


DBM COMMENTThese pages are intended to educate the reader on the current views regarding fluoridation of water, world-wide.We are not here to debate legislation.  We know where we stand on this - read on and decide for yourself... What is fluoride? Fluoride (F-)...

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Two Sides of The Same Coin

Two Sides of The Same Coin

Two Sides of The Same Coin - Fluoride In Your Water – Both Sides of The Story Fluoride is safe view point The American Dental Association www.ada.org, the American Medical Association www.ama-assn.org, the National Institute of Dental Research www.nidcr.nih.gov, the...

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More on Fluoride – Mega Health Fraud / Cover Up?

More on Fluoride – Mega Health Fraud / Cover Up?

Since 1945, fluoride has been added to tap water, supposedly to prevent dental cavities and promote strong, healthy teeth - Currently ~ 70% of U.S. water supplies contain fluoride for >170 million Americans to drink. A late 2010 study has found that the...

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Fluoride Dangers

Fluoride Dangers

"Over the past ten years a large body of peer-reviewed science has raised concerns that fluoride may present unreasonable health risks, particularly among children, at levels routinely added to tap water in American cities," Environmental Working Group, July...

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Detox Fluoride

Detox Fluoride

Detox Fluoride – A Known Neurotoxin – From Your Body Sodium fluoride is classified as a neurotoxin – in the same category as arsenic, lead, and mercury, but it’s still prevalent in the United States’ water supply. Here are six ways to detox the substance from your...

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