General Therapies

General Therapies

General Therapies

Highlight On The Causes of Disease: “It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”― Hippocrates External, Internal, Medicines Definition of Disease:“A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism...

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Vitamin D Optimisation

Vitamin D Optimisation

The Sunshine Vitamin Sun Exposure Is the Best Way to Optimize Your Vitamin D Levels Most vitamin D researchers agree that sensible sun exposure is the ideal way to get your vitamin D. Supplements do not confer the identical effects as the vitamin D your skin...

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Neurological Reprogramming Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts it is therefore vital you make those thoughts good ones. “Our genes are as changeable as our brains. The latest research in genetics shows that different genes are activated at...

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Vaginal Kefir Douche & Tampon

Vaginal Kefir Douche & Tampon

Do You Need a Douche? ‘Douching’ means to wash, soak or spray. A couple of decades ago, douching was all the rage. Cleverly marketed by douching companies, women in America suddenly thought douching was a compulsory part of womanhood. It angers me to no end that women...

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Vaginal Inserts – Coconut Oil Tampon

Vaginal Inserts – Coconut Oil Tampon

DBM Protocol - Adjunct Therapy - Vaginal Thrush - Coconut Oil Tampon Coconut oil is a powerful, time-tested and pleasant anti-fungal remedy for a yeast infection Instructions for Using Organic Coconut Oil Tampon Soak an organic cotton tampon in organic,...

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Vaginal Health & Flora

Vaginal Health & Flora

Probiotics for Vaginal Health Let’s talk about the thing no one wants to talk about: vaginas, odours, and abnormal discharge. As unappealing as this topic is to most, it is an important conversation to have because every vagina owner out there needs the...

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Vaginal Douching With Hydrogen Peroxide

Vaginal Douching With Hydrogen Peroxide

Cures & Treaments For Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast Infections or Vaginal Itching Bacterial Vaginosis & Yeast Infections affect millions of women each year. In many cases a quick trip to the store or to the doctors office for medication is enough to cure...

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With the new ultra-sensitive, high resolution digital infrared cameras available today a technology that has been developing over the past 20 years is creating renewed interest.  Canadian researchers recently found that infrared imaging of breast cancers could...

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Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Different types of massage There are many different types of massage. Aromatherapy massage is often offered in beauty salons. The strokes in an aromatherapy massage are long sweeping strokes. The rest of the treatment benefits of course come from the essential oils...

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Therapeutic Intermittent Fasting

Therapeutic Intermittent Fasting

What is Intermittent Fasting (IF)? Intermittent fasting (IF) is a term for an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating It does not say anything about WHICH foods you should eat, but rather WHEN you should eat them In this respect, it is...

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What are suppositories? Suppositories are commonly made from a combination of cocoa butter and another semifluid oil such as coconut or vegetable oil such as sesame oil.  Suppositories are typically indicated for vaginal infections and inflammation, cervical...

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Sleep is a natural state of rest for the mind and body. A third of life is spent sleeping, yet it is often taken for granted or abused. Sleep is essential to physical, cognitive and emotional well-being. As sleep is perceived as lacking importance in our society,...

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Knowing Your Sauna: Near Infrared vs. Far Infrared Heat What Exactly Does Near Infrared Mean? Near infrared light is contained within the spectrum of natural sunlight. The sun emits nearly half of its total energy in the near infrared (NIR) spectrum. We are...

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Poultices & Compresses

Poultices & Compresses

Poultices and compresses have been used for thousands of years as a natural healing method. Both are used for relief for burns, abscesses, skin infections, boils, and infections.  They can be used for both external and internal ailments. They are not used as much...

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Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

Every Cell In Your Body “Hears” “NeuroPositivity is what results when you increase the growth and stimulation of neuropathways in the brain that control positivity. We can liken it to a positive state of mind, but it really goes even further. It is a positive...

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Oedema, also known as Edema, dropsy and hydropsy, is an accumulation of fluid in the body’s tissues, which leads to swelling. Although edema can occur in any part of your body, it usually affects the hands, ankles, legs and feet. About 4.4 million people in the U.S....

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Nutrition Therapy

Nutrition Therapy

We believe that nutrition involves more than simply eating a healthy diet.  It is about nourishment on every level.   It involves relationships with family, friends, the greater society and the world Choices about nourishment are very much linked...

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Mind-Based Wellness

Mind-Based Wellness

Your Life is a Reflection of Your Beliefs Our beliefs, usually subconscious, are the cumulative effect of life-long “programming.” As a result of past conditioning, we sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways. Conscious thoughts can be changed easily by...

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Meridian Tapping MTT

Meridian Tapping MTT

aka Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) As bizarre as MTT seems, MTT / EFT really does work and it won’t cost the patient a cent, except a few minutes of their time.  MTT / EFT works exceptionally well for insomniacs. What is MTT or EFT MTT/EFT is a powerful...

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Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner peace. If stress has you anxious, tense and worried, consider trying meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace. Your quality of life is determined by...

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Manual Lymph Drainage

Manual Lymph Drainage

MLD Lymph vessels are also found under our skin throughout the body. These vessels support circulation, drainage of waste and immunity. When the lymph flow slows, the skin will appear dull and toxins will build up. Since the lymph moves against gravity, it is common...

