Most of us are quite familiar with some of the electrical activities in the body - since we are familiar with hospital use of the electrocardiogram (ECG) to measure heart activity, and an electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure brain activity. Also, we recognize that...

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The Two Components of Electromagnetic Radiation

The Two Components of Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation has two components. There is a weak electrical field and a strong magnetic field. The electrical field, for example from your computer, goes out maybe one or two inches. This shows up as static, or positive ions, and...

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Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation

Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation

In the last six years, our research group has made a lot of breakthroughs in understanding how electromagnetic fields affect living systems, not just humans, but plants, animals, and all living systems. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) come from everything that...

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EMFs Within The Body

EMFs Within The Body

Some Electrical Activities in the body Some of the Body's Well-Known Electrical Activities - include: The electrical activity of the heart - measured / interpreted with an electrocardiograph (ECG). Electrical activity of the brain - measured /interpreted with an...

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EMF’s – Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

EMF’s – Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

How EMFs Affect our Body The Cell Membrane Responds to chemicals and Electromagnetic Environment The cell membrane senses both chemical (e.g. chemicals, neurotransmitters, ions) and energetic (e.g. electromagnetic) signals from its environment via the ECM...

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