


Recent epidemiologic, genetic, and molecular studies suggest that infection and inflammation initiate certain cancers. Mycoplasma, a genus of bacteria that lack a cell wall, are among the few prokaryotes that can grow in close relationship with mammalian cells, often...

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Their Role in RA & Other Autoimmune Disorders

Their Role in RA & Other Autoimmune Disorders

The Inflammation Process Symptoms of pain, swelling, warmth, and redness associated with impact trauma or muscle damage are usually beneficial. Cells of the immune system are attracted to the injured area where they fight any infection, then clear away the debris in...

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Mycoplasmas – Stealth Pathogens

Mycoplasmas – Stealth Pathogens

Mycoplasmas are a specific and unique species of bacteria - the smallest free-living organism known on the planet. The primary differences between mycoplasmas and other bacteria is that bacteria have a solid cell-wall structure and they can grow in the simplest...

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Mycoplasmas & Their Role in Your Health

Mycoplasmas & Their Role in Your Health

The number of known conditions in which mycoplasmas play a role is growing, thanks to advances in detection. Mycoplasmas are now said to be contributors, or at least cofactors, in a number of conditions, including CFS/CFIDS, fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), lupus,...

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Mycoplasma Infections

Mycoplasma Infections

If you're told you have a mycoplasma infection, you'll need to dig a little deeper and find out what type you've got. There are five major kinds, and each one can affect you in a different way. All mycoplasma infections have one thing in common, though. They're caused...

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How They Interact in The Body

How They Interact in The Body

To understand how mycoplasmas can cause widespread disease, we must first look at the species' unique properties and interactions with host cells. Unlike viruses and bacteria, mycoplasmas are the smallest free-living and self-duplicating microorganisms, as they don't...

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