Stress and The Body

Stress and The Body

Stress and The Body

Among all the factors contributing to poor health and early death, stress is perhaps the most pernicious. In bygone days, the stress response was a lifesaving biological function, enabling us to run from predators or take down prey. But today, we are turning...

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Why Stress Packs on Pounds

Why Stress Packs on Pounds

Weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight in general is a common problem associated with stress. What's worse, stress-induced weight gain typically involves an increase in belly fat, which is the most dangerous fat for your body to accumulate as it increases your...

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Tend to Your Emotional Health

Tend to Your Emotional Health

Are You Tending to Your Emotional Health? Keeping your stress levels under control has to be an ongoing commitment, like preparing healthy meals and exercising. Unfortunately, many fall into a vicious trap where their strategies for dealing with stress center on...

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Stress: It Should Never Be Ignored!

Stress: It Should Never Be Ignored!

Your stress level is a major player in your overall health, impacting your risk of chronic health conditions like heart disease, depression and obesity. But unlike other more obvious risk factors, like over-indulging in junk food or not exercising, stress is more...

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Stress Devastates Health

Stress Devastates Health

Ignoring Your Stress Can Devastate Your Health We all experience stress sometimes, and this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Some stress, like exercise, is beneficial. Likewise, the stress response can work to your advantage in some cases to give you a burst of energy...

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How Stress Affects Your Body

How Stress Affects Your Body

To give you a quick overview, when you experience acute stress — be it real or imagined, as your body cannot decipher the difference — your body releases stress hormones (such as cortisol) that prepare your body to either fight or flee the stressful event. Your heart...

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Energy Psychology and Stress

Energy Psychology and Stress

Conquer Your Stress with Energy Psychology Besides breathing exercises, there are many other helpful stress management tools. Another favorite is the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). It's an energy psychology tool that can help reprogram your body's reactions...

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Breath Work and Stress

Breath Work and Stress

Breath Work May Reduce Stress and Help You Develop Greater Resilience  There are many breathing techniques out there — virtually all of which can help you get in touch with your body and soothe your mind. One of my personal favorites is the 4-7-8...

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Alleviate the Impact of Stress

Alleviate the Impact of Stress

Developing Resilience May Lessen the Impact of Stress Clearly, stress is an inescapable part of life — but it's important to understand that it is how you deal with it that will determine whether it will translate into health problems later on. As noted in a...

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