Sugar, Aspartame & Sweeteners

Sugar, Aspartame & Sweeteners

Sugar, Aspartame & Sweeteners

Satisfy your sweet tooth without calories? Artificial sweeteners give you all the benefits of sugar without the gut-busting consequences. It's the perfect win-win. Except when it's not. Artificial sweeteners have been shrouded in controversy ever since saccharin, the...

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Sweet Poison

Sweet Poison

YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW! Your Family and friends have a right to know too! A MUST READ, especially if you are planning a family or have young children OR M.S! In October of 2001, my sister started getting very sick. She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard...

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Sugar Binge

Sugar Binge

What Happens to Your Body 60 Minutes After a Sugar Binge Sweet snacks and chocolate are synonymous with rewards today or even as a means of providing a quick “meal”.  But in truth, the impact on the body of consuming too much sugar is much more frightening than...

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Sickly Sweet

Sickly Sweet

So, you think you are something good and "healthier" by cutting out refined white or even brown sugar and you are adding artificial sweeteners to your diet - either for health reasons (overweight, diabetic,etc) or because you want to loose weight.   WELL, THINK...

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Aspartame Experiment

Aspartame Experiment

Warning! Graphic Material Introduction by author Carol Guilford "In any such study of even a few hundred test animals, it takes no more than a dozen or so of them to exhibit a particular lesion to associate with the test agent, i.e., aspartame or its related...

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