So, What Brings You To This Point in Your Life?
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The bottom line:
- In any health imbalance is that the body’s cells do not or cannot produce enough energy.
- If your cells make 10% less energy than normal, you will feel tired and sluggish.
- If energy production falls too far. You will rapidly deteriorate and then die.
Examples of Energy Uses In Your Body
- Cellular energy is used for all bodily functions, for example to pump blood through the heart, to digest food, to produce nerve impulses, to make muscles contract.
- The immune system cells need energy to deal with and remove waste products, toxins, invading microbes (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi) and cancer cells from the body.
- Sufficient cellular energy keeps blood cells from clumping together – when red blood cells clump together, oxygen absorption is decreased due to the reduce surface area and energy production is reduced. Notice the vicious circle!
- “In-House “cellular functions require energy – not only to remove cellular waste, but also for cellular regeneration, to keep the body vital and (bonus) looking younger.
How Cells Produce Energy

The body’s energy comes from outside sources. These energy sources can be natural or man-made:
- Natural Energy sources -include the food we eat, water, sunshine, herbs/essential oils, natural sounds, other people, the air we breathe, and from God Himself – our ultimate source of energy!
- Man-made sources -include electromedicine or other mechanisms providing energy at frequencies mimicking nature. E.g. light or sound therapy, frequency therapies. Note also, that man-made energy sources not “in tune” with nature can reduce cellular energy production.
- A human generates ~100 Watts from a 2000 calorie daily diet, about the same as a bright light bulb.
- Every one of your body’s cells has a “battery” across its outer membrane – this voltage difference across the cell membrane powers movement of ingredients into and out of the cell.
The voltage level of this cell “battery” can be increased or reduced by energy sources or other presences or phenomenon:
- Natural or nature-mimicking man-made energy sources
- Positive emotions
- Past or present emotional trauma
- Non-natural, man-made energy frequencies
- Toxins, microbes
The primary energy currency of the body is stored in the form of an ATP molecule. Your body makes 2/3 of its own weight in ATP every day.
- ATP requires some energy to be made
- ATP releases energy when broken down by enzymes.
ATP is used to provide energy for most of the work done by the cell, and also for the cell’s own maintenance. When you move a muscle, think, breathe, replicate your DNA, and when your heart beats – you use ATP molecules.
Cells produce ATP most efficiently by a complex process called “cellular respiration” utilising OXYGEN and glucose. This enzyme-controlled process takes place mainly in the cell’s MITOCHONDRIA (“energy factories” of a cell), in which OXYGEN strips high-energy ELECTRONS from(“oxidizes”) organic compounds, such as glucose. These ELECTRONS are then passed to successive steps in the Cellular Respiration Cycle to ultimately produce cellular ATP energy. Active cells, such as muscle cells require more energy and therefore contain more mitochondria. When no glucose is available, ATP can be produced from ELECTRONS stored in FATTY ACIDS, and the liver can also convert protein AMINO ACIDS to glucose.
Cells can also produce energy without oxygen – but by much less efficient fermentation pathways.
Why Our Cells Are Not Producing Enough Energy
- Not enough oxygen
- Not enough vitamins and Minerals
- Not eating the right fats
- Not enough natural energy
- Too many ‘invaders”
- Poor “Nutritional Status” inherited from parents (e.g. if either parent has candida, it will be passed to their baby via parental germ cells during conception).
Two Major Kinds of Diseases
There are numerous ailments that can afflict the human body, ranging from carsickness to colds to cancer. The earliest physicians thought that illness and disease were a sign of God’s anger or the work of evil spirits. Hippocrates and Galen advanced the concept of humorism, a theory which held that we get sick from imbalances of the four basic substances within the human body, which they identified as blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. Paracelsus, a Renaissance-era physician, was one of the first to posit that sickness comes from outside sources, rather than from within.
Today, we know that there are two major kinds of diseases:
- infectious
- non-infectious.
Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites (invaders). These pathogens can enter the body through the air we breathe, the food and drink we consume or through openings in the skin, such as cuts. As an example, think of a person who has a cold. That person may cough into his or her hand and then touch a doorknob, thus placing the cold virus on that doorknob. The virus may die on the doorknob, but it’s also possible that the next person to touch the doorknob will pick it up. If that person then touches food with the unwashed hand and consumes the food, the virus is now inside the body.
Not every pathogen that enters the body results in illness — our bodies come equipped with immune systems to fight off foreign agents. However, pathogens have the ability to adapt and evolve much more quickly than the immune system can, which means that pathogens sometimes have the upper hand when it comes to fooling the body’s defences. One way that pathogens evade the immune system is by hiding within the body’s healthy cells. Additionally, some people have weakened immune systems that make it harder for them to resist the effects of an invading pathogen.
Non-infectious diseases aren’t caused by pathogens and can’t be spread person-to-person. These diseases are more likely to be caused by a confluence of factors including the environment, a person’s lifestyle choices and genetics. For example, skin cancer is usually the result of people spending too much time in the sun without protection from the sun’s UV rays, which is considered an environmental factor. A condition like heart disease may be caused by a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet, or it may be caused by a family history of the disease. Though we may not be able to change our genetic code, there are plenty of things that humans can do to prevent non-infectious diseases. Most notably, we can choose to eat healthfully and exercise. We can also reduce our exposure to avoidable risk factors such as cigarette smoke.
Causes and Risk Factors
Risk Groups
- · There are five (5) main risk groups to consider.
- · The event that leads to uncontrolled cell division comes from these five risk groups.