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Laughter - The Best Medicine The health benefits of laughter include the reduction of stress hormones and blood pressure, as well as increased blood flow and oxygenation to the cells and organs. Laughing provides a natural workout for a number of muscle groups, can...

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Inclined Bed Therapy

Inclined Bed Therapy

Inclined bed therapy is where one's bed is raised 4 to 8 inches at the head by using bricks, wedges, or blocks to raise it. This can be useful in varied disorders including spinal cord injury, back pain, acid reflux or GERD, sinus and respiratory disorders, sleep...

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Immune Boosting

Immune Boosting

The immune system is composed of many interdependent cell types that collectively protect the body from bacterial, parasitic, fungal, viral infections and from the growth of tumour cells.  Many of these cell types have specialised functions.  The cells of...

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Hygiene Hypothesis

Hygiene Hypothesis

Are We Too Clean? We have come a long way in our battle against bacteria, viruses, and parasites etc.   We don't die of infections nearly as frequently anymore due to the effectiveness of antibiotics and other drugs, as well as better cleanliness in all aspects...

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Hydrotherapy has been used as a form of healing since the early 1800s. The main contributors to hydrotherapy include: Vincent Priessnitz (1799-1851) is considered the founder of the hydrotherapy-nature cure movement. Priessnitz relied on nothing except cold water,...

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Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide

Your skin is our largest organ, acting as both a barrier and a waste removal system.  It's porous and permeable, which allows it to aid in our bodies’ elimination processes, but also allows absorption of much of what we put on it and in the same way it digests...

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Hydration and Dehydration

Hydration and Dehydration

Clean spring or borehole water, teas, soups / broths, home-made electrolyte water, juices, smoothies Dehydration is defined as the excessive loss of body fluid. Symptoms generally become noticeable with mild dehydration which is the loss of 1- 2% of one's normal water...

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Hemispheric Synchronisation

Hemispheric Synchronisation

Hemisphere synchronisation includes processes to increase the “cross talk” between the two brain hemispheres. It also directly facilitates communication between the conscious and subconscious portions of the brain resulting in the Whole-Brain State. This dramatically...

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Gut Repair Program

Gut Repair Program

DBM Protocol - Adjunct Therapy - Gut Repair Program Whilst on this Gut Repair Program, it is essential to remain on a “liquid” diet, so as to give the gut time to heal and rebalance.  This Four Day Program can be reapplied to your Lifestyle as an on-going...

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Another Form of Colon Cleansing This section is a general discussion on the protocols for enemas.  These same instructions are applicable when one performs a Liver Cleansing Coffee Enema. There are a variety of enemas that one can recommend to patients for a wide...

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Healing From The Ground Up Earthing is the practice of connecting with bare feet to the electrical energy emanating from the surface of the earth by standing, walking or lying on the ground; or through the use of conductive floor pads and bed sheet that are linked by...

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Dry Brushing

Dry Brushing

Detoxification is performed by a number of organs, glands, and transportation systems, including the skin, gut, kidneys, liver, lungs, lymphatic system, and mucous membranes. The dry brushing technique deals with detoxification of the skin. Dry...

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What is DMSO? Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) was first synthesized in 1866, has been available as a by-product of the paper pulp industry for many years, and is now used chiefly as an industrial solvent. In 1964 Dr. Stanley W. Jacob, et al. first described the remarkable...

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Detox Bath

Detox Bath

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath, Detox Baths and Foot Baths What’s in Magnesium Sulphate / Epsom salt and how it works Most people know about the importance of calcium and vitamin D, but many people are also magnesium deficient. Research says it stems largely from the...

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DBM 5-Track-Plan

DBM 5-Track-Plan

So, What Brings You To This Point in Your Life? Get your free copy of the 5 Track Plan here to have it sent to you TODAY The bottom line: In any health imbalance is that the body’s cells do not or cannot produce...

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Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil Packs

No drug exists that has the ability to improve lymphatic flow; however, the process can be more easily handled through the topical application of Castor oil. The procedure is very simple – apply the castor oil directly onto the different parts of the skin where there...

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Castor Oil

Castor Oil

Castor Oil is extracted from castor seeds (Ricinus Communis). It is a very pale yellow liquid that has a thick, sticky feel. Castor oil is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant oil which has been used for centuries for its therapeutic and medicinal benefits. It is...

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Candida Home Test

Candida Home Test

Whilst not considered totally accurate, patients can do this home-test, which provides the DBM Physician/Practitioner valuable insight into their condition. DBM Protocol – Candida Home Test Candida begins in the intestinal tract, where it sets up its ongoing...

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“We live longer if we breathe better” - Leon Chaitow Breath is life. It the first and last thing we do that defines us as living human beings. Breathing is linked to all bodily functions and processes. It is defined as the process of taking in oxygen from the...

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Breast Self Examination (BSE)

Breast Self Examination (BSE)

Remember, BSE Is Not a Substitute For Routine Thermograms Or Regular Checks By A Gynaecologist or Healthcare Practitioner Women should have breast examinations during their routine check-ups. You may find it convenient to schedule this exam during your routine...

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Biological Reset

Biological Reset

Resetting the body’s natural rhythm is central to good health. The biological clock is located in the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), a tiny region within the hypothalamus – a section of the brain that controls hormone production. The SCN maintains a 24-hour...

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