The Brain

The Brain

The Brain

The brain is a magnificent and extraordinary element to the human body. While it makes up such a minute amount of the body, its impact speaks volumes to its importance. And with so much responsibility, it only makes sense that each portion has a complex brain...

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The Mind-Body Connection

The Mind-Body Connection

Beyond The Mind-Body Connection.... People who are holistically minded often refer to the mind-body connection. They are suggesting that they have discovered a conduit between our mental and physical being. Many react in surprise when I challenge this term and suggest...

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The Limbic System and Hippocampus

The Limbic System and Hippocampus

The limbic system sits at the top the brain stem, which is believed to be one of the first parts of the brain to develop, react to stimuli and the most basic in terms of sustaining life. It’s located on both sides of the thalamus and underneath the cerebrum. There’s...

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The Limbic System

The Limbic System

Although it’s only a small part of the brain in terms of volume, the limbic system has some of the most basic, life-sustaining and meaningful roles of all brain structure. The word limbic comes from the latin word limbus, meaning “border.” That’s because the limbic...

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The Brain and The Gut

The Brain and The Gut

Anxiety and depression have been thought to contribute to gastro conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A Johns Hopkins expert explains how what’s going on in your gut could be affecting your brain. Can Food Affect Your Mood? Although there is a lot of...

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The Brain and Its Main Parts

The Brain and Its Main Parts

Here are just a few of the many brain parts and their role in your daily life.Cerebral CortexThe cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of the cerebral hemisphere. This is composed solely of gray matter. With the cortices acting asymmetrical, both hemispheres are able...

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Neuroscience can be described as the scientific study of the nervous system. In the last 30 years, neuroscienstists and other researchers have made key discoveries around the brain and mind and how they work. Thanks to this progress, many fields and markets have been...

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Keeping It Healthy

Keeping It Healthy

In order to maintain homeostasis and feel your best, the goal is to balance activities of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Too much activation of one causes high amounts of anxiety, but too much of the other causes low motivation and symptoms like...

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Essential Oils and The Limbic System

Essential Oils and The Limbic System

The limbic system gathers information from the environment through sensory information. As you’ve experienced firsthand many times, your senses can alter your emotional state rapidly. For example, a pleasurable meal can make you feel comforted, and very loud noises...

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Disorders of The Limbic System

Disorders of The Limbic System

Because subparts of the limbic system ultimately regulate important aspects of our conscious and unconscious patterns — including our emotions, perceptions, relationships, behaviors and motor control — it’s easy to see why damage to this region can cause serious...

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Brain Plasticity

Brain Plasticity

Your brain changes throughout your life. Brain plasticity refers to the capacity of your brain to undergo physiological changes. More specifically, the nervous system is malleable and will be affected by changes in behavior, habits, environment and other neural...

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Brain Health

Brain Health

Taking care of your brain health is very important and can help you a more complete and satisfying life. As researchers and scientists better understand the brain, we better understand the different techniques you can use and put in place to help you maintain a good...

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