External, Internal, Medicines
Definition of Disease: “A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterised by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.” |
It has become customary of most human beings to believe that disease is a part of our daily life however what we think of as a “disease” is actually an imbalance of one of the body’s core physiological processes. While it may be convenient to lump together symptoms and call them “diseases,” that isn’t the way to address what is making us sick. It’s not the way to think about medical care in the face of a changing pattern of health problems as we live longer lives — but lives that are increasingly limited and burdened by subpar health.
We know an event in one system can affect something else in another system. We even know that an improvement in one system may adversely affect something in another system.
Studies have shown that the state of mind as well as spirit is what also needs to receive attention, when the body is challenged by a state of disease. With that in focus, addressing the cause, utilising nutrition (for mind and body), breathing, visualisation, flora balancing, body cleansing, immune activation and support, clean water in gratitude, prayer, silence, touch, massage, laughter and love all are utilized to correct imbalances. An approach of integrative consciousness that also recognises the need to heal the attitude.
“We ought not necessarily (to) consider illness our enemy; rather, we may see it as an event, a mechanism of the body, that is serving to cleanse, purify, and balance us on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes.”– The Book of Sufi Healing |
External Causes
Everyone has a lifestyle, and while certain aspects such as how much one eats, exercises, smokes and drinks can be managed directly, not everything can be fully controlled. For instance, there can be toxins in the patient’s home or work environment that are not easily removed. A lifestyle, diet, and environment that are optimal for one person might be poison for another. External causes of diseases are of a physical nature and they encroach upon the body from the outside environment. They are also called external pathogenic factors.
Some of these include:
- Antibiotics & vaccines
- Chronic infections (bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral etc.)
- Environmental pollutants
- Lifestyle (alcohol & drug use/abuse, diet, lack of exercise, poor posture, poor sleep, stress etc.)
- Malnutrition – it plays a far greater role in disease than previously understood
- Parasites
- Poisons
- oxic burden (chlorine & fluoride in water, food preservatives, root canal and mercury fillings)
Internal Causes

Internal causes of disease are not only those which arise from pathogens. Causative factors of poor health studies show are also connected to emotions, if they remain unresolved. Anger, joy, worry, grief, fear, anxiety, fright all contribute to the health of the patient.
A slightly expanded list of these gives:
- Unrestrained or inappropriate joy, laughter (what we might call hysterical over-excitement) affects the heart.
- Worrying, over‐thinking and obsession affects mainly the spleen
- Grief, sadness and worry affects the Lungs
- Sadness also affects the heart
- Fear and deep anxiety affects the kidney
- Anger and frustration affects the liver
- Shock affects the heart and the kidneys
- Psycho-spiritual
- Spinal alignment
- Energy alignment
Change The Underlying Cause
- Realise that chemo & radiation do not change the underlying causes of cancer!
- Change the internal environment and use restrained medical intervention.
- Be with people who have faith, hope, a sense of humour and who are encouraging.
- “Crisis” is written in the Eastern languages with signs that mean both: danger and opportunity
- Cancer whilst it is seen as a “danger” to life, it is also an “opportunity” for the patient to change their lifestyle.
- Remind yourself that happiness brings endorphins that supercharge their immune system.
- Good thoughts and good nutrition remain key to healing.
- There is wisdom in all life that knows how to fix disease, just provide the body with the correct physical and metaphysical resources to do its job.
- Remind patients to feed their minds with good thoughts, beauty, laughter, music, play.
- That it is imperative that they feed their hearts with love and forgiveness and that they should remain confident in their abilities and have a sense of purpose.
- Provide the body with good nutrition.

