Detox Salad #2

Boost Iron Absorption & Detox

Citrus Detox Salad

Orange and beets are a wonderful combination both in terms of nutrition and flavour. The bright citrus punch of your orange will marry perfectly with the more earthy flavour of the beet. The vitamin C content of the orange will also help to boost your body’s ability to absorb the iron found in the beets by up to 30%. You can eat this salad knowing you are doing your body (and your taste-buds) a favour.


  • 2 teaspoon cold pressed sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • 1 medium raw beetroot, sliced thin on a mandolin or other veggie slicer
  • 2 oranges, 1 juiced, one peeled and chopped
  • 1 cup rocket (also known as arugula)
  • Pink Himalayan salt to taste


  • Combine the sliced beet, the peeled and chopped orange, arugula and sesame seeds in a bowl.
  • Next, whisk together the orange juice, sesame oil and salt in a separate bowl. 
  • Pour the dressing over your salad, toss and enjoy!

Note:  If you have a hard time digesting raw beets, you can lightly steam them first before mixing in with your salad.

Serves 2


  • Arugula is a flavourful, oak-leaf-shaped green with a peppery taste. Known as rocket in some parts of the world, it adds a powerful health boost to any menu choice.
  • Arugula is a cruciferous vegetable (along with broccoli, kale and cabbage), which contains compounds that have antibacterial and antiviral effects.
  • The fibre in arugula helps promote digestive regularity, keeps your tummy happy and leaves you feeling full longer so you resist other fatty foods. It also helps to lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease. Arugula is also rich in compounds known as glucosinolates, which studies show may reduce the risk of of developing lung, colorectal, breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancer.
  • Eating arugula will help to reduce chronic inflammation
as it contains indole-3-carbinol and isothiocyanates. Both of these bioactive compounds have been shown to suppress the production of inflammatory mediators.
  • Arugula also has high levels of chlorophyll which help to prevent DNA and liver damage from aflatoxins, carcinogenic substances produced by the mould sometimes found in corn, and some tree nuts. To preserve the chlorophyll in arugula – eat it raw. It tastes great in a salad!