Genetically Modified Foods (GM)

What are GMOs?

What are GMOs?

How GMOs Are Created Artificially inserting genes into the DNA of an organism, usually food crops or animals. Genetic Modification (GM) can be engineered using recombinant DNA technology, which combines DNA molecules from bacteria, viruses, insects, plants, animals,...

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Monsanto’s “Inside” Man at the FDA The White house ordered the FDA to promote biotechnology, and former Monsanto attorney, Michael Taylor, headed up the FDA’s GMO policy, declaring that no safety studies on GMOs are required, since Monsanto and other producers...

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How To Avoid GM Foods?

How To Avoid GM Foods?

As a consumer, you have more power than you might think -  When as little as 5% of the U.S. population refuses to buy GM food products, it won’t be long before food manufacturers will start to respond by switching their ingredients. They can’t afford not...

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GMO Uses Under Experimentation

GMO Uses Under Experimentation

Increased Yield (Under experimentation) Increased yield GM plants are promoted by Monsanto as part of the global solution to impending food shortage crisis, although there are currently no GM crops available to increase yields. GM modiefied plants supposed to increase...

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Concerned Scientists

Concerned Scientists

Arpad Pusztai  Biologist Arpad Pusztai had more than 300 articles and 12 books to his credit and was the world’s top expert in his field. But when he accidentally discovered that genetically modified (GM) foods are dangerous, he became the biotech industry’s...

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6 Franckenfoods To Avoid

6 Franckenfoods To Avoid

Genetically-modified foods (commonly known as GMOs) are increasingly linked to immune disorders and many other health problems so it’s no surprise that more and more people are trying to avoid them.  The “Big Six” foods are almost always genetically modified and...

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