Mainstream medicine has become a colossal “one size fits all” system. The focus has been to diagnose a disease and match it with a corresponding drug. This process does not consider that we are all individuals and different; every person is genetically and biochemically unique. There are no “magic pills.”
What works for one person may not work for the next. We should take into account biological variability and tailor a solution for the individual.
Allopathic / mainstream medicines are, for the most part, not designed to heal, but to manage symptoms. Because this is the case, when a patient with a chronic condition is given a medication, they are often told they’ll have to take the drug indefinitely. This is also why, as time goes on, medication lists normally become longer and dosages become higher.
We should see symptoms as the body’s warning. In terms of health, we should find out why the symptoms are there in the first place. Very few people are sick from a pharmaceutical deficiency.
Pharmaceuticals are formulated to block or inhibit certain overly active metabolic steps associated with the symptoms of a disease. This process of blocking/inhibiting often blocks a specific biological target that’s important for normal functioning in other places within the body.
Taking blood pressure lowering drugs resolves the issue of high blood pressure, but often has side effects on the male’s sexual potency. The patient’s ulcer may be under control, because of the antiulcerant, but it may be causing anaemia. Or if the patient’s arthritis pain may now be manageable due to the powerful anti-inflammatories they are taking, those same anti-‐ inflammatories may be contributing to their risk for kidney disease.
A good question to ask yourself when assessing treatment options is, “What is the most effective option that causes the least amount of side effects?” If an allopathic medicine fits this criterion, then it might be the best option for you to recommend. Sadly, however, it just so happens that medications often do not fit these criteria
Treat The Cause Not The Symptoms

The greatest flaw in modern healthcare is that it aims to treat symptoms rather than the underlying causes of disease. Its inability to cure such diseases is the reason millions of people world-wide are now turning to alternative medicine and changing their lifestyles to ensure good health. Western medicine merely scratches the surface when it comes to understanding and treating disease.
“There is a basic flaw in our thinking about health care in this country. We treat symptoms, not the underlying cause of the disease. Yet, the only way to provide long-lasting relief in any degenerative disease, like cancer, arthritis, and heart disease, is to reverse the basic cause of the disease,”– Patrick Quillin – Author of Beating Cancer with Nutrition. |
The underlying causes are not the symptoms. As Natural Doctors we consider these five primary underlying causes of illness:
- Human Internal Physical Environment – organs, cells hormones, hydration
- Food Environment – diet
- Human External Environment – city, pollution, work, relationships
- Current medication & Treatments – chronic synthetic & chemical consumption
- Human Psychological Environment – mental & emotional stress factors
This is where the DBM 5-Track-Plan comes into play. The 5-Track-Plan consists of 5 individual health plans each of which addresses the causes which have led you to this stage of being “out of balance”.
First, make sure that you have taken a look at our 5-In-5-Out Plan. Twelve steps to switching over to a WFPB diet. If your health challenge is not Cancer, then this is an ideal way to begin the change-over for Lifestyle Imbalances.
Begin the switch from an Animal Product-Based diet to Whole Food-Based eating, by replacing certain toxic foods. See our suggested switches in the chart on this link: Foods To Remove from Your Diet.
In slow easy steps, begin cleaning up your diet using the Whole Food Plant-Based Plate and / or The DBM Food Pyramid.
Download the PDF Booklets on the: Eat to Live page. An easy reference guide to making your way through the puzzle that is now going to be your way of life going forward, if you are intent on taking charge of your own health. In the booklet is a quick reference to ten days of eating. The recipes for this menu are also included as a PDF download called Eat to Live Recipes.
The Whole Food Plant based plate alongside gives a good indication of the “The Four Food Groups”. For a balanced diet follow the recommended daily servings as suggested. Use this as a guide to get you started whilst eating the foods you enjoy, until you are familiar and comfortable with the quantities and volumes you need to sustain a healthy lifestyle. The DBM Food Pyramid alongside gives a good indication of types and volumes foods that we recommend to all DBM Patients/Clients.
The quantities vary slightly in quantities from the Standard Suggested servings as reflected on The Four Food Groups, page for a reason. Depending on your health challenge, either suggested serving will work – but be guided by your DBM Physician/Practitioner. HOWEVER, eat until you are satisfied, chew slowly and well, be totally present when you eat (conscious eating), put aside all electronics and spend time with your loved ones in a relaxed meal. Be sure to eat from a wide variety of foods and you cant go wrong.
DBM have their own approach to a WFPB diet. A lot of WFPB menus and recipes on the internet are filled with soy / soya products and we exclude this very stringently from our program. Other WFPB menus also exclude many oils/fats, but we include specific fats/oils.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, take a look at our 5-Track-Plan – it will guide you through the maze of reaching your goal of good health and assist you in making better lifestyle choices.
Read it on Read/Download.
Please contact your DBM Physician / Practitioner to book an appointment to assess you. The recommended therapies and practices in our DBM 5-Track-Plan are easily done at home, but you will need guidance. Please do not attempt to do this without first having spoken to your healthcare practitioner.