
Why Chemotherapy Does Not Work

Why Chemotherapy Does Not Work

Every time we put a drug in our body, two things happen: what the drug initially does to the body How the body adapts to the drug Any example will do. Antibiotics? First, the drug kills all bacteria in the body. Then the body responds by growing them back, often with...

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Scared and Bullied Into Treatment

Scared and Bullied Into Treatment

Cancer is a patented multi-billion dollar business. Chemotherapy is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated upon the public, and we are all paying for it. The pharmaceutical companies are the big winners. People are being led to slaughter like sheep. It is...

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Chemotherapy Studies – Hastened Deaths

Chemotherapy Studies – Hastened Deaths

Chemotherapy is one of three main treatment protocols of conventional medicine one which millions of people worldwide have been put through. In fact, virtually all of us know someone who suffered and finally passed on after a futile course of chemotherapy prescribed...

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Chemotherapy Statistics

Chemotherapy Statistics

Posted by cancerfighter on October 1, 2008 How Effective is Chemotherapy? The following table was published in the journal Clinical Oncology in December 2004. The results of this study were astonishing, showing that chemotherapy has an...

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Chemotherapy – Quotes & Facts

Chemotherapy – Quotes & Facts

See also:"On Conventional Cancer Treatment on Drugs" and "History of Alternative Cancer Treatment" "Chemotherapy is basically ineffective in the vast majority of cases in which it is given". Ralph Moss, PhD, former Director of Information for Sloan...

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An Unproven Procedure

An Unproven Procedure

"How can that be true of the main cancer treatment in the U.S."? Fact is no solid scientific studies or clinical trials prove chemotherapy's effectiveness, except in a small percentage of very rare types of cancer. For solid tumours of adults, the vast...

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A World Without Cancer

A World Without Cancer

Chemotherapy is effective in only 2 to 4% of cancers ---- Hodgkin's disease, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL, childhood leukemia), Testicular cancer, and Choriocarcinoma? (Ralph Moss interview 1995) There is no scientific evidence for chemotherapy being able to...

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