Type Onecome the closest of all the types to being purely sympathetic dominant people.
One of the chief characteristics of Type One metabolizers is that they can burn carbohydrate s slowly.
Their bodies utilize the carbohydrates poorly and they are able to maintain their blood sugar level with very little fluctuation.
If anything, their blood sugar level stays a little elevated.
With this condition, they can eat mostly fruits and vegetables, maintaining their health and feeling well.
These people are what are commonly called vegetarians.
They very seldom if ever crave meats (except fish) and when they eat meat, they usually feel groggy and have a loss of energy.
These people do not do well on lamb, venison, beef, sardines or salmon.
They can do quite well on up to 100% of their diet raw.
They should stress the following foods: whole grains including spaghetti, macaroni, breads, cereals; raw (unpasteurized) goats’ milk, eggs; white fish.
They may use spices, 2-3 cups of coffee (non-instant), herbal tea, or an occasional alcoholic beverage or sweet dessert (made with unrefined sugar or raw, unheated honey).
They enjoy and do well on nuts and seeds; rice; fruits and vegetables like apples, apricots, bananas, berries, grapes, oranges, pears, plums, grapefruit, asparagus, lima beans, beet tops, cucumbers, sprouts, lettuce, collards, dandelion greens, kale, mustard, turnip greens, spinach, and any leafy green vegetable.
Vegetarian Type Four metabolizers are people who have strong sympathetic nervous systems but not nearly as strong as the Type One’s.
Type Four’s are a little more balanced or non-strict vegetarians.
These people usually have a genetic background of their ancestors coming from around the Mediterranean Sea ۠Spanish, Italian, Greek, Israeli, Arabic, etc.
Type Four’s burn or metabolize their carbohydrates and sugars a little faster than the Type One’s.
The Type Four’s that tend toward having diabetes can normally control it with diet alone.
To maintain optimum health, Type Four’s do well on fish, chicken, turkey, other fowl, game/venison (two times a week), almost all vegetables, a little fruit, sprouts, some citrus, eggs, and raw, (unpasteurized) goats’ milk.
Most “vegetarians” fall into this class.
Type Six’s generally need about 60% of their food raw.
Type fours normally do not need as much nutritional support in the form of nutritional supplements as the Types One and Six.
Type Six metabolizers are people who are basically sympathetic dominant.
They fall into the vegetarian class of metabolizers.
Type Six’s are very poor metabolizers ۠that is, they take in their food and nothing much happens.
Their bodies do not utilize their food and they get very little energy from it and are generally sickly.
Their assimilation or utilization of food is about 20% of normal. They almost always feel bad or not up to par.
Type Six’s need about 60% of their food cooked.
They need a great deal of supplemental nutritional support.
They require more hydrochloric acid, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. than either Types Four or One.
Type Six metabolizers should give care to the intake of whole and complete natural foods.
All refined, processed, synthetic foods and additives must be avoided at all times.
Type Six people do best when they stress the following foods in their diets: adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables including lettuce, green vegetables, onions, radishes, potatoes; whole grains including spaghetti, macaroni, breads; gelatin and other desserts made with raw sugar or unheated honey; natural jams, jellies, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, and seafood and fowl, which should be preferred over other meats.
Supplements required Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Natural Vitamin C, Biotin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, PABA, Niacin, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Chromium, Apple Cider Vinegar, Pancreatic Enzymes, Amino Acids Each type needs different amounts and in different ratios extra amounts of Apple Cider Vinegar and Pancreatic Enzymes. | Summary of Metabolic Types Vegetarian Types Type 1 Needs no animal products at all. Can live entirely on fruits, vegetables and nuts. Type 4 Needs some animal products such as fish, chicken, eggs and unpasteurized goat cheese several times a week. Type 6 Combination of Types 1 and 4, but has horrible metabolism. Needs more food to make up for lack of absorption. Carnivore Types Type 2 Needs meat up to 14 ounces a day, preferably beef. Has little or no energy unless they eat meat. Type 5 Needs meat to feel good, but less often, perhaps 2-3 times a week. Type 7 A cross between Types 2 and 5 but with a horrible metabolism. Balanced Types Type 3 Has horrible metabolism. Only absorbs 15% of what he or she eats. Feels so bad that they often wish they were dead. Type 8 Normal balanced metabolism. Can eat and benefit from all foods, provided they are wholesome. Type 9 Needs 70% cooked food in diet. Hates raw food. Type 10 Super-efficient metabolizer. Needs very little food and sleep, yet feels terrific. |