Matricaria Recutita
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is used both internally and externally. It is used to treat pediatric colic and teething and for digestive and skin conditions. To explore the characteristics, medicinal uses and prescribing considerations of this herb in more detail, check out the references indicated.
AKA Chamomilla recutita, M. chamomilla
- Common Names: German chamomile, Single chamomile, Ground apple, Hungarian chamomile, Pinheads, Wild chamomile, Sweet false chamomile
- Family: Compositae/Asteraceae
- Habitat: Matricaria recutita is native to Europe and is now naturalized in North America and elsewhere.
- Parts Used: Flowers (preferably picked a few days before opening)
- Constituents: Volatile oils (active constituent), Apigenin and other flavonoids (active constituents), Sesquiterpene lactones, coumarins, phenolic acids, dicyclic ethers, mucilage
- Medicinal Actions: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory gastrointestinal, mild sedative, nervine, carminative, stomachic, antiemetic, antirheumatic, analgesic, antiseptic, vulnerary, diaphoretic, mild antimicrobial, anticatarrhal, antiulcer, aromatic, bitter, decongestant, emmenagogue, tonic
Medicinal Uses
- Digestive Conditions
- Gastrointestinal discomfort, flatulence, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, peptic ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea.
- Other Conditions
- Insomnia and anxiety (mild).
- Pediatric colic and teething.
- Skin Conditions
- Inflammatory skin conditions, cuts, bruises, hemorrhoids, pruritic irritation (compress or ointment), eye strain (eyewash).
- Canker sores, irritation of the gums and mouth, aphthous ulcers, gingivitis, sore throats (gargle).
- Respiratory Conditions
- Phlegm, hay fever, asthma, bronchitis (steam inhalation).
DBM Protocol – Adjunct Treatment – Matricaria Recutita / Chamomile
Prescribing Considerations
The information provided is intended to augment a treatment plan. Although most herbs are generally safe, it is recommended that you avoid self-prescribing especially when there is an underlying ongoing medical condition, if you are on any prescription medications or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Formulations and Preparation
- Infusion – 2 tsp/cup three to four times daily
- Tincture – 1-4mL (1:5, 40%) three times daily or 7-14mL (1:5, 50%) three times daily
- Oil – 2-3 drops of essential oil in hot water basin for steam inhalation
- Eyewash – 5-10 drops in warm water
- To encourage a baby to sleep – 1-2 cups strained infusion in bath water
The safety and prescribing considerations for Chamomile include:
- Generally regarded as safe.
- Side-effects are possible contact dermatitis, vomiting (in very high doses)
- Cautions and Contraindications: individuals with known allergy to members of the Asteraceae/Compositae family, pregnancy (whole plant, empirical; excessive doses, speculative)
Drug-Herb Interactions.
- Non-heme Iron – Reduced absorption (human study)
- Warfarin – Potentiated (speculative)
- Benzodiazepines and Opiate Withdrawal – Adjuvant to (empirical)