Articles and News

A Duty of Care

A Duty of Care

Definition: A Duty of Care: In tort law, a duty of care is a legal obligation which is imposed on an individual requiring adherence to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. It is the first element that...

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The Faithful Hindu

The Faithful Hindu

The fly makes its umpteenth turn around my head, excelling and ducking as I slap at it. I miss. And so everyone has their place and mission in this warm harrowed and troubled land full of harshness. The humidity is high, and I cannot blame the flies for endlessly...

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Little Paula’s Story

Little Paula’s Story

With permission of the father of a very brave young girl we met in Mexico, we would like to tell her story. She touched the lives of every person who met her with her strong, quiet maturity and smiling warmth, well beyond her years and frail frame. This is Paula’s...

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Dear Dr Sakeena, I thought I would take the time out to write you an email, to express my feelings. Over this weekend, I visited Sister Lydia, to purchase some more Drops for my family and I. I have been using the drops since I first met you, in 2012 August or...

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The Forgotten People

The Forgotten People

This is our final post on our journey to KZN to film the mini doccie.  If I can impress upon ONE person the extent of the suffering and hardship experienced in the rural areas then I feel I will have succeeded in bringing this matter to light. Our day began at...

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Should We Avoid Frozen fruits & Vegetables?

Should We Avoid Frozen fruits & Vegetables?

Should we avoid eating frozen fruits and vegetables? Has frozen fruit and veg lost it's nutrition? Do nutrients get destroyed when we freeze food? Should we only eat fresh fruit and veg? Is there any produce we can freeze? Is there any produce we should never freeze?...

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How Your Body Works

How Your Body Works

In order to understand how to heal the body you need to understand how the body works. Dr. Bergman briefly explains the anatomy and function of the major organ systems so you can begin to understand how to approach natural holistic healing. ...

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Ths Scars Of Fire

Ths Scars Of Fire

In most of the huts across South Africa - they make a fire in the middle of the room for heating and cooking purposes. Often, however, the smoke and carbon dioxide overwhelms the person making the fire and they pass out. This is what happened to this gentleman when he...

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The Albino

The Albino

THE DOCTORS FOR HEALTH TEAM works regularly with albinos who have no access to healthcare due to the distance they live from the nearest clinic. Albinos are usually shunned or mocked in rural communities and as a result the majority of the albinos are reclusive. We...

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Take Nothing For Granted

Take Nothing For Granted

In a normal day how many of us take the smallest things for granted? Thirsty... Turn on a tap and drink!  Hungry.... Help yourself to whatever food you might have!   Need to get somewhere... Walk, take a taxi, a bus, a train and if you are blessed...

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Roadside Clinics

Roadside Clinics

We were flagged down by this woman's family. She was pushed from her residence... a few km away... down a steep incline all the way to the stream in a wheel barrow... where the land is cut off from the dirt road.... There they sat waiting in the baking sun for a few...

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Companions On The Road

Companions On The Road

Days, weeks and months go past for some of the DBM Team where their only companion is the one that man has had since the beginning of time. When the journey becomes too hard and long, the human companion carries them.... When the human is too tired to be on his guard,...

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Bush Dentistry

Bush Dentistry

In the far out-lying rural areas there are hardly, if ever any dentists... THE DBMTEAM is called upon regularly to do teeth extractions. Serious extractions are usually sent to the nearest hospital but it is not common to see one of our Doctors pulling teeth whilst...

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All the Living Creatures

All the Living Creatures

Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind. - Albert Schweitzer In the rural areas the DOCTORS BEYOND MEDICINE TEAM, cares for all living beings......

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Inflammation may play a role in a number of diseases, including asthma, premature aging, mental health issues, periodontal disease, obesity, skin aging, diabetes, multiple...

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What makes IMMUNOClean™ Unique

What makes IMMUNOClean™ Unique

The uniqueness of the IMMUNOCLEAN™ formula lies in the 16 compounds extracted from 12 herbs and plants with specific functions in the immunological response and process of the body.  The compounds are absorbed into the body and the cells, to form part of a...

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IMMUNOClean™ Herbs Cnicus Benedictus

IMMUNOClean™ Herbs Cnicus Benedictus

The sole species in the genus Cnicus, is a thistle-like plant in the family Asteraceae, native to the Mediterranean region, from Portugal north to southern France and east to Iran. It is also sometimes called Cursed Thistle. It is an annual plant growing to 60 cm...

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