘detox’ go far beyond being just a physical cleanse or a good way to lose excess weight; it is a powerful way to make changes on every level of your being. When you make a change in your physical body you will see that change joyfully expressed in your mental, emotional and spiritual life too.
Your body can accumulate toxins for many years without complaining, but eventually when your organs and vital systems can no longer cope, the body starts to rebel. And it is at this point of personal OVERLOAD that you will experience disease. This is when you cannot ignore the warning signs any longer. What starts out as frequent coughs and colds or regular headaches, if paid no attention, can progress to a louder, more serious complaint – and perhaps now you have developed high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis or diabetes.
There are so many ways our bodies can become over loaded; toxins can accumulate through what we eat and drink, the air we breathe, what we put on our skin; and even by the way we think! Although the human body is designed to eliminate toxins, it can quickly become clogged up, leading to toxins becoming stored in the cells and joints. Ultimately this reduces the body’s ability to function properly and to heal itself.
The process of a well-managed fasting and detoxification programme helps to release and eliminate unwanted toxins in a safe way. Detox supports and allows the body to heal itself, fasting is nature’s medicine; cleansing and repairing at deep cellular level with the result that seemingly unrelated health problems often disappear for good.
The BENEFITS for YOU of a Detox
The media headline-grabbing rewards of detox are nearly always focused on weight loss and anti-aging, but there are so many other health benefits too, often beyond all of your expectations.
Here are just a few of them:
- Greater vitality and more consistent energy
- Improved digestion and absorption of nutrients
- Better elimination and bowel health
- Improvement in fertility (men and woment)
- Relief from chronic health problems e.g. skin conditions (including eczema, psoriasis and acne), IBS (constipation and diarrhoea), migraines and more
- Improved hormonal balance – helping to alleviate PMS, blood sugar imbalances and mood swings
- Weight loss and enhanced metabolic function
- Strengthened immune system
- Greater emotional / mental well-being and happiness
- A sense of spiritual connection
A healthy colon ~ the key to a healthy body
If your colon is not eliminating properly it can lead to something called auto-intoxication. This is when toxins which are not fully eliminated are re-absorbed back into the body, putting a huge stress on your other organs of detoxification e.g. the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. This is why skin problems, for example, usually have their roots in colon health. On top of this, the increased toxic load puts a great strain on your immune system, which increases your susceptibility to illness and disease.
More on colon cleansing – click here
Due to the effects of fasting, a fast can help you heal with greater speed; cleanse your liver, kidneys and colon; purify your blood; help you lose excess weight and water; flush out toxins; clear the eyes and tongue; and cleanse the breath. (James F. Balch, M.D.)
Can anyone detox?
There are some health conditions, that may not allow for a full detox juice fast programme, but all health conditions can certainly to a large extent benefit from detoxing. We just need to ascertain which is the right type of detox for you at your stage of health. Nevertheless, we can work with you nutritionally and get your body ready for a full detox at a later date.
Detox alkalises the body – the body retains fat as protection against the overproduction of acids produced by a typical Western diet. As your body becomes more alkaline so the fat is no longer needed.
Detox improves digestion – a congested bowel and sluggish digestion can both increase the fat load in the body.
Detox improves metabolism – eating processed foods and high levels of saturated fat can affect your metabolic rate. Removing these from your diet helps to increase your metabolic rate and therefore helps you burn fat faster
Adapted from Article: http://www.detox-international.com/why-detox/
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